Ascend Another Day

Chapter 350: Pinnacle Armed

For Xiao Tianzun, Xu Ying originally only had the enemy and himself in his heart, but now he unconsciously has another feeling.

He couldn't remember what happened in the first life, but Xiao Tianzun once said that Xu Ying was his teacher, father, brother, and friend.

The word father shows that in his heart, Xu Ying was just like his father back then.

Xu Ying didn't understand this kind of emotion before, but now he suddenly understood that in that ancient and ignorant era, Xiao Tianzun should be an orphan he took in.

The child was taken in by Xu Ying, who wandered around with him, a lawless man, experienced all kinds of dangers and suffered all kinds of hardships.

Under the care and teaching of the promise, the children grow up day by day. The person he admires most in his heart must be Xu Ying, the person he respects the most must also be Xu Ying, and his best friend must also be Xu Ying.

He took Xu Ying as an example and Xu Ying's dream as his dream, hoping to change the status quo of his ancestors who were poor and weak, and change the status quo of their ancestors who were starving, beaten, and scolded.

He wants to mend the sky for his ancestral home, discover the buried and hidden history, and let everyone in his ancestral home live with his head held high.

He wanted to restore the ancestral court to its former glory! In fact, these dreams originally did not belong to him but to Xu Ying, but after following this teacher for too long, they became his dreams.

That's why when Xu Ying chose to ascend to the fairyland, he was so saddened by Xu Ying's betrayal that he even thought of killing Xu Ying for revenge.

The fairyland destroyed the ancestral court and slandered the ancestral court as a demon domain, and slandered the people who slandered the ancestral court as demons. The suppression of the ancestral court by the immortal world and the heavens and myriad worlds has never stopped.

In his heart, there is always a perfect Xu Ying who is like a master, a father, a brother, and a friend. This man who entrusted his dream to himself has soared to the enemy's camp and became an enemy. How can it not make him sad?

But Xiao Tianzun did not kill Xu Ying. Instead, he found him when he was in trouble, and even learned the way of immortality in order to break the seal on him, making actions that seemed completely unwise to others in the ancestral court.

Although he hated Xu Ying's betrayal and abandonment, he still believed that Xu Ying was his mentor and his father and brother.

Now Xiao Tianzun is in trouble and Xu Ying has to save him. "Xu Tianzun, you are also a wanted criminal in the fairy world, and you will get more rewards from the fairy world! Today I will send you masters and apprentices on the road to earn this great wealth

Taoist Ji paused with one single step, and in the boundless sea of ​​stars behind him, suddenly a stalwart primordial spirit slowly stood up and raised his head, with the head of a bird, the body of a human, phoenix claws, and golden wings on his back.

The powerful divine power distorts the surrounding space and condenses the space of thousands of miles to form a ring floating behind the head of the bird-headed god.

A star shard drifted past the ring, and the star shards were no longer so huge compared to the ring.

In the ring is the deafening chanting of Li people's livelihood in Tiandao Daochang.

His primordial spirit was formed by gathering qi and incense. When Xu Ying entered the ancestral court, he had imagined that this form would be Chu Xiangxiang's ideal form.

Ji Daoren has already been refined into this form. His primordial spirit is not only the primordial spirit of the qi refiner, but also the primitive deity formed by the sacrifices and offerings of all living beings. Immortal and **** dual cultivation!

This is the unique cultivation system of the ancestral court. Xu Ying looked up at the Wushuang Yuanshen and lost his voice: "Ji Daoist, you... are you a chicken demon?"


Ji Daoren's primordial spirit probe grabbed Xu Ying in front of the fairy tomb with mana shocks and solidified the void!

The scent of this claw's incense permeates all living beings, and the sound of chanting is like a Hongzhong Dalu vibrating and melodious. The surrounding starry sky and even the fairy tomb of the Great God of the Three Altars Haihui are vibrating endlessly under his claws!

"I promise that you have experienced several battles since you entered the ancestral court. Although the combat power you have shown is tyrannical, it is nothing more than that in my eyes!"

Ji Daoren's bird head soul is like a primitive **** king. The tens of thousands of years of incense made him comprehend and comprehend the avenue of heaven and earth in his ancestral home.

This kind of practice method is the same as the **** Chong Xiao that Xu Ying met in the original world, but his cultivation time is longer than Chong Xiao, and his mana is deeper than Chong Xiao!

The way of heaven he practiced is different from the way of heaven in the heavens and worlds, which is unique to his ancestral court.

His divine power is even stronger than the Xuanhao God King Xu Ying encountered before. "Your time is past!" His claws fell and the sea of ​​stars wavered.

Xu Ying smiled, and suddenly his figure flashed, facing the claw, he rushed forward, and the six caves behind him whirled and buzzed!

"Before I entered the ancestral court, I proclaimed myself as a cultivation base and only moved the cultivation base of the court. Now, I can finally unseal the seal and release my cultivation base to my heart's content!"

Xu Ying laughed out loud, and the six big caves even gave a feeling of cheering, and they were running extremely happily!

The self-sealed cultivation base in his body was unsealed layer by layer, and his aura became more and more powerful, stirring up the situation.

The vitality, yin and yang, primordial spirit, mental strength, vitality and sea consciousness in his body have been crazily improved. With the blessing of the six great caves, the primordial spirit has changed from three feet tall to nine feet taller than Xu Ying. It's even a foot taller!

Xu Ying entered meditation at the Shendaotai and was compatible with his own brand, and finally cultivated the two great ancestors of Huang Ting and Yu Chi.

This is the first time that he has completely displayed the Six Secrets Ancestral Law and Taiyi Xiantian's Aid. Although the two caves of Huangting and Yuchi are not the caves of his first life, these two caves are only the fifth heaven. But when the ancestral law is running, there is a vast ocean of vitality and spiritual consciousness flooding in!

Xu Ying's Yuanshen also had a halo formed by the Heavenly Dao Dojo behind his head. Let Yuan You's mana be powerful and amazing.

"Ji Taoist let you see the complete ancestral law of the Kunlun Xu family.

He opened his empty arms with both soul and soul, and shook them vigorously. It's like the Taishang Laojun dropped a gossip alchemy furnace from a long distance, and the raging sea of ​​fire gushed out the sun and the moon to travel through the sea! Supernatural Powers and Eight Desolation Solar Furnaces!

Xu Ying's Yuanshen held up the Eight Desolation Sun Refining Furnace to meet Ji Daoren's Yuanshen's sharp claws!

Terrifying power erupted from both sides, Taoist Ji's soul was shaken backwards.

Just when this terrifying power erupted, a burst of clear air flew out of Xu Ying Yuanshen's head, divided into three parts, and turned into three Qingtian, earth, and four primordial gods. Behind their heads, each had a halo of heavenly power formed by a dojo!

Yihua Sanqing! Xu Ying Yuanshen and Sanqing Yuanshen flanked left and right and killed Ji Daoren's Yuanshen until he was defeated and retreated, unable to hold his ground!

Ji Daoren Yuanshen's Heavenly Dao Dojo is a dojo formed by the ancestral court's broken Heavenly Dao, while the Daochang behind Xu Ying's Yuanshen's head is the complete Heavenly Dao Dojo of all heavens and myriad realms!

Daoist Ji showing off the Dao of Heaven in front of him is just asking for humiliation!

Suddenly, Xu Ying's figure turned into a ray of light, passed through the aftermath of surging supernatural powers, and went straight to kill Taoist Ji.

After cultivating into the primordial spirit, the way of fighting has changed greatly. The primordial spirit is not only the place of life, but also the strongest means of attack.

Xu Ying's physical body and primordial spirit split up and act, primordial spirit against primordial spirit, fleshly body against fleshly body

Surrounding the fairy tomb is a sea of ​​chaotic stars. Xu Ying's supernatural powers are more powerful than usual, as if there is a heaven and earth to help. Countless stars emerge like a flowing star and grind Taoist Ji into the supernatural powers!

The sea of ​​chaotic stars was originally a broken starry sky, countless broken stars gathered here, and the avenue of heaven and earth also shattered.

But as Xu Ying's supernatural powers were used, the broken avenue in the sea of ​​stars hummed, and rays of light flew from the broken world to bless Xu Ying's blow!

Daoren Ji shook Xu Ying's sea of ​​chaotic stars with his palms like flying. The old man shattered countless stars, and in an instant, the starry sky burst into flames and broken stars appeared behind Taoor Ji.

He actually pierced through the chaotic sea of ​​stars and came out of this supernatural power! This is Zu Ting's fierce and domineering fighting style.

The ancestral court is called the Demon Realm, and the gods here are also called demon gods. One of the reasons is that their fighting style is wild and there are not many gorgeous magical powers. Their magical channeling method is more for close combat!

Their fellow immortals and gods are called demons, but in the ancestral court, this kind of cultivation method is called physical sanctification!

Although Xu Ying knew that his cultivation base was extremely profound, Weihun did not expect his physical body to be so tyrannical and praised: "This old man is so fierce!" "Boom!"

Ji Taoist broke through the Xinghai supernatural powers, his palms interspersed and flew, and they collided with Xu Ying's palms. The palm strength of the two exploded, and the surrounding star sea suddenly exploded!

Xu Ying urged the human body to move the six secrets, but even failed to occupy the upper three altars, Haihui, around the tomb of the great fairy, Huntian Ling swam around and became extremely wide, blocking pieces of broken stars and swaying away the aftermath of Xu Ying and Taoist Ji's magical powers, so as not to disturb the tomb of the fairy .

"Come again!" Xu Ying yelled violently and pushed out his palms, pushing the six great Tanzu caves to the extreme The aftermath of overflowing magical powers destroys!

Taoist Ji took a step back as his breath became unstable! "Come again!"

Xu Ying slammed like a wild dragon, and there was another earth-shattering bang. This time Taoist Ji couldn't stand on his feet, and was crushed by his palm, knocked backwards, and fell on a fragment of a star! "Come again!"

Xu Ying's voice came from the incomplete sky of broken stars, and his palms crushed the sky and fell from the sky!

Taoist Ji raised his hands and the next moment his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding. "boom!"

The star fragments exploded and shattered into countless pieces. Xu Ying put his hands against Taoist Ji's palms and ran wildly in the starry sky. "call-"

In the sea of ​​stars, Taoist Ji's primordial spirit spread its huge wings like a knife and slashed towards Xu Ying to rescue his real body.

Xu Ying let go of Taoist Ji to avoid the blow. But at this moment, his nine-foot primordial spirit urged Buzhou Mountain to suppress Ji Daoren and his primordial spirit at the foot of the mountain!

Taoist Ji vomited blood again and again and tried his best to block Bu Zhoushan's suppression. When the magical power dissipated, he saw Xu Ying slowly descending from the sky and floating above him.

Taoist Ji took a long breath and waited to fight again. At this moment, Xu Ying's Sanqing Yuanshen landed from different directions and surrounded him in the center.

The corners of Ji Daoren's eyes twitched and he looked up, only to see that Xu Ying's Yuanshen body was still in the sky and had not landed. "Xu Tianzun, I lost!"

Taoist Ji looked at Xu Ying and said, "You are Xu Tianzun and I'm just a pheasant. You don't mind the fault of a villain and let me go so that you can fulfill your reputation."

Xu Ying shook his head and said: "You think that the devil betrayed the ancestors to kill the little Tianzun in order to become an immortal. I don't know what else you can do.

Ji Daoren's heart was cold, and then he became fierce and suddenly merged with Yuanshen, fluttering his wings and soaring into the sky, shouting: "I promise that if you want to kill me, I will fight with you! Tear your Yuanshen first!"

In the sky, a huge furnace appeared from the flames.

Daoist Ji was startled, and immediately turned towards Xu Ying's body, but what was coming was also the extremely bright Divine Fire Bahuang Solar Furnace.

He rushed in other directions but saw fires brighter than the sun around him blocking all his way.

"Boom!" mouthfuls of the Eight Desolation Solar Furnaces merged into one and Taoist Ji was put into the furnace.

After a while, the old Taoist was reduced to ashes.

Xu Ying withdrew his primordial spirit, turned around and walked towards the fairy tomb of the great **** of the Santan Haihui, and said in his heart: "I can't stay here any longer dodge.

Behind him, one of the Sanqing Yuanshen entered the body of the little Tianzun and took over the body of the little Tianzun.

The little Tianzun stood up.

Xu Ying came to the fairy tomb and took out a few sticks of incense to offer incense to the Great God of the Santan Haihui and prayed for a while, then said to Huntian Ling Qiankun Circle and other fairy artifacts: "I feel very uneasy to disturb everyone during this period of time. If there was someone 48,000 years ago Even if you offend me, you will punish me and never fight back."

Hot Wheels and Gold Brick flew out of the fairy tomb but did not attack him. Xu Ying thanked Xiao Tianzun and turned around and entered the sea of ​​chaotic stars.

He hadn't gone far, and suddenly a strong aura circled around the broken star fragments in the star sea, and many powerful figures appeared behind them.

Xu Ying's heart sank slightly and he immediately turned around. At this time, there was also a wave of aura rising into the sky from behind, and many powerful figures walked out of the sea of ​​stars.

"The emperor ordered to take the life of Xiao Tianzun in exchange for a place of ascension."

An old voice came and said leisurely, "Who in the heavens and worlds can't be crazy about it?"

"We saw your strength when we promised you to kill Taoist Ji.

A strong man from the ancestral court came over and said calmly, "But no matter how strong you are, you can't bring Xiao Tianzun out of the sea of ​​chaotic stars alive!"

Xu Ying's heart gradually sank. He was not afraid of anyone who entered the sea of ​​chaotic stars. Although these people were strong, he was confident that he could kill anyone alone, even if the opponent had a long-standing reputation!

But there are so many strong people appearing in Chaotic Star Sea Ants, and they kill elephants, not to mention that many of these strong people are not inferior to him in cultivation!

Xu Ying's eye muscles twitched violently, took out a rope, and the little Tianzun came and lay on his back.

Xu used ropes to tie him to himself and took back his Sanqing Primordial Spirit in Xiao Tianzun's body and said in a low voice: "Don't be afraid that I will take you out!"

When he said this, a picture suddenly appeared in front of him in a trance. The same desperate situation was also a fourteen-year-old boy, but he was smiling at a child at that time: "Don't be afraid that I will take you out."

This scene seems to be repeated. Xu Ying was about to rush forward, suddenly a red light flashed in front of his eyes, and a red ribbon flew over, passed through his armpit, circled around behind his head, and passed out from his other armpit.

Huntian Ribbon fluttered with a brilliant celestial light. Xu Yingzheng was surprised. Suddenly, two hot wheels roared and appeared on the soles of his咱一」

A blaze flew into his hand, and a flaming spear appeared in his hand!

Gold Brick, Qiankun Circle Lin Mi rattled, one was put on his shoulders and the other was hung on top of his head.

In an instant, Xu Ying was fully armed with celestial weapons, and many celestial weapons were shining brightly!

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