Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 399 Draenor Shadowmoon Valley

When the Khaz Modan Kingdom of the dwarves started a large-scale civil war in the middle of the Eastern Continent, the center of power within the Night Republic quietly changed without the outsiders being aware of it.

Speaker Andrea Moon Shadow has temporarily relinquished his heavy responsibilities, and the remaining three members of the Supreme Council will temporarily share his power equally. The three parties check each other, and no one can promote the passage of a complete bill by himself.

Although Tyrande, who had been suppressed for many years, was ambitious and wanted to seize the opportunity to regain power, how could Andrea, who had been prepared for this, not guard against her, and privately ordered Fandral and Maiev to stop her before leaving. Stupid motion proposed.

In front of the gate of Moon Shadow Manor, with the help of many insiders, a silver teleportation array with gentle and powerful power sent Andrea and Shandris away who owed them nothing.

That day, many residents of Anarchis saw a silver beam of light soaring into the sky, as if it could directly connect to the full moon in the sky.

Under the propaganda of the high priest, the news of Elune's appearance quickly spread throughout the city, and further expanded to the entire territory of the Night Republic.

Andrea and Shandris had no intention of paying attention to the world situation after they left. The two of them felt as if they were being stretched into silk threads under the silver light. The chaos appeared in front of the two of them.

Maybe it was just a few seconds, or maybe it took several years, the two people whose thoughts were almost stagnant in the hyperspace state finally felt down-to-earth again.


Andrea and Shandris suddenly breathed air that was different from Azeroth, and at the same time coughed uncomfortably.

Fortunately, the night elves' physical fitness is very strong, and the air composition difference between Alien and Azeroth is not too big, and the two quickly adapted to it.


Looking around in a daze, the stagnant thinking has not yet fully recovered, and Andrea found that she was still holding hands with Shandris, and the previous linear touch seemed to be just an illusion.

"Cough ~ Andrea, are we there yet?"

Shandris took a breath and began to observe the surrounding scenery.

The landing area chosen by Elune gave the two a sense of intimacy. The fertile land was dotted with lush green grasslands and lush forests. The sky in the sky was rather dim, and they couldn't even see that they had transferred to a different planet without careful observation.

Andrea looked around at the vegetation that was different from Azeroth, took a deep breath and nodded, "It looks like we've arrived, but the weather here..."

‘Is it Shadowmoon Valley? '

Although this alien planet has not yet been named by the locals and Draenei, Andrea knows his future name-Draenor.

According to the homework done in advance through the memo before leaving, Andrea knew that Shadowmoon Valley is a valley area located in the southeast of Draenor.

This is also one of the areas where a large number of draenei live. The Karabor Temple, the most important building of the draenei, was built on the east side of Shadowmoon Valley, near the border of the Sea of ​​Isolation.

The characteristics of Shadowmoon Valley are very obvious. The sky in this area is almost always in this state of night. The fertile land nourishes the draenei and the local aboriginals—orcs—who live here.

Elune's voice suddenly sounded in Andrea's mind, "Andrea, I will leave it to you. In order to avoid being discovered by certain beings, I need to hide for a while."

"After the task is completed, you will inform me through meditation. I hope you can enjoy this rare journey to another planet."

After saying this, Elune disappeared into Andrea's sea of ​​consciousness.

"All right."

Andrea squeezed Shandris' hand slightly and said with a smile, "It's just the two of us, let's get used to this new world slowly."

Shandris also responded with a comprehensible smile. She held Andrea's left arm and smiled lightly, "It's been a long time since I've been alone with you. Celeste and I have been fighting for this opportunity for a long time."

Suddenly entering an unfamiliar environment, as a master of survival in the wild, Sentry General Shandris put forward his own suggestions after some activities.

"It would be best if we could find the nearest aborigines to ask for help, but I just climbed to the top of the tree to observe, and at least there are no villages within a few kilometers."

"We need to determine the next course of action before deciding on the way forward."

"Hmm..." Andrea rested her chin on her hand and thought for a while, "Go west, I hope to get in touch with the Draenei that Elune mentioned first."

There is only one large orc clan living in Shadowmoon Valley - the Shadowmoon Clan.

Because of the Dark Portal incident, many people have the impression of orcs as brutal and bloodthirsty monsters, but at least in the era when Andrea and Shandris came, Shadowmoon, known for observing astrology and communicating with the souls of ancestors The clan is by no means a brutal and bloodthirsty generation.

But Andrea doesn't plan to contact the Shadowmoon orcs for the time being, he plans to find the Draenei first.

Since it is impossible to confirm whether the Draenei have reached Shadowmoon Valley, the safest option is to go west into the Talador forest, where the first settlement of the Draenei crashed into Draeneor - Shattrath City .

Besides, the task that Elune gave Andrea was to save Naaru. Leaving aside the fallen Kara and the missing Douri, the only Keuree whose existence can be confirmed is still trapped in the crashed Jinidaer spaceship.

The place where the spaceship crashed was located in the Nagrand Prairie on the western border of Draenor. This place will be called the sacred mountain of Washu Valley in the future. Even considering the follow-up mission, it is absolutely impossible to go west first.

"Who?! Come out!"

Just as Andrea lowered her head to think, Shandris' long ears suddenly trembled. She vigilantly took off the longbow behind her, and aimed at a bush more than ten meters away to fully draw the bowstring.


The incomprehensible alien language was heard by the two, and Andrea and Shandris, who were confused, did not relax their vigilance. After all, this is not their hometown, and everything about Draenor is unknown to them.

"Wow wow la la."

The "Galen" hiding behind the grass seems to have changed a language, but Andrea and the two still can't understand it.

'Language barrier is really troublesome. '

Sighing secretly, a large-scale mental wave spread out with Andrea as the center, and the grass behind the brushed by the mental wave suddenly stopped moving.

Soon, a tall and strong, strange male hoofed creature wearing simple clothing and tentacles on his chin came out from behind the grass with dull eyes.


Andrea looked at this alien intelligent creature with no eyes and gods with great interest, "Draenei, our luck is not bad." '

Raising his hand to signal Shandris to put down the bow and arrow, Andrea stepped forward and pressed his left hand on the other's forehead covered with blue skin.

As the dark light flashed, Andrea, who closed her eyes, read a lot of information from the other party's surface memory, including the two languages ​​that the Draenei had used before.

"I see."

Letting go of the draenei lumberjack, Andrea put his right hand on Shandris' forehead, and copied all the information he had just obtained into Shandris' brain.

Shandris looked at her husband beside her speechlessly, "...spiritual spells are really convenient."

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