Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 309 The Kirin Tor's Quarrel

Andrea doesn't quite agree with the founding idea of ​​the Tirisfal Council, and has always been skeptical about the guardian system they created.

Putting the heavy responsibility of saving the world on a mere hero is in line with mainstream American values, but it is obviously not in line with the actual situation that Azeroth is full of old, hidden and dangerous worlds.

Just like the strongest guardian of Tirisfal in later generations, Medivh, known as the astral mage.

His strength is absolutely outstanding among mortals, and it can even be said to exceed the scope of mortals to a certain extent.

But when Sargeras himself sent down his soul to intervene, he eventually degenerated beyond his control, and the dignified guardian became an accomplice to help the lackeys of the Burning Legion open the door to invasion.

This is the biggest disadvantage of concentrating all the hopes of protecting the world on one person. Once this hero who is expected by everyone goes wrong, the entire planet waiting for him to save will fall into a fatal crisis.

Andrea has a different philosophy from the Tirisfal Council, he won't put all his eggs in one basket.

Guardians may have a need to exist, after all, they are still a powerful combat force, but it is obviously unreasonable to focus too much pressure and expectations on one person.

It's too early to say, but the way the Guardians of Tirisfal are doing is admirable, at least until a thorn-headed Guardian emerges.

Andrea learned of Alodi's whereabouts from Meri, and the dreaded Demon King Caslanatier was hiding on the small island in the middle of Lake Lordamere.

Lordaeron Mill Lake straddles Tirisfal Glades, Hillsbrad Foothills and Silverpine Forest, and is very close to the three city-states of Lordaeron, Dalaran and Alterac.

The cunning dreadlord deliberately chose a middle ground for cover so that no one would know which city-state his next move would lead to.

But in Andrea's view, Caslanatier's deliberate gesture was actually a cover-up and deception.

His purpose is to make the Tirisfal Council fall into anxiety and have to take the initiative to chase him down, so that he can calmly set up traps, and when the most threatening Tirisfal Council chases the island, he will kill him all at once. Catch them all.

Andrea didn't know who the demon Rudolph summoned was and how strong it was, but since Kaslanatier had set up the game so confidently, the demon's strength would at least not be inferior to him.

This is not the first time Andrea has faced the Dreadlord. The advantage of this race lies in playing tricks and people's hearts. Their absolute strength is not top-notch among the Burning Legion.

Even the leader of the Nathrezim clan, Tichondrius, was like that, and his head was easily removed by Queen Azshara.

However, the enemy can be despised strategically, but he still has to be vigilant tactically. Andrea doesn't want to capsize in the gutter because of arrogance.

By the time he left Dalaran and headed north into Lake Lordamere, the magical city-state was in disarray.

If it was just Rudolph's death, the Kirin Tor council could easily suppress it, as long as he lied that he died accidentally during the experiment. This situation is not uncommon in Dalaran.

But all the lives in the entire mage tower were sucked into mummies, and this affected a wide range.

You must know that many of the apprentices in the Rudolph tower are from the famous families of the major city-states in Arathor. They sent their children to Dalaran just to gild and win over powerful mages.

With so many people dying suddenly, the Kirin Tor Council's magical concealment ability cannot stop the spread of news.

Under the circumstance that someone deliberately arranged for people to spread the news secretly, the whole city of Dalaran soon knew about Rudolph's betrayal.

According to the distance, the family members of the dead apprentices also started to attack one after another, and the first to bear the brunt was the wealthy family living in Dalaran.

Andrea did this intentionally. On the one hand, he made Rudolph's crimes public, and on the other hand, he wanted to demonstrate and warn the lawless mages in Dalaran, letting them know what would happen if they betrayed Azeroth.

At this time, the remaining five members of the Kirin Tor council were discussing countermeasures in Violet Castle.

"The night elves are a super rich family with thousands of years of experience. Although they are far away in another continent, they have no close contact with the Arathor Empire except for trade activities. But as far as I know, the troll war that led to the rise of Arathor There are their active shadows behind them."

The speaker was an old mage with white beard and white hair. He was Dalaran's contemporary Kirin Tor Speaker Beasley Deldoga.

The old speaker is one of the confidant apprentices of Ardogan, the first leader who founded Dalaran. He has experienced many storms in the early days of Dalaran with Ardogan. He is also a well-informed person.

Regarding the situation of the night elves, although he had never personally seen them, Aldogan had warned them many times to apprentices not to provoke this powerful race with unlimited lifespan at will.

Beasley had already guessed that the old man Rudolph was hiding some secrets, but he never expected that Rudolph would actively study evil energy and collude with demons in order to prolong his life, let alone that Chancellor Moon Shadow would personally kill Azeroth traitor.

The female congresswoman frowned and asked, "Speaker, how do we announce it to the public? Do you admit to the rumors that are spreading in the city?"


A bald councilor objected fiercely, "That will damage Dalaran's reputation and image! If other city-states know that Dalaran has cultivated a traitor who betrays mankind and the whole world, what will they think of this free magic city-state? ?”

"Then what do you say? Continue to hide it like this? Don't treat the residents of Dalaran City as fools!"

Beasley stretched out his hand with a headache to stop the quarrel of the crowd, "Paper can't contain fire, since the person who made the move has arranged people to spread the news, if we don't report it, we will be dissatisfied with Dalaran." He's bound to be even more outraged."

"Announce it, that's all."

Beasley wearily waved his hand and interrupted the bald congressman's words, "I'm tired, let's go."

"After you go back, think about it carefully, how to prevent similar situations from happening again in the future."

"Maybe you can get by with a sincere apology once. If traitors appear again and should all understand the consequences."

The female mage curled her lips in disdain, "So I said a long time ago that corresponding laws should be introduced to prohibit the research on certain dangerous forces."

"Fart! Is that still Dalaran, which advocates free research?"


Beasley waved his hand unhappily and signaled everyone to leave, "Leave if you have something to say, I want to rest."

When the noisy colleagues gradually went away, Beasley turned his head to look at the small stone sculpture erected in Violet Castle.

"Teacher, you have left Dalaran with a wealth of valuable knowledge, but at the same time, you have also left many hidden dangers that can shake the foundation..."

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