Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 382 Sargeras... Incarnation

The staff of Aluneth was made by Aegwynn recently. As the main body of the staff, Aluneth is a mass of pure arcane energy with self-awareness.

Aluneth existed very early, and the blue dragon discovered this free arcane spirit from a different world long before the War of the Ancients.

After some experiments, the blue dragon found it difficult to command and restrain this group of arcane energy, and sent it back to its original world after satisfying its research curiosity.

Since then, several mages have inadvertently summoned Aluneth, but like the blue dragon, they were unable to enslave and bind it, leaving a wealth of literature on Aluneth.

Aegwynn is the terminator of the legend of Aluneth. She learned about this arcane energy with self-awareness from the records left by Merry Winterwind.

Aegwynn the Stubborn Donkey and this same donkey-tempered arcane energy bar on the bar, one trying to tame the other by every possible means, while the other would rather die than obey.

After years of hard work, Aegwynn still failed to make Aluneth completely obey her. The proud guardian finally lost patience, and she forcibly connected Aluneth to a newly made high-quality staff, endowed The powerful power of this staff.

This staff is the staff of Aluneth held in Aegwynn's hand today.

However, Aluneth, who longed for freedom, did not give up resistance. It was bound into the staff and still refused to carry out any orders from Aegwynn.

Aegwynn intends to tame it slowly in the long years to come. Just at this time, Sargeras came. Seeing that Aegwynn was delighted to obtain "enough" information from Wyrmrest Temple, he raised his staff and flew away without saying a word. To the area where the demon king is located.

When Tyrande and Jarod arrived, more than ten minutes had passed since Aegwynn set off.


Tyrande looked at the wryly smiling Alexstrasza with question marks in his mind, "She went alone? To fight in Sargeras?"

Alexstrasza sighed helplessly, "We tried to persuade her, but this child has a very stubborn temper, and once he made up his mind, he will never listen to anyone's advice."

"Hmph! Let her go."

Malygos sneered and said, "It's just for this little girl who claims to be the guardian of Azeroth to explore the way."

"I always feel that there is something wrong with Sargeras who descended this time. His power level is not as overwhelming as it was during the Battle of the Well of Eternity. On the contrary, it looks like..."

"A clone made by hand?"

A portal suddenly opened on the top floor of Dragon's Rest Temple, and a familiar voice came from the opposite side of the door.

Those who are qualified to open the portal in Wyrmrest Temple are undoubtedly those who have been recognized by the Dragon Clan. Tyrande and Jarod have already recognized each other's identity from the voice.

Tyrande frowned and asked, "Ceres Sunstrider, you mean, this Sargeras is just a clone containing part of his power?"

Before Celes could reply, the bluffing Leticia first jumped out from the opposite side of the door with Onyxia and Aurora who looked helpless.

Celeste followed them gracefully and walked out slowly. "Maybe there is only power, or there may be a part of the soul in it, it depends on the intelligence of this avatar."

With the energy of Sargeras, it's not difficult to create an intelligent avatar. You can tell whether this avatar is infused with soul through simple words and deeds.

Malygos nodded thoughtfully, "That's right, let's go, we can't let that arrogant little girl really die in the hands of Sargeras, although she has a weird personality, her fighting power is still worth looking forward to. "


As Delaryn had reported, the ragtag army was quickly routed by the combined forces of the Shandarari and the dragons on the ground and in the air.

A small number of Dreadlord officers in the team seemed to have expected this, and they calmly controlled the remaining troops to continue to defend and counterattack. This kind of practice of stubbornly resisting despite knowing that there is no chance of winning is obviously not in line with Nathrezim's positioning .

Delaryn was puzzled by this, and she raised her doubts with the commander who replaced Tyrande and Jarod for the time being.

The commander, named Urki, took over Nawaz after he switched defenses and left, and is now Sandara's top military officer.

In the absence of Tyrande and Jarod, who commanded the airborne, everything was in charge of the general who knew the local affairs well.

"General Urgi, I suspect that the devil has other plans. The Dreadlord is not the kind of character who can lead the troops to fight to the last man."

Although Urki's reputation is not obvious, he is also a veteran general who survived the War of the Ancients and gained promotion opportunities step by step. It is impossible for the Burning Legion to not notice the abnormality.

"I'm also thinking about this issue. The frontline arcanists reported that they felt that there seemed to be strange energy fluctuations under the frozen ground near the battlefield, and they are currently undergoing urgent analysis and confirmation."

However, it was too late to start the analysis at this time, and the Burning Legion, which had been prepared for a long time, began to launch its own plan.

The beleaguered Dread Demon King officers used evil energy to ignite the bodies of the surrounding demons one by one. The green demon blood flowing on the snowfield and frozen soil gathered around them and gradually flowed into a large magic circle that had already been drawn underground.

At this time, the blue dragon king Malygos and the red dragon queen Alexstrasza just flew over the battlefield with Tyrande and others.

From the air, Malygos could more intuitively see the super-large magic circle that covered half of the Borean tundra. All the lives that died on the battlefield, regardless of whether they were enemies or friends, were sucked into mummies.

Although Malygos didn't know the fel circle dedicated to demons, he was the magic guardian who controlled all the arcane arts of Azeroth after all, and he could still see some clues from some subtle rune outlines.

"Not good! The function of this magic circle is to absorb the life force overflowing from the living body, let all the troops on the front line retreat!"

Tyrande's face changed, and he hurriedly took out a simple wooden whistle from the magic backpack.


Under the blessing of Seres's loudspeaker spell, the whistle spread far to the battlefield.

Urki and Delaryn were stunned at the same time when they heard the whistle, and then they immediately came back to their senses.

"Quick! Let the troops on the front line retreat, this is an unconditional retreat whistle that is only sounded in an emergency!"



The top of the staff of Aluneth, which reveals the mysterious beauty in appearance, sprayed out a huge ball of fire, which exploded the moment it touched the skin of Sargeras, and the aftermath of the explosion blew Aegwynn, who was floating in the air, back for a while distance.

Sargeras took Aegwynn's Pyroblast spell unharmed, but took half a step back.

Aegwynn's eyes lit up, and after testing this blow, she had roughly figured out the details of Sargeras' power.

Although it is very strong as expected, it is not so strong that it cannot be handled at all.

‘Is it necessary for this kind of enemy to make the night elves and dragons make such a fuss? Am I too strong or are they too weak? '

Inevitably, he felt a little flustered in his heart, but his rationality told Aegwynn that it would be impossible for Sargeras to deal with him so easily.

She has seen Malygos, the guardian of magic, with her own eyes, and the arcane magic power on him is as deep as the deep sea, which is definitely not inferior to her. Even what she sees may not be all of Malygos.

Just when Aegwynn was about to switch to the ice spell and try again, the frozen soil of the Borean tundra suddenly emitted a strange green light, and the energy gathered from afar finally flowed into Sargeras' feet from the ground.

The eyes of Sargeras' incarnation flashed away, and then immediately returned to the mechanical dull eyes.

"Die, ants!"

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