Fighter, a profession that cannot be said to have declined, but has never risen.

Since the game started, fighters have always been the weakest of all professions.

Short hands, thin skin, low attack...

The advantages of any profession cannot be reflected in fighters.

Except for the flexible movement and skill connection, there are basically no technical advantages. If you insist on specialties, it is that the shape is more handsome...

It is precisely because of his handsome shape that he is also called the first of the three handsome men in the sewer.

In the game "Apocalypse Era", there is no embroidered pillow that is the most flashy and the most crap.

The most outrageous thing is that the fighters don't even have a background story. They only know that there is a dragon warrior Li who followed the protagonist to save the world. As for where the dragon warrior Li came from, and where did he end up, what role did he play in the background story in the game? Without explanation, it is an anonymous soy sauce profession.

Even if the Paladin is weak, family is the protagonist's profession, with the protagonist's halo bonus, and the card face is sufficient.

Assassin does not have the aura of the protagonist, but the family strength is high.

Mage, a profession with both cards and strength, is even more sought after.

In contrast, fighters really want nothing.

There was a time when there was an appeal on the forum that if Penguin didn't design it, don't design it blindly, and make a rubbish job to fool people.

There were even a few fighter players who deleted their accounts and went to the headquarters of the Penguin Company in "Apocalypse Era" to make trouble. They had to force a copy of the Penguin Building. In the end, the official had to guarantee that the fighters would make a qualitative leap in the future, and this matter finally gave up. .

It can be seen how much fighters are criticized in the player group.

So that 90% of people mentioned fighters, they would use sewers instead, and the other 10% were not so subtle, and they just said garbage.

So far, the fighters who have persisted to the present are either true love or the attractiveness index party.

On weekdays, I can't raise my head in the game, and I feel inferior when I walk on the street.

To give the most real example - no one wants to brush this book...

When a soldier, the attack distance is not enough, when the tank hardness is not enough, the magic output is not as good as the mage, the physical explosion is not as good as the assassin, and the control is not as good as the ice method and the dark animal husbandry.

Such a garbage profession, players have never seen it before.

However, seeing this scene on the arena, watching Dai Yuanyuan pressing her faith to the ground and beating violently, everyone suddenly remembered a sentence - there are no rubbish professions, only rubbish players.

Unexpectedly, fighters can be so fierce, and the sense of attack is so powerful.

Abruptly, he could smash a paladin who had opened a halo of thorns to pieces.

It turns out that fighter trash is not a professional problem, but that players can't play...

The fighter player in the corner, watching this scene on the field, burst into tears with excitement: "This... is this the fighter? Our persistence is indeed right, and our belief has not betrayed us."

"Dai Yuanyuan, Niu x!!"

I don't know who took the lead in shouting.

The players in the audience shouted involuntarily.

"Dai Yuanyuan, Niu x!"

"Dai Yuanyuan, Niu x!"


With the cheers and applause like a tsunami of mountains and tsunamis, Faith was smashed against the wall by Dai Yuanyuan's head. The last trace of blood on his head was emptied and turned into a white light to leave the field.

At the same time, there was an expression of relief on Faith's face.

No one knows how Faith feels at this time.

It is not shameful to be defeated, but it is shameful to be pressed on the ground, rubbed and ravaged, especially if the opponent is a female player, and he has also opened the so-called invincible thorn halo.

It felt as if he was still being whipped by people after he was defeated, with a sense of humiliation and shame, which filled his heart of faith.

Now that he is finally freed, Faith can't wait to kneel down to thank Dai Yuanyuan for his forgiveness.

This should be the early reaction of Stockholm Syndrome.

The family often says that not killing is a great favor, and faith is a great favor if one does not abuse them.

It can be seen how much psychological shadow Dai Yuanyuan has caused him, so that the author does not hesitate to use nearly three chapters of words to describe... ah no...


"Boss, are you alright..."

Seeing that Faith was defeated, the rest of the Holy Light team stepped forward to inquire about the situation.


Faith's eyes are empty, staring at the sky in a trance, it seems that he has fully realized that he has reached the supreme Realm of Brahman and self.

In a nutshell, it's being fooled.

Dai Yuanyuan is so ruthless, she actually greets people on the head.

"It's over... The boss isn't very smart at all, and now it's completely over, let's re-select the captain..."

Seeing that faith has become like this, the Holy Light team began to prepare for the funeral.

In the nonsense, the second player of the Holy Light team has been teleported into the arena.


Seeing the second player of Team Holy Light, everyone was excited again.

The second player of Team Holy Light is called Justice, his profession is an assassin, and his strength is not weak.

Moreover, justice has an advantage over Shangdai Yuanyuan that belief does not have.

No matter how powerful or buggy the thorn halo of faith is, he has to wait for others to beat him before he can triple the damage.

Assassin is a t0-level k profession with high burst and high output.

It can be said that in the entire professional system, except for shield battles and paladins, there are basically no professions that can restrain assassins.

No matter how strong you are, you can't stand the assassin sneaking in and stabbing you in the waist.

Even a shield warrior is not completely restrained. As long as the assassin moves in a coquettish position and can avoid the taunting and pulling skills of the shield warrior, he can also compete with the shield warrior.

As for fighters.

If the assassin is the K ceiling, the fighter is the floor, and the word sewer is enough to show that this profession is even lower than the floor.

No profession is immune to fighters.

Especially the assassin profession, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is Tianke.

The fighter has little blood, and the attack distance is ridiculously short. The assassin at least has a dagger, and the fighter is empty-handed.

The assassin turned on stealth, went around behind the fighter, and a set of bursts could directly take the fighter away without much skill at all.

The invisible stealth skills are really hard to guard against.

Dai Yuanyuan performed so well in the last round because Faith would not be invisible and could not exert the explosive power of the attacking halo.

In the face of invisible assassins, her extraordinary strength may not be able to play a role.

After all, if you want to hit someone, at least you have to see them first.

It's easy to hide a gun, but it's hard to defend against a dark arrow.


Justice has just witnessed Dai Yuanyuan's brutal methods, and also knows that this girl in front of her is outrageously strong, and she will definitely have no chance of winning in a head-on battle. As soon as she enters the arena, Justice starts sneaking without saying a word, and her figure disappears in a flash. Round eyes.

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