Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 407 Suggestions so far

The arrival of Velen brought news of the Talador Forest to the leaders Akama and Nellie.

"Talador is still relatively calm now. Although the ogres everywhere are closely preparing for battle, they are not as aggressive as the Fortress of Pain."

Velen gently stroked his long white beard, thoughtfully looking at the Fortress of Pain in the distance from the high altitude of the observatory.

"It seems that the ogre is planning to use the compatriots of Pain Fortress to test our strength."

After the Gorian Empire fell apart, the ogre independent city-states in various places did not belong to each other, and the ties between the city-states were not close, and disputes often occurred due to territorial disputes.

Andrea has been in politics for nearly 10,000 years, has rich experience and knowledge, and has long been used to such situations where foreign enemies are still busy fighting in the nest.

Among the ogre city-states scattered across Draenor, Highmaul is the most powerful. According to Velen, the pressure and threat of Highmaul must be behind the joint attack of the ogre city-states.

"Highmaul is far away in the far west of Draenor. They have been fighting with the most valiant Warsong clan of the orcs all year round. It is almost impossible to leave Nagrand and rush to Talador to help out, unless..."

Velen frowned, and he suddenly thought of a possibility, but considering the straightforward temper of the Warsong clan, he felt it was unlikely.

After coming to Draenor for more than 20 years, Velen, who has lost the ability to see the future, has not stopped exploring and understanding this brand new world for a moment.

Generally speaking, Draenor's forces can be divided into two categories according to their origins.

The first type is plant forces composed of creatures such as thorn beasts and forest spirits. The characteristics of this type of force are obvious. Their bodies are composed of various flowers and plants. Their forces spread all over Draenor, even in Shadowmoon Valley. Traces of Lin Jing's activities.

The other category is rock creatures headed by Margaron, and a series of degenerate flesh and blood creatures related to them.

The struggle between the two species of rocks and plants almost runs through the entire history of Draenor. Since the orcs and ogres do not have detailed records of the ancient history, Velen only learned a general idea through the exploration of the arakkoa ruins in various places.

To put it simply, ancient rock creatures are called destroyers by the arakkoa of the Apexis Empire, and plant monsters are called primordial beasts.

At their peak, the Apexis arakkoa once defeated a powerful and unparalleled primordial beast head-on. They used a powerful artifact called Rukhmar's Breath to gather the sun's rays, and completely wiped out the powerful spore colony gathered by the primordial beasts. burn.

At this point, Draenor's original beast forces began to decline rapidly. Except for a small number of Gorgrond mountains in the north, it is difficult to see powerful original thorn beasts in other areas.

In contrast, although the Destroyer forces are also degenerating, their descendants have gradually evolved into the modern mortal civilization of Draenor.

Affected by the spores spread by the protobeasts to the destroyers, these rock creatures degenerated from generation to generation, gradually degenerating from the rock body to a bloody body.

Margoron degenerated into Gron, Gron degenerated into Cyclops, and then ogres and orcs, and the power of destroying beasts was passed down from generation to generation.

However, the customs of these primitive flesh and blood creatures are very barbaric. The original one-eyed monsters used the ogres and orcs who had a common ancestor with them as slaves.

The Apexis arakkoa is the most powerful force in Draenor after the decline of the original beasts and destroyers. They have never given up their ambition to dominate the entire Draenor.

In order to curb the expansion speed of the powerful cyclops, the arakkoa secretly sent people to teach the stupid ogres to control arcane arts. Finally, these ogres successfully overthrew the rule of the cyclops with the help of magic, and established a high school that lasted for nearly a thousand years. Riyadh Empire.

Overthrowing the brutal one-eyed demon did not bring any substantial benefits to the other descendants of the son of the rock. The orcs still had to face the cruel environment and the rising ogres to hunt and kill.

Orcs and ogres, the two races who are also sons of the rock, have no intention of cooperating to explore the world. Years of conflict have made them regard each other as deadly enemies.

As the Gorian Empire attempted to enslave the elements of Draenor, the four elemental kings granted their powers to the orcs, giving birth to the shaman, the primitive orc spellcaster class.

The angry elemental kings finally destroyed the capital of the Gorian Empire with the help of the orcs, and the mighty Gorian Empire fell apart.

However, the enmity between the orcs and the ogres did not end here. The ogre city-states scattered throughout Draenor still maintained the tradition of hunting orcs, and the hatred between the two races even deepened.

Warsong is the most warlike and bloodthirsty clan among the orcs. At the same time, their combat effectiveness is also the strongest after years of continuous war training.

However, in the face of Highmaul, which controls the powerful arcane power, the Warsong clan is still being suppressed by ogres. Velen believes that the Warsong chieftain would not be so unwise, allowing the ogres of Highmaul to pass through their territory Join the attack on the draenei.

Andrea saw the hesitant expression on Velen's face, and after a little deduction, he knew what the prophet was worried about.

As a traveler who once read through the Chronicles of Warcraft, Andrea recorded the history of Draenor in the memorandum more detailed than Velen. He even knew that the Titan Aggramar had descended on this planet.

However, Aggramar, who had a heavy responsibility, did not stay long on this planet without the soul of the world.

After seeing the plant populations ravaging the entire planet, he casually created a giant spirit guardian named Grond to balance Draenor's overly powerful plant forces.

The Sons of the Stone, including orcs and ogres, are technically descended from Grond.

"My lord, may I interject?"

Velen, who was in deep thought, looked up at Andrea, with a gentle smile on his face and encouraged, "Of course, please speak freely."

Andrea nodded and said, "I know you are worried about the alliance between ogres and orcs. Although I think the possibility of a complete alliance between the two parties is almost non-existent, you really have to guard against your conjecture."

"No matter how friendly the draenei are, you are always outsiders to ogres and orcs."

"Because of Draenei's benevolent behavior, orcs and ogres lack an intuitive understanding of Draenei's combat power, and combat power is an important reference factor for these primitive races to measure each other's value."

Velen's white eyebrows raised slightly, and he already understood the meaning of Andrea's words when he said this.

"Mr. Andrea, do you mean that the orcs may deliberately let the ogres come to test our details?"

"Yes, that possibility cannot be ruled out."

Andrea asked with a meaningful chuckle, "Draenei has recently tried to make friends with the orcs, seems to have had little success, right?"


Velen was silent for a moment, sighed softly and said, "I understand, I will notify the defenders of Talador to prepare for the worst situation."

Then Velen fixed on Andrea with a scrutinizing gaze, "Mr. Andrea, I am becoming more and more curious about the origins of you and Mrs. Madam, it should be impossible for ordinary people to have such an excellent overall view and keen sense of the battlefield, right? "

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