Grimace Granny===

“Grass!” Li Tailang’s somewhat tired spirit suddenly revived, he gripped the steering wheel, stepped on the brakes a few times,

I looked sideways at the rearview mirror, and found that there was no one on the road behind, no blood, no corpses, and looked at the front of the car, it was intact, everything seemed to be an illusion.

“What’s the matter, Brother Lang? What’s the matter?” Fans in the live broadcast room were instantly barraged and asked.

Li Tailang touched his tense face, and said energetically: “Brothers, I seem to have hit a ghost. The time is very short, just a moment.”

“I saw an old lady rushing towards me from the road ahead. I was so scared that I thought she was going to kill someone.”

“As a result, the Mercedes-Benz directly ran into it, and the old lady disappeared.”

The barrage in the live broadcast room of the mobile phone was bouncing crazily, and the colorful fonts filled the entire mobile phone, all of which were big flashing red characters.

“Brother Lang, there is a ghost in the back seat of your car!”

“Brother Lang, there is a grimace behind your shoulder, crawling behind you!”

“Brother Lang, be careful!!!”

Li Tailang glanced at the phone, his expression was startled,

Turning around suddenly,

The back seat was empty and there was no sign of a ghost.

As soon as I turned around, I saw the frightened barrage of fans in the live broadcast room: “Brother Lang, don’t look down, don’t look down…”

Seeing this, Li Tailang lowered his head subconsciously.An old face that was wrinkled like a chrysanthemum, staring at a pair of big black mouths that were split open and grinning strangely, his eyes were fixed on Li Tailang’s crotch.

“I’m sorry!” Li Tailang has rich experience in beating ghosts, and was also frightened by the sudden horror,

The scalp tingled for a while, and a gust of cold air rushed straight from the tailbone to the back of the head.

Lift your foot and step on the grimacing old lady.

One foot in the air.

The grimacing old lady disappeared again.

“Md, where did you go?” Li Tailang looked around, seeing Yeyan’s quick scan, looking for abnormal auras.

The night was as dark as ink, there were bright street lights on the left and right sides of the road, and dozens of cars were driving at high speed in the front and rear, and there was no abnormal situation at all.

The fans in the live broadcast room were already trembling with fright. Many people hid under the covers and had already retracted their feet, typing tremblingly and sending barrage.

Fan: “Brother Lang, get off the road and stop driving!”

Fan: “Brother Lang, don’t act dead, what will you do if that ghost attacks you.”

Big boss Yan Shisan: “Brother Lang, you are on the road around the city, surrounded by cars traveling at 60 to 70 kilometers per hour. Don’t stop rashly. A series of car accidents will happen, and you will die 100%.”

“No way, Big Brother Thirteen, don’t stop. If the grimacing old lady attacks Brother Lang while driving, how can Brother Lang fight back?”

“Yeah, step on the accelerator and hold the steering wheel. Isn’t this like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered? It’s a dead end…”

“Brother Lang, pull over and stop, stop driving!”

“You can’t stop. You can’t stop on the road around the city. When you stop, you will be greeted by patrol inspectors. If you are caught without a driver’s license, Brother Lang will go to jail.”

Fan: “Hastily… Brother Lang is going to kill himself.”

“You encountered a grimacing old lady on the ring road because of fatigue driving. ”

“Fatal reminder of the grimacing granny: There are tens of thousands of roads, safety is the first, the driving is irregular, and the loved ones cry. ”

“Option 1: You decide to get off the Ring Expressway at the intersection ahead. Reward: points +1. ”

“Option 2: You decide to pull over, attract patrol inspectors, and go to prison with peace of mind. Reward: points +1. ”

“Option 3: You decide to step up the accelerator and do it, racing with ghost-faced old ladies and ghosts.” Reward: points +1. ”

Li Tailang became excited as soon as he bumped into a ghost, silently chose the third option, and smiled: “Brothers, don’t be afraid, the problem is not big.”

“Your Brother Lang is playing drag racing with ghosts tonight.”

“Look at her old arms and legs, how she can catch up with your brother Lang’s four wheels!”

The fans in the live broadcast room were stunned when they heard the words, bullet screens went wild, and gifts flew up.

“66666… ​​Brother Lang is really not afraid of death!”

“The number one master of death is none other than me, Brother Lang!”

“Amazing Klaas, Brother Lang, I won’t accept the wall, so I will obey you!”

“Only by frantically probing on the verge of death can one comprehend the true meaning of life. Brother Lang perfectly interpreted this sentence, and I am convinced.”

“Mom, Nine Lives doesn’t dare to play like this!”

“Brother Lang, can you be steady, my little brother is scared…”

“Wait, Brother Lang, before you go racing with the grimacing old lady, let me change a diaper first, I’m afraid I’ll pee again.”

Li Tailang accelerated the drive without being affected at all, and said casually: “Brothers, if you hang out with your brother Lang, it is normal to bump into ghosts nine times in three days.”

“Your brother Lang has dealt with ghosts since he was a child. In fact, there is nothing terrible about them. They also look a little scary. In fact, the stupid ones have no brains.”

“Many ghosts were pressed to the ground and beaten, and then they were subdued.”

“If you don’t accept it, you can beat him twice.”

The live broadcast room is full of ellipses: “…”

Many fans were completely overwhelmed by Li Tailang’s manipulation.

Suddenly, the fans in the live broadcast room clearly saw a scary old man’s face appearing and disappearing at the window of the car, chasing the car.

ps: Asking for flowers, asking for evaluation tickets, asking for monthly tickets, asking for rewards, asking for reminder tickets….


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