Ascend Another Day

Chapter 343: Buy a box and return a pearl

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat: "The blessings I accumulated for me in my first life are here! This person has seen me in my first life!"

His brain was running wildly, guessing the purpose of the white-clothed scholar, "I rushed to Tushita Palace, and he came here too. Hearing the resentment towards me in his words, did he come here to kill me? But just listen to his tone, my first... Shi should not have done anything harmful. It's just that he seems to have a lot of resentment..."

The white-clothed scholar apologized: "I was rude. I just remembered that old man. Seeing that you look very similar to him, it is difficult to restrain my emotions. What I hate the most is betrayal! By the way, after talking for so long, I still I don't know your name."

Xu Ying was calm and composed, and said with a smile: "There are often people with similar looks in this world. I probably look a lot like that Xu Ying. The purple-clothed God Hou Chutiandu, the Chutiandu who has become famous recently, is me. "

He took out Chu Tiandu's mask and put it on his face.

After putting on the mask, Xu Ying's demeanor has changed a lot, and he has the demeanor of the number one master of the younger generation in the Demon Realm.

"Haven't you asked your honorable name?" Xu Ying asked.

The white-clothed scholar said: "I and Xu Ying are contemporaries. No one knows my real name. However, people in the ancestral court call me Xiao Tianzun."

It was cold and windy.

Xu Ying took off his mask in the autumn wind, feeling a little sad in his heart.

The blessings accumulated in my first life really came.

Xiao Tianzun is the mentor of Chu Tiandu.

I pretended to be his disciple in front of Xiao Tianzun, could it be that good and evil will be rewarded in the end.

"Back when Xu Ying came to the ancestral court, the place was devastated and the people were in dire straits. The survivors lived here, just lingering on their last days."

Looking back on the past, Xiao Tianzun couldn't help but sighed in his heart, saying, "The ancestral court, the heaven and the earth are broken, the gods are dead and suppressed, and the living ones are also called demon gods. Everyone here bears the name of the demon clan, Qi refiners from all the heavens and myriad realms came here and raped us as much as they wanted. People at that time were in a difficult situation, far worse than it is now. The ancestral home is full of abnormal areas of immortality, which is a hundred times more miserable than it is now .”

Xu Ying did not recall the experience of the first life, and knew nothing about that period of history. But even now, the ancestral court is regarded as a demon realm, and the qi refiners of the heavens and myriad worlds regard hunting and killing the ancestral court qi refiners as accumulating merit.

Thinking back to the past, the experience of the ancestral court was even more miserable, after all, they didn't even have the strength to resist at that time.

"Only a small number of qi refiners are still struggling, trying to cultivate and change their own destiny. No one has ever thought of changing the fate of their ancestors in the past. Everyone is just maggots in the cesspit, digging food in the shit, thinking about doing things that are not there. what."

Xiao Tianzun looked up, looked at the writing on the stone beam, and said, "Until one day, a boy who looks like you came to the ancestral court."

He looked far away, recalling the past eventful years.

"His name is Xu Ying, and many ancient existences call him Xu Jiazi. This person is very bad. After he came to the ancestral courtyard, the ancestral courtyard, which was like a pool of stagnant water, became very lively because of him."

Xiao Tianzun said: "He went to those sacred places to steal the immortal soldiers, and then went to the place where the gods and demons slept to wake up the gods and demons. He went to explore ancient history, dig fairy tombs, and attracted the pursuit of immortal soldiers. He forced Breaking into the restricted area, killing into the forbidden area, caused a fairy tide, the strange tide of the fairy way surged, the entire ancestral home was submerged, and countless people turned into strange creatures of strange shapes. Although he finally calmed down the fairy tide, the evil he did was beyond description. "

Xu Ying plucked up his courage and said, "I think Xu Ying's intentions must be good, he didn't have any malicious intentions, but his methods were rough.

Xiao Tianzun said: "His intentions are naturally good, otherwise, there would not be so many ancestral court alchemists following him at that time, and I would not be friends with him. He is dazzling, the brightest ancestor in that era No, it is the brightest sun. In this world, there is no problem that he cannot solve. Under his guidance, the ancestral court gradually regained some vitality. In my heart, he is the mentor, the father, the elder brother, and the best friend!"

Xu Ying was stunned. He originally thought that he had a friendship with Xiao Tianzun in the first life, but he did not expect such a deep friendship.

The so-called mentor is the grace of preaching, the so-called father is the grace of nurturing, the so-called elder brother is the grace of support, and the so-called bosom friend is the grace of confidant.

These four kindnesses are extremely important!

It is conceivable that the self in the first life holds a very important position in Xiao Tianzun's heart.

"At that time, we gathered together to study Taoism and supernatural powers, look forward to the future, explore the past history, and fight against powerful enemies together.

Xiao Tianzun said: "We swear that we will restore the ancestral court, let the ancestral court return to its true colors, and restore the ancestral court's heaven and earth road to normal. We must dig out the history that has disappeared, dig out the history that was deliberately buried and hidden, and let the ancestral court return to its true colors. Everyone can live proudly! We are determined to overthrow the immortal way that oppresses us, we think that everyone is not born to be slaughtered!"

His expression was a little excited, and he paused until he regained his composure before continuing: "I originally thought that we would fight side by side at that time, until one day, he abandoned us and soared alone!"

With killing intent on his face, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Xu Ying. @重量_书阁…j_h_s_s_d_c_o_m first. issued. updated. new~~

"Shenhou, this is betrayal, isn't it?" Xiao Tianzun asked.

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Xu Ying's forehead. If he answered correctly, then Xiao Tianzun would take action in the next moment and kill himself, a traitor.

If I answered incorrectly, how should I explain that this is not a betrayal.

His brain was turning more sharply than ever before, and he was desperately thinking about how to answer, when suddenly he heard a voice: "Little Tianzun, before Chu Tian confronts the disciples of Weixu, I really want to experience your skills, see See if you are old."

When Xu Ying heard this, his heart moved slightly, "It seems to be the voice of the Suzerain of Linglong Tianzong!"

He followed the prestige, and saw an old man and a young man walking out of the abnormal area of ​​immortality, the old man was the lord of Tianzong, Yuan Gongtong, and the fair-skinned demon girl beside Yuan Gongtong was Hu Zhuojun.

Hu Zhuojun also showed surprise when he saw Xiao Tianzun and Xu Ying, and hurried over.

Xu Ying waved his hand quietly, signaling her not to come, but the girl had already rushed over and came to his side.

"Shenhou, you have found your master Xiao Tianzun!"

Hu Zhuojun lowered his voice, looked at the white-clothed gentleman, and said excitedly: "He is Xiao Tianzun, as expected in the legend, handsome and elegant! I told my old man, don't let him challenge Xiao Tianzun, he just wants to come, ten cows will pull not coming back."

Xu Ying vaguely agreed with a few words, and his heart was agitated.

Hu Zhuojun didn't know his situation yet, so he continued to laugh and said: "My old man has long been dissatisfied with Xiao Tianzun. He learned the method of Linglong Pagoda from you, so he couldn't sit still."

A glimmer of hope rose in Xu Ying's heart, "If Yuan Gongtong seriously injures Xiao Tianzun, then I still have a chance to survive. However, is Yuan Gongtong the opponent of Xiao Tianzun?"

Xiao Tianzun looked towards the abnormal area of ​​the Immortal Dao, where there were still a few powerful figures, the murderous look on his face gradually faded, and he smiled and said: "Yuan Gongtong, it is not easy for you to cultivate, why bother asking for trouble!"

Yuan Gongtong breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Chu Tiandu will fight against the heirs of Weixu. In my opinion, the outcome is inevitable. Chutian will win. But I am worried about you. Chutian will win, and you will win." Since he thought his strength surpassed that of the Immortal King, he would attack Weixu."

His cultivation base is accompanied by the aura of incense, which is extremely powerful, surpassing the ascension period of a qi refiner!

His aura blossomed, and even twisted and rotated the surrounding world, making people's vision also distorted, making it difficult to capture his position.

He is not a fairy, but his strength has surpassed that of a fairy.

"As a little Heavenly Venerable, if you lose to Wei Xu, the ancestral court will be in danger!"

Yuan Gongtong's aura became stronger and stronger, he suddenly shouted, and the primordial spirit appeared behind him, and the aura of incense permeated his whole body, making his primordial spirit seem to be in the thick smoke, and looked like a demon **** from a distance!

"I want to personally test your fineness, whether you have the ability to confront the Immortal King."

His aura exploded, and thick smoke billowed all over his body. Just now he looked like a demon god, but now he looks like a demon king!

Seeing this, Xu Ying's expression moved slightly. He has always had a question, that is, where is the upper limit of Zu Ting's master.

Qi refiners from the ancestral court must not be able to cross the catastrophe and ascend to the fairy world. To the outside world, this is the demon realm. There is no way of heaven, and there is no way of heaven. How can we talk about crossing the catastrophe?

Since there is no need to cross the tribulation, can it break through the upper limit of the ascension period?

In addition, the cultivation system of the ancestral court is different from that of the heavens and myriad realms. The Qi refiners here often practice incense with fellow practitioners, accumulate merits, and cultivate both gods and immortals.

Many powerful alchemists are also demon gods in the outside world!

What is the upper limit of this kind of cultivation method that is regarded as a magic way by the outside world?

Yuan Gongtong's incense fire divine power is extremely powerful, although it is not as good as the two tortoise and snake generals of Zhenwu Temple, but it has been practiced for tens of thousands of years, and it is no small matter, possessing the divine power almost like a god!

Xu Ying couldn't quite understand his cultivation level.

He also has the realm of Xiyi, as well as various realms such as Sanguan, Jiaolian, Chonglou, Yaochi, etc., but his primordial spirit did not step on the divine bridge, but half-stepped into Yujing City!

Half a step to Yujing City, half a step outside the city.

"Half Immortal..." Xu Ying was slightly taken aback.

Yuan Gongtong, the suzerain of Tianzong, should be a half-immortal body, but for some reason, he was still unable to set foot in the fairyland.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Xu Ying's mind, and he suddenly knew what was going on, "The Dao of heaven and earth in the ancestral court was incomplete, which made him unable to overcome the catastrophe! I'm afraid there are many powerful half-immortals like Yuan Gongtong in the ancestral court who were trapped in this place because they could not overcome the catastrophe." Yuan Gongtong is like this in realm, so Xiao Tianzun should also be like this."

"Shenhou, you all retreat for now."

Xiao Tianzun said lightly, "I'll solve Yuan Gongtong first, and then continue our previous topic."

Hearing this, Xu Ying immediately led Hu Zhuojun into the ruins of Tushita Palace to avoid the two masters.

"Hey, the air of great purity is not scattered all over the ruins of Tushita Palace, but concentrated in one place."

As soon as Xu Ying set foot in Tushiita Palace, he immediately felt that his connection with the Taiqing Qi was getting stronger and stronger. His heart moved slightly, and he immediately shuttled through the ruins of Tushiita Palace, following the Taiqing Qi.

"Hey! Hey! You're not watching the battle anymore?" Hu Zhuojun stopped and looked back at Xiao Tianzun and Yuan Gongtong, hesitating.

The battle between Xiao Tianzun and Yuan Gongtong is the confrontation between the most powerful beings in the Zuting world today. Watching the battle will naturally benefit you a lot, and it will help you comprehend Taoism and supernatural powers.

But Xu Ying ran over sneakily, obviously there were more interesting things ahead!

Hu Zhuojun gritted his teeth, bowed his waist, followed furtively, and shouted in a low voice, "Shenhou, wait for me."

She bowed, ran and jumped, and finally caught up with Xu Ying. @重量_书阁j_h_s_s_d_c_o_m…

In the rear, the two top masters finally made their moves. Yuan Gongtong directly activated the Linglong Golden Pagoda, covered with golden light, coupled with the smoky incense, the Wanzhang Yuanshen was like a **** king among demon gods. Tianbao Pagoda suppresses the little Tianzun.

Hu Zhuojun looked back and secretly praised: "My old man doesn't look like a good person at first glance."

Although this old man was as thin as a monkey, his attacks were extremely violent, without any temptation at all, he directly used his newly learned martial arts and supernatural powers!

Xu Ying enlightened in Linglong Tianzong, restored the Linglong Golden Pagoda, and realized thousands of supernatural powers, but these supernatural powers are only part of the Linglong Golden Pagoda!

If you want to learn the Linglong Golden Pagoda, you must learn these supernatural powers.

In addition, there is also a kung fu technique that accompanies this supernatural power. After being activated, from the tailbone to the neck bone, it is like thirty-three heavens. The kung fu is extremely overbearing!

Although Yuan Gongtong is the suzerain of Tianzong, he still can't learn everything. Fortunately, when Xu Yingcheng was enshrined as the ancestor, he always pestered Xu Ying to teach it, and it worked without any hindrance.

This is also the reason why he dared to challenge Xiao Tianzun.

But Xu Ying didn't look back, he didn't watch the battle of the two supreme beings, it was meaningless to him, after all, Yuan Gongtong's skills and supernatural powers were passed on by himself, and he didn't practice them as well as he did.

He stopped suddenly, Hu Zhuojun was watching the battle between Yuan Gongtong and Xiao Tianzun, almost bumped into his back, and stopped quickly.

She turned her head and saw Xu Ying standing there with her eyes closed, motionless.

"Isn't my master not working hard enough?" She wondered in her heart.

Suddenly, the surrounding world vibrated violently, and Hu Zhuojun was startled, and saw an extremely bright halo suddenly appearing in front of them.

It was a ring-shaped light, and in the center of the light was a mass of white heaven and earth vitality, exuding an incomparably dazzling light!

Xu Ying opened his eyes, stretched out his hand without any explanation, and grabbed the white vitality in the ring.

The ring suddenly vibrated, like a metal arm bracelet, buzzing and spinning. On the surface of the ring, layers of dao patterns emerged, and the immortal power of the ancient era was thick and boundless, and it was about to explode!

Seeing this, Xu Ying immediately withdrew his palm, and the aura of Taiyi flew out from the top of his head, and a horse was transformed into three pure, divided into three heaven and earth primordial spirits in green clothes, yellow clothes and white clothes.

Among them, Xu Ying in white reached into the ring, but the ring was not in motion, allowing Xu Ying in white to collect the white vitality in the ring!

Surprised and delighted, Xu Ying hurriedly withdrew his three primordial spirits of heaven and earth, and ran away holding Hu Zhuojun's little hand who didn't know why.

Hu Zhuojun hurriedly said: "There is a shiny silver bracelet over there, why don't you take the bracelet away?"

Xu Ying rushed out with a roar, and said with a smile: "The bracelet is a container, and the vitality in the bracelet is a good thing. Besides, the bracelet has a spirit, it can hurt people, go away, go away!"

The two fled from Tushita Palace in a panic.

At the same time, Yuan Gongtong's pagoda was shattered, blood was pouring from his mouth, and he fell into the abnormal area of ​​Immortal Dao together with his soul, and shouted: "Little I approve of your strength. If you want to challenge Weixu, I don't dare Mess with you."

Xiao Tianzun was about to kill him, but he stopped when he heard the words, and said in a low voice: "Old fox..."

He searched for Xu Ying's whereabouts, caught a glimpse of the shining silver bracelet in Tushita Palace, frowned slightly, then suddenly rose up, rushed into the abnormal area of ​​the Immortal Dao, and did not touch the silver bracelet.

After everyone left, Shi Shiran, a strange Taoist, came to Tushita Palace, stopped in front of the shiny silver bracelet, and said in surprise, "This the box and return the pearl?"

He stretched out his hand and gently took off the bracelet without any resistance.

The weird Taoist put the bracelet on his left arm and walked away slowly.

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