
With a long roar, in the deep pool of Zishan Waterfall in Qinghong Academy, the water surface was instantly split into two by an invisible energy!

A thin figure flew out from it, and let out a long roar. The roar was full of deep joy. Those piercing eyes were full of unwavering sharpness, so sharp that it made the skin feel painful, and the whole body was filled with... An aggressive scent.

The meaning of gold and stone!

Jinshi Sword Technique, King Kong finally understood the meaning of the sword!

At this moment, the dark face showed a big smile.

As Ji Liangce and the others understood the meaning of the sword, he suddenly felt a mountain of pressure.

After all, the five of them were taught privately by their teacher Lin Fan. In the end, he was the only one who failed to understand the meaning of the sword. Although no one said anything, those invisible eyes and the invisible pressure made the diamond shine like a needle. The stabs on his back, and even the caring words from his classmates, actually didn't make him feel any relief, only a kind of doubt about life.

He even began to doubt himself, wondering if his talent was too bad? Is it really not possible?

The pressure is overwhelming!

Eyes like knives!

From yesterday to today, King Kong did not sleep. He took a rest when he was tired. He did not leave the deep pool and continued to practice when he had the strength.

In the end, his whole body was sore from practicing and it hurt to tear!

But, he doesn't want to stop!

The teacher said that his talent is no worse than anyone else, and he is no worse than anyone else!

The teacher will not lie to him!

Just as he was in a trance, he recalled his childhood experience, his poor family, and the countless efforts he put in to enter Qinghong Academy. He then remembered the happiness and joy of passing Lin Fan's test and entering the Sword Intent Class, being selected by the teacher, and being chosen by the teacher. Kai Xiaozao... He is really happy, there is a feeling of recognition, he is really happy, and he doesn't like to lose all this!

Finally, a sharp breath burst out from his body. His consciousness was blurred. He was too tired!

For two days, he had almost no rest, let alone sleep!

He has only one obsession, keep practicing!

When the meaning of gold and stone burst out from the body, King Kong's consciousness instantly woke up from his drowsiness.

He succeeded!

He really succeeded!

That long roar burst out all the anger in his heart, and he felt extremely happy at this moment!

Clear away the clouds and see sunny days!

He did it!

We landed on the shore of the waterfall pool and looked around. Everyone seemed to be stunned!

There is admiration, complexity, incomprehension, and appreciation!

And senior brother Tong You gave him a thumbs up from afar.

And Ji Liangce and the others had expressions of recognition on their faces, and their dark faces showed smiles from the bottom of their hearts at this moment.

He is really happy!

very nice!

And then, a wave of exhaustion swept over him, and King Kong instantly lost consciousness and fell straight to the ground.

Luo Feng, who was closest to King Kong, turned into an afterimage and caught King Kong before he hit the ground. He, who usually has an out-of-touch personality, looked cautious at this time. He checked King Kong and then breathed a sigh of relief. , said to everyone: "It's okay, he just over-trained! Just take a good rest!"

At the same time, Tong You, Ji Liangce and others were also on the way to attack at high speed. A group of people quickly surrounded King Kong. When they heard Luo Feng's words, everyone's hearts dropped and they relaxed. .

Looking at King Kong who was snoring lightly, even though he was asleep, there was still a smile on his lips. While everyone was happy for him, they also had mixed emotions.

In fact, everyone knows that King Kong did not return home last night, and also knows that he is under great pressure!

But we can’t point it out, and we can’t point it out!

I can only watch silently!

When King Kong successfully understood the meaning of the sword, everyone was sincerely happy for him!

Everyone who works hard and sweats is worthy of respect, especially King Kong who works harder than anyone else. His resilience makes everyone feel ashamed.

It is not because King Kong is strong, but because he is weak, but his resilience, his persistence, and his efforts make everyone feel ashamed. He has the shortest rest intervals among everyone, and he is the most focused every time.

Isn't it appropriate for such a person to successfully comprehend the sword's meaning?

"Everyone's efforts are not in vain. The teacher chose you because of your potential. Just like King Kong, don't let down the teacher's expectations of you!" Tong You stood on a rock with an extremely expression on his face. Serious and firm.

Tong You believed in the teacher unconditionally. He knew that the teacher did not choose any student randomly, just like Lin Fan once chose them.

This is a kind of trust!

This is also a kind of belief!

Suddenly, a ball of fire ignited in everyone's eyes, and a ball of fire burned, condensed and hot!

King Kong's understanding of the sword's intention was like a fuse, igniting the fuel in everyone's hearts and eliminating the last trace of doubts about himself in their hearts.

Ji Liangce and the others understood the meaning of the sword because they themselves were geniuses. They were already very powerful and ahead of other students.

But what about King Kong?

Students who are ordinary, have no sense of existence, and do not have a good family background. They are students from the lowest background of the college. Many people even wonder why King Kong was selected together with Ji Liangce and the others?

Now, everything is clear!

King Kong has set a good example!

And Tong You's words seize the best opportunity!


All the students worked like crazy, and they no longer had any doubts or hesitations in their hearts, and their hearts became even more determined.

"I was chosen, so I can do it too!"

This kind of thought filled the minds of all the students, and everyone's nerves seemed to have been injected with a dose of stimulant, and they entered the exciting training directly.

Every student's eyes were filled with flames, and every student's mind was filled with excitement. King Kong successfully understood the meaning of the sword, making all the students climax, and they also wanted to quickly understand the meaning!

No one wants to be left behind!

Especially knowing that I can definitely understand the meaning!

I don’t want to fall behind others!

Because they are all chosen by the teacher!

Tong You's words pierced their hearts. Each of them wanted to enter here to become stronger, and for this reason, the meaning of understanding was right in front of them.

When you were weak in the past, you know that strength is right in front of you. All you need to do is work hard and fight hard, and you can do it!

Will you work hard?

Can you fight hard?

Will you bear the pain of being exhausted?

Will you try hard once?

Try your best, try your best, give it a try?

I don’t know how you choose, but now the new students in the Sword Intention Class and Sword Intent Class, all with red eyes, are training crazily, with unprecedented excitement, unprecedented struggle, and unprecedented devotion...Everyone Everyone has transformed into the King Kong before. When they are tired, they take a rest and then continue to train with some strength. Their whole body is sore and sweaty, and they just grit their teeth and persevere.

Not only these students, even Tong You and Ji Liangce have understood the sword intention and sword intention. At this moment, everyone was also affected by the sword intention and sword intention. They were all practicing the sword intention and sword intention crazily. After they understood it, they just wanted to Become stronger.

At the beginning of an era of chaos, a group of weaklings who no one paid attention to were practicing crazily and hard. No one knew that in this small Wei State in Dongzhou, the prototype of an iron-blooded army that would shock Kyushu in later generations had taken shape!


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