Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 788 770 Knights

Chapter 788 770. Knights

Berengar said that if Lan En tried to block the Trial of Green Grass, he would have to go and see a group of people in person.

Lan En didn't know what this meant.

Is it possible that the people who are now obsessed with his power have formed a gang under their fanatical thoughts?

Is it developing so fast?

But Berengar said nothing to hide while riding a Poppy to lead the way.

"If it's just a bunch of people waiting, then I don't think you care about their opinions. The key is not this group of people."

"Do you still remember the group of Cintra knights who fought with you on Mount Solo?"

Berengar's words made Lan En react immediately.

He recalled that battlefield and the knights who followed him on that battlefield and charged and galloped.

The presence of Mentos makes every scene in these memories vividly present.

"Are they around here?"

Lan En asked with a slight frown.

"I originally wanted to disband them after the war."

"[Ember] is a sad name, not worth carrying forever. People must always look forward."

Berengar gently pinched Poppa's belly, and the horse's hooves clicked on the ground.

"Okay, okay, what's the use of telling me this?"

"Anyway, the result is: Although there are only sixty people, no one dares to mess with a knightly group, and Foltest has specially approved the documents. They are stationed around Gos Velen. Governor Vesela of Velen Sir De didn’t even dare to let go of a fart, and he even had to bring supplies from time to time.”

"Now it seems that these people don't really listen to your orders."

Lan En's mouth twitched.

Mentos promptly helped him recall more content.

Although generally speaking, the [Embers] respected him as a god from the moment this army was formed.

But this group of knights is very different from ordinary fanatics. They have their own ideas.

For example, many times, Lan En would ask them to relax, but such words would be completely ignored by them.

It was as if the leader of his army suddenly turned into a transparent man, and these knights were still training on their own.

Lan En himself does not believe in God, so when faced with this group of knights who are fanatical about him, they will disobey him at certain times.

He didn't even know whether this 'disobedience' made him happy or unhappy.

But now, it's obvious that these guys don't take his words seriously.

Lan En scratched his head helplessly.

Not long after walking, Berengar took Lan En on another road outside the city.

As we gradually move away from the city walls of Gos Velen, we have entered the wild and dangerous wilderness of Velen.

The familiar things like the swamp under the grass and the black and smelly mud seemed to remain unchanged.

"Are you turning on the Witcher Senses?"

Lan En asked as he walked, and at the same time, a pair of vertical pupils in his eyes began to shrink unsteadily.

"Yeah, you have to follow the traces."

Berengar controlled Poppy with the reins and walked around a grassy area that looked normal. It was a swamp.

"This knighthood has also become part of the legend. Many passionate young people, warriors and mercenaries who want to find a future want to join."

"Actually, there were quite a few of them on their way from the Soden region into Temeria."

"But they claimed that they would not expand without your approval, thus rejecting many people. In order to avoid entanglement, they moved into the wilderness two months ago and only maintained contact with official channels. But for us Well."

Berengar turned around on his horse, pointed at Lan Enxu's eyes with two fingers, and smiled.

The traces of the movement of large groups of people are always very clear in the eyes of the demon hunter.

Not long after, amidst the renewed din of human shouts, a simple camp appeared in front of the two demon hunters and the kitten.

There was no shortage of wood in the Willen area, so a lot of wood as thick as a human head was tied in a row and sharpened at the top to become a wall.

The camp was set up very experiencedly, and the highest terrain nearby was chosen, making it impossible for people to peek at the layout inside from outside the fence.

Two soldiers stood on the same sentry position made of wood, holding crossbows on duty, complementing the soldiers with melee equipment at the door below.

When Berengar approached, Lan was still walking behind.

The soldier on duty stepped forward and gave a keen warning before the old demon hunter got too close.

"Please stop, this is a military station."

The old demon hunter followed the good example and stopped Pope with a smile.

"Of course, of course. I won't get into trouble with you."

Then, the sound of some large creature crashing through the trees came from the trees behind him.

The soldiers on duty were immediately on alert in less than two seconds without any communication.

One of the soldiers holding crossbows on the guard post picked up the crossbow, and the other walked to the alarm bell.

When Lan En walked out of the bushes, they were stunned at first, but within a few seconds, a special crossbow arrow flew towards Lan En's feet.

Lan En tilted his head and looked at the golden arrow.

"M-my lord?"

The soldier who stood up just now and ordered Berengar to stop reacted first. The corners of his mouth tightened, and he blinked red eyes and approached Lan En.

"Please forgive me, sir. We have to make sure that no despicable person uses illusions to blind you. The current wind direction is very sensitive."

Lan En could hear a choked sound in the soldier's mouth.

"I'm sorry, my lord. We lost track of you!"

The crossbowman on the sentry seemed to have confirmed it, and he immediately shouted towards the inside, so the camp, which originally had only the sound of uniform drills, suddenly became noisy.

But this noise is not a manifestation of disorder. On the contrary, it is just a noise caused by too many people moving in unison and their armor parts colliding with each other.

Lan En, who was originally a little angry with them, had nothing to say in the soldier's choked report.

"It was just an accident on the battlefield. Who could understand the magic of chaos?"

Lann patted the soldier on the shoulder.

The gate to the camp opened, and Lincoln was the first to rush out.

This young man who always pretends to be calm has matured a bit after not seeing each other for a few months.

He still maintained the caution that Lan En was familiar with.

The eyes quickly glanced at the crossbow arrows on the ground next to them. After confirming that they were genuine magic-blocking gold arrows, they suppressed their excited gasps and approached.

"grown ups."

"You act like I've abandoned you."

Before Lan En could speak, he raised his eyebrows and choked Lincoln back.

Familiar sounds, familiar feelings.

They hadn't seen each other for only a few months, but Lincoln and the others felt like they had been lost for a long time like a kite with its string cut off.

It wasn't until Lan En reappeared in front of them that this empty mood slowly disappeared.

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