Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 412: The Concerns of the Exiles

No ogre with two heads is a fool. Hulk volunteered to serve as a pawn of other city-states because they misjudged the strength of the Draenei.

Now that it has been proven that Pain Fortress cannot take down the draenei in a short time, in order to preserve the strength of his own city-state, the cunning Hulk quickly changed his mind and prepared to pull all the city-states to join the war.

The temporary retreat of the Fortress of Pain brought the front line of the battlefield to a standstill, and the armies of both sides confronted each other vigilantly on the quiet plain outside the Fortress of Pain.

The ogre, who had a strong desire to attack before, suddenly shrank its head. Although the Draenei side was a little surprised, it was not completely unexpected.

With the fighting power shown by the draenei now, it is not surprising that the Fortress of Pain will take a shrinking posture. Velen and other draenei leaders just didn't expect these ogres to coax so quickly and so decisively.


Facing Hatalu's puzzled question, Andrea shook his head and said, "Actually, this is not good news for Delaney."

For the past few days, Andrea has stood on the top floor of the observatory and looked at the battlefield situation from a distance. With the telescope that Hataru rushed out according to Andrea's request, coupled with the wide field of view of the observatory, all the movements on the battlefield are under his control. I can see clearly.

Hataru was taken aback when he heard the words, "How do you say that?"

Andrea replied, "This means that the ogre leader of Pain Fortress is not just a hot-blooded idiot. He knows how to examine Duodu, and he will not hesitate to retreat when it is time to retreat."

"If I'm not mistaken, Pain Fortress should be preparing to send someone to tell the other ogre city-states about the battlefield situation in Shadowmoon Valley, and may exaggerate the threat of draenei, forcing other ogre city-states to join in the fight against draenei. siege."


Hataru suddenly got up with a startled look on his face, "If this is really the case, we must immediately tell the Prophet about this possibility!"

"Don't get excited."

Andrea waved his hand downwards and motioned for Hataru to sit down, "Do you think that the cautious prophet will not think of this? He said when he came half a month ago that he would make the defenders of Talador prepare to face it." Prepare for the worst."

"It's just..." Andrea touched his chin and said hesitantly, "I don't know if the troops prepared by the Prophet are enough. If the ogre city-state headed by Highmaul really listens to the persuasion of Fortress of Pain, once they launch an attack , I am afraid they will move like a thunder."

Andrea is an out-and-out bystander in this war that does not belong to him. Of course, subjectively, he hopes that the Draenei can win as soon as possible. After all, Velen's promise cannot be fulfilled until the end of the war.

Although they have spent tens of thousands of years fleeing under the pursuit of the Burning Legion, this does not mean that the Draenei's combat effectiveness is weak.

Any race is powerless in the face of the Burning Legion. Not one or two planets have been destroyed by the demons, and countless races have perished because of this.

On the other hand, being able to survive tens of thousands of years without being completely wiped out by the Burning Legion has already proved the ability of the Draenei.

Although the ogre has mastered powerful arcane power under the wrong guidance of the Apexis arakkoa, it even gave birth to a two-headed ogre with arcane affinity among the stupid tribe.

But in essence, they are still not a very civilized and powerful country. The Gorian Empire was destroyed by the more primitive orcs, because the ogre wanted to enslave the elements of Draenor, so four people The monstrous wrath of the elemental king.

Facing the one-eyed ogre, who is also not smart in the brain and only has strong physical ability, the ogre can defeat them with arcane power and the clever mind of a small number of two-headed ogre.

But in front of the draenei who are very experienced in all aspects, their cleverness is difficult to play a role. In terms of absolute strength, the ogre with a primitive fighting style is by no means an opponent of the draenei with brilliant civilization .

If it wasn't for Velen's forceful pressure, Nelly and Osar would have taken the initiative to launch a counterattack to the Pain Fortress at this time.

Putting down the binoculars, Andrea turned his head and looked towards the northwest of Amberley Village, the road from Shadowmoon Valley to the Talador Forest.

"Now, it depends on what the ogre will do next, and...the attitude of other races in Draenor towards this war."


There are many native intelligent species in Draenor, but not many can form a settlement scale.

As the first mortal species in Draenor, the Apexis arakkoa have always been very proud of their identities. Come the sense of superiority.

Of course, the former glory of the Apexis Empire did have the capital to make them proud.

If the ancestors of Apexis hadn't used the artifact Rukhmar's breath to destroy the last spore colony, the land of Draenor would have been flooded by endless plants by now.

Defeating the final counterattack of the plant army from Everbloom, the Apexis Empire has entered a period of golden development, and their research on technology and magic has reached a very high level.

However, during this period, factional struggles within the Apexis Empire intensified.

The struggle for power between the two major sects of Anhar and Scalax brewed a large-scale civil war, and the glorious arakkoa civilization collapsed in the fight between the two sides.

The peak of Arak, where the Apexis Empire was located, also shattered in the explosion of Rukhmar's Breath, splitting into countless shorter peaks, and countless animals and plants were killed in that big explosion.

After this civil war, the Apexis Empire was almost completely disintegrated, the arakkoa civilization failed to recover for hundreds of years, and the peak forest of Arak became barren and desolate because of the big explosion.

It turns out that intelligent beings are foolish enough to make the same mistakes all the time.

After hundreds of years of cultivation, the arakkoa managed to recover from its weakness, but the once splendid Apexis civilization now only left fragments of knowledge and wreckage.

The surviving Anhar sect arakkoa did not learn the painful lessons of the past, and still wantonly eliminated dissidents.

The revived master of the arakkoa, Terokk the Claw, had had enough of the priests of Anhar fooling the people and restricting the arakkoa's access to knowledge in order to consolidate their power.

He publicly announced that all the arakkoa would be open to the pursuit and exploration of knowledge and wisdom. This decree touched the core interests of the Anhar sect, which holds only knowledge.

In the end, Terokk was defeated in another round of infighting among the arakkoa, and the last King of Claws was thrown into the fallen blood pool of the fallen wind snake demigod Sethe. This brand new force.

With the help of the crow and demigod Anzu, Terokk, full of hatred, enshrined Ansu, who also lost his wings, as a god, and learned the mysteries of witchcraft and shadow magic from him.

As high-ranking arakkoa continued to be exiled to the Sethek Valley by the priests of Anhar for various reasons, the power of the exiled arakkoa gradually expanded, gradually gaining the scale to rival the high-ranking arakkoa.

At this time, this group of exiled arakkoa scouts who could not fly were hiding on the edge of the border between the Talador forest and the peak forest of Arak, carefully observing the ogres who were preparing for battle.

The exile spellcasters who worship Anzu, the raven god, are known as Priests of the Ravenpaw, and one of the Priestesses of the Ravenpaw in this watch team looks thoughtfully at the pair of ogres carrying the banner of Highmaul. Head ogre mage.

"Highmaul? Why did it appear here? The Warsong orcs of Nagrand actually let them come?"

The situation in front of him made the Ravenclaw priest keenly grasp the opportunity of the turmoil in Draenor. This turmoil is also an opportunity for the exiles who have been waiting for the opportunity of revenge.

Looking back at the towering Tongtian Peak in the center of the Arak Forest full of hatred, the Crowpaw Priest gritted his teeth angrily, "We must seize this opportunity to fulfill the last wish of the Talon King Terok, and kill those fallen Anhars. Priests pulled from the top of power!"

"Ska, summon all high-ranking Ravenpaw priests, we have work to do."

An exile arakkoa guard bowed his head respectfully and said, "Gah! I'm leaving now, respected shadow sage."

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