Ascend Another Day

Chapter 317: The 9th Immortal King

Ascend Another Day Chapter 317 The Ninth Immortal King

(This is the second update today, there is another chapter ahead, don't forget to read it.)

Xu Ying said earnestly \"My master, Prison King Tu, went to God's Realm for a banquet, and is not at home. If Brother Nalan has something to do, I can do it for you." Just as he said this, suddenly there was a grunt in the sea, and the multi-armed demon **** Prison Tu A hill-like head floated up, with his face facing the sky, his eyes widened, and he could not rest in peace.

Nalan, a young man in fancy clothes, blinked, looked at the big head, and then at Xu Ying.

Xu Ying's complexion did not change. With a kind face, he said with a smile, "My master Tu Prison went mad during his practice, cut off his own head, and died on his behalf. His body is fine. His cultivation base is extremely tyrannical. Will grow back soon.

Suddenly, the sea surged, and the severed limbs of the Prison King emerged from the water, and then the huge corpse of the demon **** also floated out.

Nalan Du, a young man in fancy clothes, suddenly changed his color and backed away quietly. Xu Ying sighed, with a kind expression on his face \"If I said that my master Tu Prison King practiced the Dafa of Disintegrating Heavenly Demons, you wouldn't believe it, would you?

Nalandu backed away quietly, and said with a slight smile, "Brother Ying, I believe everything you say. I still have something to do. I have to go back and report to Master, so I won't bother you. Farewell, farewell." He turned around abruptly, and was about to take off At this moment, the Heaven and Earth Avenue, which has a radius of hundreds of miles, suddenly reversed.

The Dao of Heaven and Earth in the Demon Realm was originally different from the Dao of Heaven and Earth in the normal world. It belonged to the abnormal Dao of Heaven. Originally, only the Dao of Demons and Immortals could function. Now the world is reversed, the Dao is even more chaotic, and the Dao of Evil and Immortals cannot function properly. The supernatural power created by it reverses the chaos

Nalandu was originally flying upwards, trying to return to Weixu, but at this moment, the road turned upside down, and he immediately fell downwards, and saw Xu Ying's big hand slapping him head-on. He hastily caught it, and the moment the two palms collided, there was only a buzzing sound, and four great caves appeared behind Xu Ying, illuminating the demon sea in an instant

Nalan Du was about to pick it up hard, but when he saw the four great caves behind Xu Ying, he couldn't help but panic. "It's Nuo Zu's cave, he is Xu Ying, it's Ying Shaozong who slaughtered the prison king, or he killed him"\"He felt more and more in his heart Feeling flustered, without thinking, he sacrificed the magic treasure given by the Ninth Immortal King. After he sacrificed this treasure, he remembered his master's instruction that if he met Xu Ying, he must not sacrifice this treasure.

But the last time he went hunting Nuo ancestor Nuo shoes, sneaked into the underworld, and after finding the Nuo shoes, he fought and fought with Nuo shoes. Has not recovered. In this state, Xu Ying, who has the four great Nuo ancestors, will definitely die very quickly, so he has no choice but to sacrifice the magic weapon.

Anyway, save your life first

But seeing a fairyland suddenly appeared behind him, blue waves thousands of miles away, rippling fairy light, exuding the charm of a fairy family, which made his magic power increase sharply; magic weapon, fairyland fairyland

The moment the two palms collided, Nalan felt that Xu Ying's magic power was not as good as his own, and he relaxed a little." That's right, among the six great Nuo ancestor caves, the one that improves mana is the Yuchi cave, which was acquired by the Hua family. The girl took it away. If he gets Yuchi and Huangting Cave, and makes up for the lack of mana and consciousness, I can't hold on to a single move." The two palms clashed, and Nalan's face suddenly changed, feeling the crushing force from the physical body. pressure.

Xu Ying's strength was stronger than that of a demon god, and he penetrated into his body along his palm, shaking his Xiyi domain, the five mountains flew wildly, the Tianhe stopped flowing, the yin and yang qi were confused, and the soul was shocked. slack

Even his magic weapon, Immortal Jade Pond, was shaken to the point that the blue sea was surging, and there were big waves everywhere.

The old wounds in his body that hadn't healed were immediately aroused by this punch, and the wounds exploded one after another!

Nalandu's mana also invaded Xu Ying's body in an instant, causing great damage, but the next moment he was healed by the vigorous vitality emanating from Niwan Guandongtian Nalandu vomited blood, snorted, and immediately took the opportunity to try his best and soar into the air , Shang Tianwai snatched the way away, and Xu Ying also felt the strength of Nalandu. He was definitely a fisherman-level powerhouse, and with a treasure in hand, he should not fight recklessly.

\"However, this treasure of his seems to be destined for me\"Xu Ying was stunned by thunder, and strayed on the sea, his sleeves flicked, his sleeves intertwined, his power formed a circle, and his moves vibrated suddenly. Hundreds of miles of heaven and earth avenues are once again in chaos\'huh—

Nalandu was originally rushing towards Weixu, but instead he was rushing from above. boom!\"

The two palms clashed, Xu Ying's eyes widened, and he yelled violently. The two of them erupted violently, and Nalan spat out another mouthful of blood. He felt that Xu Ying's power was shaking, and he let everyone in his Xishuang Realm The border almost collapsed.

What's even more frightening is that Xu Ying's power invaded the treasure of the Immortal Jade Pool, and the imprint on the Immortal Jade Pool kept fading, and the power of the Jade Pool had a tendency to resist his control!

\"This is the magic weapon given to me by Master, how can it be out of my control\"

Nalan felt a chill in his heart, and remembered Master's instruction, absolutely not to offer sacrifices to the Immortal Fairyland in front of Xu Ying. It seems that the master has foreseen it! He gritted his teeth and rose into the sky again\"No matter what, I have to leave this place! I must not let the Immortal Dao Yaochi fall into the hands of thieves\" However, the heaven and earth road was once again disordered, and the sky Turning into the sea, he flew towards Xu Ying again. Nalan was in despair \"What kind of supernatural power is this, Master, Master one

He suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, Xu Ying's palm had already come in front of him, the two confronted again, every realm in Nalandu's body was shaken to pieces, his vitality was chaotic, collided with each other, and his soul was also shaken and fell out of the bridge , was almost crippled

Although Xu Ying was also crushed by the opponent's power, relying on the activity of Niwan Gongdongtian, he is immortal, and he doesn't care if he gets a little injury. He made a decisive decision and grabbed the Wanli Yaochi behind Nalandu, his heart was beating wildly. This is my Yaochi, a magic weapon made from the realm cut from me...\"

He felt the vibration of Yaochi, and the feeling of being connected with his own flesh and blood spontaneously arose, and even the profound and boundless mana and sense of immortality in Yaochi resonated with him

Xu Ying was about to grab hold of Yaochi when suddenly the Wei Ruins in the sky cracked open, and a huge eye appeared. It stared at the beam of light and shone on the Yaochi with a buzzing sound. The power exploded, and Xu Ying's palm was bounced away, shaking him so much that he almost vomited blood. Xu Ying immediately grabbed Nalandu's throat and flew back to avoid the giant eyes in the sky.

The giant eyes in the sky swept towards him that day, and with a buzzing sound, the huge beam of light was about to evaporate him, Xu Ying grabbed Nalandu and stood in front of him. The giant beam of light suddenly stopped. \"Hahaha, Xu Jun, long time no see\"

The water in the Wanli Yaochi was turbulent, suddenly rolled up, and turned into the form of a middle-aged man, \"Long arms and chest, holding his beard, and said Yin with a smile\"Farewell to forty-eight thousand years, Xu Jun is actually promising, knowing how to use it The life of the villain threatens me. "

Under Xu Ying's feet, the attracting runes of Penglai Wonderland lit up under the surface of the sea, moving quietly, and his figure walked in the direction of the attracting, and said with a smile, "You guys are doing everything to me, so why should I treat you?" You follow the rules"

A wave came, Xu Yingge walked through the wave holding Nalandu's neck, and when the wave cleared, he saw that he was already in another world. He has comprehended the "Hutian Zhengdao Sutra" written by Master Yuhu, and this sea area connects the heavens and worlds, and it came into his eyes, and the sea area of ​​the heavens and worlds is vivid in his eyes. The runes under his feet are constantly jumping, automatically adjusting the calibration position, making his heart move slightly \"This Penglai fairyland is constantly moving\"

At this moment, suddenly the sky over the sea of ​​the world also split open, and the giant eye of the abyss appeared, and the Wanli Yaochi floated under the giant eye. Come on, smiled and said \"Xu Ying, you think you can escape from my palm\"

Xu Ying paused, and Penglai Fairyland led him through the oceans of worlds. Every time he passed through an ocean, he could see the giant eyes of the abyss appearing in the sky. After walking out of the Yaochi, the distance from him is getting closer and closer!

"The Great Era of Rebirth"

\"Xu Ying, you can't escape from my palm. Just like back then, you couldn't escape from my palm.\"

The runes under Xu Ying's feet changed rapidly, passing through worlds, but the giant eyes of the abyss seemed to hang in the sky of each world, and they couldn't be used no matter what. The middle-aged fairy king was getting closer and closer, Laughing \"I was the leader back then, stripping away all the realms of your body, cutting off your six great caves, and demoting you from a peerless powerhouse to a mortal. I monopolize Yaochi, think I have the best plan, and get the best Things, I didn't expect that Yaochi is not the best thing, but the genius of the Six Great Caves is." His figure appeared on the sea, only a few steps away from Xu Ying.

Those six old monsters have been guarding Kunlun all the time, and they join forces to fight against me, and I have some It is difficult to attack them, but now I have finally waited for the opportunity. You sent the four caves to your door."

The eyes of the middle-aged Immortal King became brighter, and when he stretched out his hand, unimaginable mana crushed him, like the whole sea was crushing on Xu Ying, causing all his caves to run astringently.

Xu Ying's body was also creaked under the pressure, struggling to hold on, while Nalandu was crushed until he passed out. This is the magical power of your Yaochi stage, how can it be the best in the world?" The middle-aged fairy king put his palm in front of him, and using his hand as a knife, he slashed towards his Niwan Palace cave. \"boom!\"

In the sky: - a huge round foot stepped on it, smashing the middle-aged fairy king into the depths of the sea.

The middle-aged Immortal King was startled and angry, soaring into the sky from the bottom of the water, just as he rushed into the air, he was stepped into the bottom of the water again by a big foot. He rushed up again, only to see an incomparably huge basaltic beast with a dragon head and a turtle body. It was this huge beast that stepped on him just now.

He was about to get angry, but he saw that the turtle's back was wrapped with chains, and the chains dragged and were pulled straight.

The middle-aged fairy king hurriedly looked back, and saw that Xuanwu was pulling an unbelievably large fairy mountain, hitting him head-on, and slammed into him hard." The monstrous mana can't bear it!

Xu Ying stood aside, also froze in place in shock. At this time, at the edge of the fairy mountain, a fairy in white stretched out his hand to him, and said with a smile \"Fellow Daoist Xu, welcome to Penglai.

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