Meteorite falls! ! !

An earth-based awakening skill that summons extraterrestrial meteors to attack all targets within the specified range and cause devastating blows.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Seeing the meteorite fall, everyone present could not say anything other than the word "Fuck".

In terms of visual effects, the more powerful the skill, the more exaggerated its visual effect is.

Awakening skills, as the most powerful skills for players, have always had extremely gorgeous visual effects, coexisting with practicality and viewing, which is pleasing to the eye.

Before that, the awakening skills of each occupation could be said to be comparable, each with its own merits.

However, from now on, everyone suddenly discovered that awakening skills and awakening skills are also different, especially in visual effects.

Other professional awakening skills are either gorgeous combos such as Raptor Breaking the Air, or exaggerated special effects such as Thunder, or a momentary explosion such as Wind Stab.

No matter how gorgeous the special effects and action designs are, in the end, it's just a skill aimed at destroying the enemy.

And the meteorite from the sky directly summons the meteorite to smash people...

The visual effect can be said to be devastating, and people can feel the oppressive and destructive feeling of despair across the arena.

"This... this fat man can... even get this terrible skill."

In the lounge, everyone stared intently at True Monarch Xuanwu in the arena, and invariably took a deep breath.

Even Wang Li and Dai Yuanyuan couldn't help frowning.

Obviously, the skill of Zhenjun Xuanwu made both perverts feel the pressure.

"It seems that this team does have two brushes." After a long time, Mana Boundless muttered to himself.

No wonder Lord Qilin is so arrogant, it seems that they also have this confidence.

Not to mention the martial arts of the White Tiger God of War, which is enough to disdain all masters, just the earth escape of Xuanwu Zhenjun + meteorite falling from the sky, it is not something ordinary people can handle.

Let alone an amateur team, even if they encounter a professional team, with True Monarch Xuanwu and the White Tiger God of War, the Divine Beast team will not suffer.

Their configuration is similar to that of Red Dust Troopers.

Both are a kung fu master and a perverted profession, with a group of master players.

If you have to choose two amateur teams that can reach the end, it must be the Red Dust Team and the Divine Beast Team.


Without the absolute master of Jian Wuxin, Yutian Shenjianliu lost his backbone. Under the leadership of Zhenjun Xuanwu, he ended the battle by three and five divisions. In the end, he was eliminated by the Shenbeast team with a disadvantage of several points.

After the Red Dust team, the Divine Beast team entered the next round.

"Cow fork!"

When the two teams came off the stage, the players in the audience were still unfinished, and they were still reminiscing about the game just now.

This is called a game, what is the first round... the garbage Red Dust team, vomited.


Soon, the two teams returned to the lounge.

Kakarot's group was extremely frustrated, and lowered their heads very low.

Their emotions are understandable. After all, they went up to win the game full of hope, but they were beaten by someone, and it was uncomfortable for anyone else, especially Jian Wuxin, whose expression was blank at this time... It's a shame that in reality, they can't go offline, Otherwise he must have run away at this moment.

There is no way, this child has suffered too few setbacks, and when he encounters failure, it is easy to doubt his life. The last time he met Wang Li and Dai Yuanyuan was like this.

As for the team of Divine Beasts, their expressions were very indifferent, as if winning was a matter of course, there was no surprise at all.

Dimensional Master Qilin smugly pointed his middle finger at the red dust team, and was dragged back to the team by the apologetic Xuanwu Zhenjun with his collar in one hand.

"Chen Song!"

At this moment, Dai Yuanyuan suddenly shouted.


Hearing this, the White Tiger God of War was stunned for a moment, then turned around quickly, then took out a pair of thick glasses from his arms and clipped them to the bridge of his nose, stretched his neck forward and searched for a moment before he saw Dai Yuanyuan.

"Ah...Xiao Li! Why are you here?"

Seeing Dai Yuanyuan, the White Tiger God of War pushed the crowd away and came over.


Everyone in the lounge was amazed. The people from the two teams seemed to know each other, as if they were friends in reality.

"Xiao Li..." Wang Li couldn't help but curled his lips and shouted so kindly, it was disgusting.

"Are you here specifically to watch my game?"

The White Tiger God of War seemed very happy to see Dai Yuanyuan, and he was about to pull Dai Yuanyuan's hand when he came over.


At this moment, a big hand stretched out from the slanting thorn, and patted the paw of the White Tiger God of War aside, and then only heard Wang Li muttering, "Why do you move your feet when you say hello."


The White Tiger God of War changed his face when he heard the words, put his head on Wang Li's face, and looked at it carefully.

This kid is deeply short-sighted and astigmatism, and he is also half-blind wearing glasses.

Wang Li quickly took a step back and stood in front of Dai Yuanyuan.

Good guy, this grandson is a little rude, he gets so close to anyone he catches.

"Who is he?" The White Tiger God of War pointed at Wang Li and asked the boundless mana beside him curiously.

"It's over there! Don't ask me." Mana Boundless pointed to Dai Yuanyuan on the other side.


The White Tiger God of War blankly turned his head to look at Dai Yuanyuan.

Everyone in the Red Dust team "..."

Originally, I thought that Dai Yuanyuan was so cute because of personal reasons, but the people who practice martial arts seem to be a little out of their minds...

"My dad's new direct disciple." Dai Yuanyuan introduced, "His name is Wang Li."

"A direct disciple?"

The White Tiger God of War was shocked when he heard the words, "Uncle Wang has an apprentice? Or is he a direct disciple? Does that mean that he belongs to your family..."

Speaking of which, the White Tiger God of War came over again, looked at Wang Li up and down, and said in surprise, "It looks ordinary, not like a martial artist."

"Cough cough!"

Wang Li coughed awkwardly, this White Tiger God of War was really accurate.

Of course, without losing face, Wang Li pretended to say, "You don't understand! Do you know what it means to return to the original?"

"Returning to the original? Hiss!"

The White Tiger God of War sucked in a breath, "Have you returned to the realm of truth?"

Returning to the True Realm is a legend. It is said that martial arts practice to the extreme will be as simple and unpretentious as ordinary people. It is impossible to tell that he is a trainee.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Li laughed, noncommittal.

"In this case, after the game is over, I hope I can ask you for a lesson or two!!" The White Tiger God of War said very seriously, "Please be sure to guide me."


Wang Li's head is full of black lines, he is just bragging, you still take it seriously.

"Ha ha……"

Hearing the words of the White Tiger God of War, the Red Dust team almost couldn't hold back and asked you to pretend to be big.


Wang Li decisively refused and said, "I've been a little obsessed recently, and the shots are not serious or heavy. In reality, let's not compare paintings. If there is a chance to meet in the game, I can give you three tricks and two styles."

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