Hugging a sister in my arms, double the damage===

In a clothing store that sells men’s clothing.

Li Tailang walked in, searching every corner,

Looking for traces of living people or ghosts, I searched several houses, but found nothing.

I found time to take out the live broadcast mobile phone to watch~ I took a look at the live broadcast room.

The number of people online has reached a terrifying 500,000-plus.

The barrage frantically refreshed: “Is the anchor in Futai Mall? Is it true that ghosts are raging and killing people there?”

“Brother Lang, wherever you run, there are ghosts.”

“It’s terrible. I have a friend who is in Futai Mall. I can’t get through the phone now. I’m afraid he’s dead.”

“Brother Lang, you are on fire, hold on, as long as you don’t die, this wave of you will take off directly, and you will be the millionaire anchor.

“It’s so scary, the mall is haunted, and the anchor dares to live broadcast, because of the fire, I’ll lose my life.”

More than 500,000 viewers, more than 400,000 of them are newcomers who don’t know Li Tailang at all.

They came in purely because they heard that the live broadcast room was broadcasting the situation inside Futai Mall, so they came in to take a look.

In this case, it is not suitable for interaction. Li Tailang did not speak, and put the live broadcast mobile phone back into his pocket.

The 360-degree camera on the head is still in sync with the phone.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated rapidly in his pocket.

“Buzz buzz~~~~” Li Tailang took out his phone and looked, Cui Nanxing called.

Looking around in the clothing store, I found a private dressing room and hid it. When I connected the phone, a voice came from the opposite side.

“You don’t have to talk, I’m Cui Nanxing, I’m in yourStudio. ”

“You are capable, save people if you can. If you can’t save people, protect yourself first. Don’t mess around. You are the only channel through which we can know the internal situation.”

“When you die, we don’t know anything about it.”

“Now we are mobilizing the masters of the earth master to try to save people.”

Li Tailang nodded after hearing the words: “Yes, I understand, I will try my best.”

The phone hangs up.

Li Tailang pondered for a moment, pushed open the door of the dressing room and went out.

Suddenly, there was a strange noise from the dressing room next door.


Li Tailang’s expression tightened, and he subconsciously touched the demon-repelling golden flame on his waist.

Lines of subtitles popped up in front of my eyes: “You found something unusual in the locker room. ”

“Choice 1: Bravely push open the door, only when you are frantically probing on the verge of death can you understand the true meaning of life. Reward: points +1. ”

“Option 2: Cautiously bend over and crawl on the ground, and look in through the crack of the door. Reward: points +1. ”

“Choice 3: Don’t open the door, don’t try to look, leave quickly, curiosity will always kill people, death is only a moment. Reward: points +1. ”

Li Tailang licked his lips, chuckled silently, silently chose the first option, pulled out the golden flame of expelling demons, and stretched out his hand to push the door.

The hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room watched this scene with their hearts hanging in their throats, typing reminders frantically, and swiping the barrage.

“Don’t open the door, the most classic way for ghosts to kill is to open the door to kill.”

“Yes, the ghost is leading you to open the door. As long as you open the door, you will be attacked.”

“I’m going to die, I’m going to die, this anchor is going to die.”

“It’s over, I thought I could watch it for a while, but it’s completely cold now.”

“Think with your ass, you know the anchor is going to die.”

Cui Nanxing was in the command room, watching the live broadcast, clenched his fists nervously, and gnawed his silver teeth lightly: “The waves are dead, and their ruthlessness will not change. They can go where the danger is, can’t they be steady?”

“Squeaky…” The door of the locker room opened slowly.

“Ah~~~ Don’t kill me, don’t kill me~~~ I’m still young, my parents are still waiting for me to take care of me, don’t kill me~~~嘿嘤嘘嘤~~~”

Hearing this, Li Tailang stared at the petite figure in the locker room who hugged his head and curled up into a ball, and was stunned: “Sister sweetheart!?”

Xu Liuxin trembled, and looked up at Li Tailang stupidly, his big eyes were filled with tears, it was tears and snot flowing together.

“Wow~~~Brother Lang, I knew you would come to save me.” Xu Liuxin cried loudly and threw himself into Li Tailang’s arms, rubbing his nose and tears on his clothes.

Li Tailang leaned back and patted Xu Liuxin on the back: “Why are you here?”

Xu Liuxin raised his head, aggrieved: “I’ll buy you shoes, I think you always wear a pair of shoes and don’t change them.”

“I’m free today. Miaomiao invited me to watch a movie. I’ll come over to show you the shoes when I have time. Who knows that people die everywhere.”

“Someone shouted that ghosts killed people, so I hid.”

Li Tailang listened warmly in his heart, rubbed Xu Liuxin’s head and said, “Don’t worry, don’t be afraid, brother Lang is here, and I will definitely protect your safety.”

Xu Liuxin wiped his snot bubbles, and the doll’s face was full of trust: “Yeah.”

Li Tailang said: “You just said that Squad Leader Lin is here too!?”

Xu Liuxin said tearfully: “Yes, my mobile phone is still in her bag. She should be in the cinema on the fourth floor now. I hope she is okay.”

Li Tailang nodded and said, “Don’t worry, she’s smarter than you, and she has a better heart than you. She has also experienced supernatural events, so she won’t die easily.”

Xu Liuxin lowered his head: “o(╥﹏╥)o” His self-esteem was seriously frustrated.

At this time, the model doll in the clothing store turned its head strangely, and looked sideways at Li Tailang, whose back was turned, his eyes were full of malice.

The arm of the model doll slowly extended to Li Tailang’s shoulder.

Because of Xu Liuxin’s height of 1.55 meters, he threw himself into Li Tailang’s arms. He couldn’t see it at all, and he was still begging for comfort, hugging and holding high.

The audience in the live broadcast room clearly saw this weird scene through the 360-degree camera, and they were instantly trembling with fright, and quickly sent barrage.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s useful or not, I just hope Li Tailang can see it and react.

“Anchor, the puppet behind you is alive, alive~~~”

“Brother Lang, be careful, there is a ghost behind you!!!”

“Brother Lang, don’t look back, don’t look back, turn around and kill!!!”

“Crack!” Li Tailang’s shoulder was patted by the puppet’s palm.

Suddenly, Li Tailang’s hairs exploded, his pupils shrank,

Muscles tense instantly.

“Brother Lang, what’s the matter with you!?” Xu Liuxin raised his head in doubt, and when he saw a strange puppet palm on Li Tailang’s left shoulder, he was about to shout out in shock.

Li Tailang stretched out his hand, covered Xu Liuxin’s mouth, and signaled not to scream.

Xu Liuxin nodded obediently, and looked at the puppet’s hands in fear.palm.

A line of subtitles popped up in front of Li Tailang’s eyes: “You have been shouldered by a ghost puppet, as long as you look at the ghost puppet, it will cause the ghost puppet to attack. ”

“Ghost puppet killing must meet two conditions, first put your shoulders, and second, you see it, if you meet the above two conditions, you will be dismembered instantly. ”

“Option 1: Turn back, you will be instantly dismembered by ghost dolls. Reward: points +1. ”

“Choice 2: Don’t look back, pretend not to know, linger on. Reward: points +1. ”

“Option 3: Don’t be cowardly, just do it, close your eyes and give it a slap, and run away with the girl on your shoulders, exciting. Reward: points +1. ”

Li Tailang silently chose the third option, and said with a smile: “Don’t be afraid, sweetheart girl, Brother Lang is here, close your eyes, I will tell you to open them, and then open them again.”

Xu Liuxin was panting, her legs were swinging, and her big eyes were slowly closed obediently.

·· 0 for flowers········

Seeing this, Li Tailang turned cold, closed his eyes, and hugged Xu Liuxin’s waist with one hand, and the real fire of samadhi suddenly appeared in the palm of the other hand,

He turned around abruptly and drew back.

“Bang!” The ghost puppet’s head was knocked crooked, sparks burned out on its face, and it took a step back staggeringly.

Li Tailang didn’t even open his eyes, he ran out with Xu Liuxin on his legs, rushed out of the clothing store, hit the glass guardrail before opening his eyes, and looked around.

Pupils contracted suddenly.

The dolls in the clothing store on the entire floor were alive, and all of them broke through the glass. When they walked to the corridor, there were more than a dozen ghost dolls, all looking at Li Tailang.

Then, with a step, it creaked and moved, and the moving speed became faster and faster, and it reached the speed of a 100-meter sprint in just a few seconds.

Li Tailang opened the ghost eye to detect their strength.

“Ghost Doll, Level: Evil Ghost. Danger Level: Extremely Fatal. Status: Possessed. Watching it, and being patted on the shoulder, will be instantly dismembered. ”

“Option 1: Run immediately, there are so many ghost dolls, if you are shot on the shoulder, you will be dismembered and killed instantly. Reward: points +1. ”

“Option 2: Close your eyes, jump from here, and die quickly. Reward: points +1. ”

.. . . 0

“Option 3: Hold your sister in your arms, double the damage, pick up your big axe, and chop them up. Reward: points +1. ”

“Wori, this time it’s too much fun.” Li Tailang reached out and shook the cello case behind him, unzipped the zipper, and reached out to hold the madman’s chain axe.

The other hand put Xu Liuxin on the ground.

Xu Liuxin asked nervously: “Brother Lang, can I open my eyes!?”

Li Tailang flicked the madman’s chain axe, and the real fire of samadhi quickly attached to it: “Hold me tight, if you let go or open your eyes, you will die.”

When Xu Liuxin heard this, he immediately hugged Li Tailang’s waist in fear, wrapping around Li Tailang like a kangaroo.

“Come on, let’s have a big fight, I hope you are not too weak.” Li Tailang laughed, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

With one step, it shot out like a cannonball.

Bumping head-on at the doll running down the corridor.

Swinging the flaming madman’s chain-axe, slashing,

The glass of the storefront flew across,

The wall was cut with an ax blade like tofu,

The 4 ogre dolls that were cut by the ax were instantly broken into two pieces,

The burning chains tore apart the ten ghost puppets within the range.

“You eliminated 4 ghost puppets, reward experience: 8000 points, bonus points: 80 points, dropped items: puppet heart x4, recovery price: 1 point. ”

The torsos of the ten ghost dolls assembled automatically, and they returned to their original state. They stood up, looked at Li Tailang again, and then Sa Yazi turned around and ran away, which was called a quick one.

“Your brutal attack instantly defeats the inner line of defense of the ghost puppet. ”

“The ghost puppet is afraid of you, and dare not confront you face to face. ”

“They were scared by you and went to other floors to move rescuers. ”

Seeing this, Li Tailang took out the fixed flashlight, and directly shone it on: “Don’t move, you still want to send rescuers? Let’s die one by one!”

The ten ghost puppets were instantly frozen by a strong light.

Li Tailang swung the madman’s chain axe, and the double-edged ax pierced into the chests of the ten dolls like a hungry tiger rushing for food or a dragon entering the sea, cutting them into two pieces one by one.

“You eliminated 10 ghost dolls, reward experience: 10000 points, reward points: 200 points, dropped items: doll heart x10, recovery price: 1 point. ”

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for rewards, ask for reminder tickets, and ask for custom orders. Handsome brothers, please move your noble little fingers, thank you. and.


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