Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 428 Mutually Repulsive Energy

Different from the semi-entropic Deorie, when Andrea talked with the orc ancestor soul, Keurei quietly floated in the bridge room of the spaceship, and seemed to have no interest in everything that happened around him.

The white ghost orcs continued, and as Andrea and Shandris approached Keure, their action patterns were more violent than before.

Shandris was busy shooting the steady stream of white ghost orcs, and the soul who was talking to Andrea shook his head with pity.

"These poor people are hopeless. Their minds have been corrupted by void energy. Give them a good time."

Andrea nodded and stopped talking, and aimed the staff in his hand at the swarming white ghost orcs to attack.

These white ghost orcs are creatures of the void attribute. Although the same attack as them is not completely ineffective, the efficiency will be relatively low.

After the recent uninterrupted hard work, Andrea has become very proficient at switching between holy light and shadow with one click.

A large number of long needle-shaped holy light energy bodies emerged in the air, and a rain of golden needles nailed a large number of white ghost orcs to the ground. The repelling power of holy light caused great damage to their bodies that had been severely corroded by the void.

After all, the number of orc exiles is limited. As Andrea and Shandris used the power of light to clear the field together, after a few rounds of attacks, the momentum of the white ghost orc swarming finally began to slow down.

The source of the birth of the white ghost orcs is undoubtedly Keure, who maintains a half-purple and half-gold state.

Seeing that Shandris alone could block the greatly reduced number of white ghost orcs, Andrea used the speed of light to jump in front of Keulei a few times in the bridge room full of rocks.

The core crystal in the chest of the decayed naaru was also affected, and two different energies were mixed in it. Keuree's unconscious ravings contained both the ethereal chant of the normal naaru and the weeping and crazy whispers of the fallen naaru.

Just like last time, Andrea pressed his left hand emitting holy light on Keure's core, but Andrea immediately noticed something strange when he put his hand on it.

A huge repulsive force erupted from the core crystal, and even though Andrea had made psychological preparations in advance, she was still shaken away by this force for several steps.

Stimulated by the outside world, Keuley's holy light and shadow energies began to repel each other non-stop, and Naaru's body became extremely unstable as a result.

The shrill roar came into the minds of Andrea and Shandris, causing their movements to pause for a moment.

The ancestor souls of the surrounding orcs were obviously also affected, and they curled up in mid-air with their heads in pain.

The holy light injected by Andrea destroyed the delicate balance of the two energies in Keure's body. The holy light and the shadow annihilated each other like an annihilation power furnace, and a huge impact erupted in a short period of time.

The white ghost orc, who was corroded by the void, was blown away by this powerful force, and Shandris could only lower his center of gravity and try to stabilize his body as much as possible.

During the War of the Ancients, Andrea and Tyrande joined forces to complete a joint attack with the help of Elune. At that time, the holy light and shadow energy were fused into a gray unknown energy through the transformation of Elune's tears.

But what is happening to Keurei at this time is completely different. The two distinct energies show no sign of fusion. The holy light and shadow in Keurei's core crystal are clashing fiercely, and the shock waves are endless. of outward spread.

Andrea, who was wearing the Power Word Shield, struggled against the pressure, and under the huge repulsive force, it took several times longer than usual to approach each seemingly ordinary step.

It was hard to touch the core of Keurei again, but the chaotic energy conflict inside prevented Andrea from injecting the energy of the holy light into it.

"Damn it! How on earth are you going to stop... hmm?"

Just as Andrea was anxiously thinking of a solution, the tip of the Garnier Staff that he used as an anchor to fix his body on the ground, Elune's Tears suddenly began to spin spontaneously.

"Take a dead horse as a living horse doctor..."

It was difficult to point this gemstone at the core of Keurei, but it did not expect to achieve immediate results.

The mutually repelling power of holy light and shadow gradually subsided, and Andrea saw that there was something going on, and hurriedly injected his own holy light into the core through the staff.

As a large amount of pure holy light energy was sent into the core, the light energy in Keurei's body began to gain the upper hand, and the suddenly inert shadow was discharged from the body little by little.


When Keure's core was completely filled with holy light, the naaru's body immediately returned to its radiant appearance, and the beautiful ethereal singing finally replaced the desperate howling and screaming.

In the void, there was a vaguely unwilling voice floating from afar, "Damn... Damn, it's just one... step away"

Andrea took a few steps back with lingering fear, and looked up at Keule, who was undergoing a mental restructuring.

‘Has the force of the void infiltrated Keurei’s body? They plan to use the fallen body of the naaru to come to Draenor? No wonder Keuree's situation is so weird...'

As Andrea worried before, Draenor does not have the same defense system as Azeroth with the titans.

Draenor is almost completely undefended to the outside world. The power of the void and the Burning Legion can descend on this planet without hindrance, and it is easier if someone guides them.

"Who saved me?"

A magnetic voice indistinguishable between male and female flooded into the minds of Andrea and Shandris. At this time, the two were watching the spirits of the orc ancestors around them disappear one by one with expressions of relief.

Andrea didn't know if the naaru were really male and female, at least Draenei used different gender nouns when describing Ke'ure and Kara.

Deorey refers to Keuree as him, and to Kara as her. Andrea, who still doesn’t understand the ecology of the naaru, can only follow Deore’s thinking to identify it temporarily, temporarily referring to Keure Ray is treated like a male.

"It's good to see you back to your senses, Naruk'ure."

Andrea smiled and waved to the big guy floating in the air. Keuley was not pocket-sized due to incompleteness like Deoli. His jigsaw puzzle body seemed to be more than five meters in height.

"I am Andrea Moonshadow, and this is my wife, Shandris Feathermoon. We have come from far away Azeroth to help you return to the side of the Holy Light by the order of the moon god Elune. "


Keuley's tone was a bit puzzled, and Andrea and Shandris were very surprised by his speech.

"Sorry, I haven't heard of this name, but thank you for saving me."

"Have not heard?"

Andrea and Shandris glanced at each other, with doubts in their eyes at the same time.

'Has Zera not told the other naaru of their creator? Or... In their minds, their creator is not named by this name? '

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