The more time passed, the more Andrea felt that it was a very wise decision to leave the memo while the memory was still fresh.

More than 9,000 years have passed since he traveled to Azeroth. As he gradually integrated into this world with the company of his family and friends, the memories of his previous life slowly faded in his mind like dreamy smoke.

Some important events that are directly related to his own interests, Andrea may subconsciously have some memories when he comes into contact with them, but most of the so-called historical events, he recalled them like looking at people through the frosted glass of the bathroom, vague and hazy .

"I see……"

Putting down the memo in his hand, Andrea exhaled solemnly, "Is it already this time?"

Although the memo did not specifically mention the ins and outs of this incident, the entries about Aegwynn clearly recorded her "great achievements".

She will fight against the demon king Sargeras in the ice fields of Northrend in the North, and finally win with difficulty.

"Victory... heh~"

After reading other items about Aegwynn together, Andrea showed a sarcastic expression on his face.

Although he knew what was going to happen next, after some consideration, Andrea decided to let the flow take its course and not deliberately change or prevent it.

With the Burning Legion recovering from the tens of thousands of years of cultivation, it is inevitable that Sargeras will try his best to return to Azeroth.

Even if his plan is blocked this time, the Fallen Titan will not give up easily, and he will continue to use other methods to infiltrate Azeroth.

Instead of letting the future turn in an unknown direction that he can't grasp, it is better to continue to let it go along the established route in this matter, so that at least let Andrea know who he should guard against and monitor.

"Guardian of Tirisfal?"

Looking at the crescent moon outside the window, Andrea chuckled and whispered to herself, "Since this title fell on Aegwynn, it has become an extremely ironic title."

"A guardian who actively opens the door to foreign enemies, and two generations of mother and son are both, there should be a limit to self-confidence."


Under Andrea's attention, although Aegwynn successfully killed the traitor in Dalaran, the consequences already caused by the other party began to spread at this time.

The shadows of demons began to appear on the cold wasteland of the Borean tundra, and the demon commanders among them were far stronger than any strong human beings Aegwynn had ever seen.

Aegwynn is not afraid of one-on-one, but the demons obviously don't play one-on-one with her so chivalrously. They swarm up and complete the task with the highest efficiency. This is the criterion of the Burning Legion.

Aegwynn alone could not fight against the entire demon advance team. According to the ancient records left by the Tirisfal Council, Aegwynn came to Coldara Island alone to ask the blue dragon for help.

Knowing that the demons entered Azeroth again with an established team after many years, Malygoston, who was busy cultivating baby dragons at the Demon Hub, raised his vigilance.

He took the initiative to go to Wyrmrest Temple to hold a meeting of the Dragon King, but unfortunately the only Dragon King present was him and Alexstrasza.

Feeling C'Thun's complete death, Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth both had a sense of crisis.

They began to blatantly increase the penetration of the Emerald Dream, trying to corrupt the mirror world of Azeroth first, and use this as a foundation to influence the material world of Azeroth.

Compared with N'Zoth, who is hiding in the deep sea and whose arms and legs are not long enough, Yogg-Saron occupying Ulduar is more calm and confident.

Yogg-Saron, the Demon of Thousand Throats, sent a large number of Faceless servants to attack the Emerald Dream at one time. The Green Dragon Queen Ysera is currently busy leading the guardians in the dream to resist the attack from the ancient gods.

Cenarius and Goldrinn, who had already recovered from his injuries, were also called in by Ysera to assist, and most of the druids, including Malfurion, also fell into their dreams and fought against the army of the Faceless.

On the surface, Yogg-Saron's power is unmatched for a while, and he provoked the first battle in the Emerald Dream with his own strength.

But what Andrea was more wary of at this time was En'Zoth who was lingering behind.

It cannot be said that Yogg-Saron has no brains. When the power he has mastered is strong enough to a certain extent, normal people will not spend too much brain cells thinking about strategies that can be easily crushed with power.

Strategies are usually sought and considered when they are at a disadvantage. What the strong need to do is how to prevent the enemy from using strategies to limit themselves.

Between N'Zoth and Yogg-Saron, there is no doubt that the Titan Guardian has been corrupted, and Yogg-Saron, who controls almost the entire Ulduar, has the absolute upper hand.

But N'Zoth's old concealment is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He was the one who created the Nightmare King in history.

There is cooperation among the Old Gods, but more competition.

There is only one Azeroth, and even if they work together to break free from the seal, they will still end up fighting each other for control of the planet.

The previous N'Zoth and Yogg-Saron's reluctance to save C'Thun is a clear proof. These two guys may have thought that C'Thun would not die so easily, so they didn't even send symbolic reinforcements, and indirectly assisted Aize The Rath coalition successfully defeated the Thousand-Eyed Demon.

Without the help of the green dragon clan, the bronze dragon king Nozdormu has been missing for nearly ten thousand years, and the black dragon king... let alone.

In the end, the only Aspects present were Malygos and Alexstrasza, half-host of Wyrmrest Temple.

The Bronze Dragon and the Black Dragon sent their own ambassadors respectively, and the Green Dragon didn't even have anyone to send a message, which shows the intensity of the battle in the Emerald Dream.

As a mortal force in Northrend that is friendly to dragons, Sandara City received an invitation from Wyrmrest Temple as a matter of course, and the mayor of Sandara passed the invitation to the Supreme Council of Anarchis through teleportation.

"About the Dragon Clan's invitation, let's discuss who will go."

Andrea deliberately expressed a lack of interest and said, "Although there are a lot of demons, this army is clearly just a partial division, and it doesn't even have a decent well-known general."

Tyrande also nodded in agreement and said, "Actually, the Dragon Clan alone can handle this emergency, but since Dragon Rest Temple sent out an invitation, we must give a positive response."

After thinking about it, Tyrande took the initiative and said, "Let me go this time. I have been in Anarchis for too long, and I want to have a good time."

Maiev and Andrea had no objection to this, and Maiev added, "By the way, bring Jarod along, so that he can get to know his old opponent who has been away for nearly ten thousand years."

After Garald took office as the Chief of Military Affairs, except for the Quicksand War more than 100 years ago, his daily attitude was still relatively negative. He just took the opportunity of the Burning Legion's return to stimulate his enthusiasm.

"Alright, then I'll go get ready first, Maiev, tell Jarod to go directly to the teleportation tower to find me."

Andrea saw Maiev hurried out with her head down, shook her head silently and smiled, ‘Heh~ Fudimo. '

Just after sending Tyrande and Maiev back to his personal office, Alfonso slipped in without anyone noticing.

"Lord Andrea, Suramar has important information."

Andrea stared, "Continue."

"Yes." Alfonso lowered his head and reported fluently, "There has been a change in the Moon Guards stationed there. They have contacted the escort troops expelling prisoners in Suramar City through special channels."

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