At the end of the game, the Red Dust team and Famous Sword Hall retired.

Looking at the back of the Red Dust team leaving, the audience's mood was extremely complicated.

This amateur team has survived two rounds, and both times they met professional teams and won the final victory.

The two victories can be said to be very different.

For the first time, everyone felt sorry for the Hundred Battles Team, why did they meet such a group of despicable rogues.

However, this time, the truth opened everyone's eyes. Everyone saw Wang Li's ferocity, Dai Yuanyuan's skills, and the evil door with boundless mana. It only took three games, and everyone swept away the previous impression of the Red Dust team.

The wind commentary turned from a shameless garbage team to a powerful and hidden team.

Everyone also never thought that an amateur team could be as strong as a slaughtering god.

At the same time, many people are rejoicing for the Hundred Battles Team.

After all, the Hundred Battles Team was defeated by the Red Dust Team with conspiracy and tricks, and did not show the gap in strength.

Famous Sword Hall was miserable, and surrendered directly after being dignified and losing three games in a row at their home court.

The same is lost, and Famous Sword Hall loses quite indecently.

Back in the lounge, the eyes of everyone in the lounge changed when they looked at the Red Dust team.

How much contempt he used to be, how much respect now, even with a hint of fear.

Especially the Holy Master Qilin, who had provoked him before, his eyes are dodging when he sees Dai Yuanyuan. At first, this guy wanted to take the initiative to fight against Dai Yuanyuan. After watching Dai Yuanyuan's match, he understood it. Now, this girl is the same kind of person as the White Tiger God of War.

How strong is the White Tiger God of War, obviously no one else needs to tell him.


As soon as everyone in the Red Dust team was seated, the door of the lounge suddenly opened, and a familiar figure walked in from the outside with a group of people.

The man in the lead was wearing a black T-shirt with the word "Invincible" written on the front and the word "Invincible" written on the back.

Others are also dressed in the same style, but the words on the front are different.

There is boundless, boundless, infinite, useless, boundless, lacking, powerless, etc...

It's pretty arrogant anyway.


Seeing the group of people who came in, everyone around was stunned for a moment, then took a breath and began to whisper.

"Warrior team!! Isn't this the Wushuang team? How did they come here?"

"Is this the legendary Wushuang team? That person is the invincible in the world, right?" Someone pointed to the person headed and worshipped, "The God of Law is invincible in the world, that's my idol."

Even Zongheng Wushuang was shocked when he saw the bunch of people who came in.

second to none! ! This is not comparable to those second-tier teams that we have encountered before.

In the world game circle, it can be divided into three levels.

The European service team, the US service team, and the Asian service team, among which the Asian service is the most respected.

In particular, the national and stick teams are basically the best among all professional teams. Although there are many strong players in other servers, the overall level is inferior to the Asian server.

This is not difficult to understand.

Asian yellows are naturally alert, intelligent, and responsive, and are the only races who can bring racial talent into the game.

No matter how strong you are, the black man can run and the white man is strong. In the game, the initial physical strength attributes are the same. Only the excellent reaction ability and extraordinary wisdom are unique to him.

It's like playing table tennis and playing Go. This kind of agile intelligence type of sports has always been dominated by Asian servers. Other servers occasionally have a few masters, and they are all weak.

Of course, don't mention the men's football... it hurts feelings.

In the world of the king of the Asian server, the teams are divided into three categories.

Second-tier teams, first-tier teams, and top teams.

The second-tier team is a weak team, Mingjiantang is a second-tier team, and the Baizhan team is a new team, and its strength is unknown.

The first-line team is the current mainstream.

There are only two top teams in the national service circle, one is the Longteng team, and the other is the Peerless team. They can be one line above other professional teams in the big environment of the national server, which shows what the level of these two teams is.

The leader of the Wushuang team is invincible in the world, and is even as famous as Bai Yunfei. He is honored as the God of Law.

At this time, the world invincible took the entire team to the lounge of the amateur team. It must not be idle to greet everyone. Could it be that I got lost and went the wrong way? An author named Tie Niu Xian once said that people who get lost are not necessarily strong, but most masters get lost easily.

Looking at the peerless team in front of them, everyone in the lounge was excited.

This is an idol, the all-star lineup is good! To be able to watch at such a close distance is definitely something worth blowing for a lifetime.

Just when everyone looked at the idol team in front of them with great excitement, the world invincible looked around, and finally came to the Hongchen team quickly, and then said hello to Wang Li and Dai Yuanyuan very sincerely, "Brother Hongchen! Miss Dai, We meet again!"

"Damn it! They're here to find the Red Dust team! No wonder they are so strong, so they are friends with the Wushuang team."

"Sure enough, people are divided into groups and things are gathered by like. There are experts in front of the masters, and there are people behind the capable people."

Seeing the world invincible take the initiative to greet Wang Li and the two, everyone suddenly felt that the Red Dust team was so strong, it was not a surprise.

Can you be so familiar with the invincible world, can you be an ordinary person? 80% of them are masters who are like a hundred battles and like dragons, who are exiled among the people. The reason may be because they are not in line with the club's philosophy, and then they were pushed out and found an Internet cafe to be the network manager... The archer's weapon is a bow on the surface, but it is actually a bow. Umbrella, didn't it turn into a knife just now?


Everyone began to speculate about Wang Li's identity again, and when Butterfly Blue came, they had to ask me for copyright.



However, Wang Li and Wang Li, who heard the title of Invincible in the World, were confused. You look at me, I look at you, and their faces are full of daze.

"Your friend?" Dai Yuanyuan asked Wang Li curiously.

"No, do you know each other?" Wang Li asked back.

"I don't know..." Dai Yuanyuan shook her head.


Seeing the reaction of the two, a huge bead of sweat flowed down from the forehead of Invincible.

"I...we've met before. I was with Bai Yunfei at the airport before." Tian Wudi was a little speechless.

With his name, as long as he is playing games, he is always rude wherever he goes. These two guys have seen him, but "pretend" they don't know each other, which is really rude.

Obviously, what Invincible does not know is that these two people really don't know him.

Wang Li was surprised when he heard the words. At that time, Invincible in the world showed his eyes. Who knows what he looks like.

"" Wang Li sighed clearly and said to Dai Yuanyuan, "It's just the name...haha, that one."

Originally, Wang Li wanted to talk about the second arm, but he was too embarrassed to say it in front of the invincible.

"You...what are you doing here?" Dai Yuanyuan also remembered who the person in front of her was at this time, and asked very angrily.

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