Ascend Another Day

Chapter 306: Evening Song of the Harvest Age

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"Someone crossed the robbery again."

In the land of reincarnation in the underworld, this restricted area is dark and deep. Only reincarnation exudes the light of trapping ghosts, so that those souls wandering in the underworld go there one after another.

God King Xuanyu frowned slightly, and said to the other **** kings: "Have you noticed that Heavenly Tribulation has been attracted again and this place is still Yuanshou World?"

God King Xuanchen's voice was like a night owl, coming from the darkness on the other side of reincarnation, and shouted: "I have noticed it. This catastrophe is extraordinary, and it was also induced by people with the way of heaven, and it is not a normal catastrophe."

"In the world of Yuanshou, there must be evildoers!" Xuanxing God King shouted like a thunder, "The man who is proficient in 1,900 kinds of runes of the heavenly way, made another move. He wants to cultivate artificial immortals in the lower realm, and his heart is to be punished!"

King Xuanhao's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak.

After these days, the dao wounds on his body still haven't fully healed, but he can barely sense the abnormal fluctuations of the heavenly dao from Yuanshou world, so it's not easy to intervene.

The four **** kings felt with their hearts, only Xuan Hao was putting on a show.

After a while, several **** kings each showed surprise.

King Xuanyu said: "I originally thought that this catastrophe would be a catastrophe weakened by 70%, but I didn't expect the power of this catastrophe to be 10% stronger than the power of the previous super catastrophe. May."

Xuanchen Shenwang guessed: "Could it be the rebel who controls Tianjie, trying to control Tianjie to eradicate his enemies?"

The other **** kings nodded one after another, Xuanqing God King said: "This is the evil result of the way of heaven being controlled by mortals. Only when the way of heaven is handed over to the impartial and selfless gods can the desire to control the way of heaven be suppressed."

The Xuanxing God King said with emotion: "The gods are selfless and can resist the temptation of the heavenly way. Ordinary people will only fall into the desire for power, and use the heavenly way to kill and seize to vent their desires. Then everyone, do we need to intervene?"

"It's important, don't worry about him."

Doom has begun.

The vegetable farmer was a little flustered. Since he entered the ascension period, he has been using special methods to avoid the catastrophe, so that the catastrophe cannot sense him.

If you can't sense yourself, you can't form a robbery cloud, and if you don't have a robbery cloud, you don't need to cross the catastrophe.

Since the formation of the Heavenly Dao World and the gods in charge of the Heavenly Dao, with the continuous improvement of the Heavenly Tribulation, the Qi Refiners who cannot survive the Heavenly Tribulation have come up with various ways to avoid the Heavenly Tribulation.

Some self-cut their cultivation bases to make their realms incomplete, such as breaking their own divine bridges, so as to avoid catastrophe.

Some have intensively studied the way of heaven and can write amulets to avoid robbery. There is also the curse of avoiding catastrophe, which is a method of cursing oneself, making oneself lacking, not in a perfect state, so as to avoid catastrophe.

The vegetable farmer's method is to substitute death.

First of all, use the secret method to transfer one's calamity to another Qi refiner. When that Qi refiner overcomes the calamity, his own calamity will also be eliminated in the heavenly calamity. The Qi refiner who does not pass the calamity must die, so it is called substitute death. Law.

He used this method to harm his best friend.

The method of surrogate death requires one's speech, behavior and even thoughts to be consistent with the person who is substituted for the death, and the other person's luck must be connected with oneself, and the other person is also required to be willing to accept one's doom.

Lennon calculates his friends, makes friends with each other, thinks what his friends think, and saves his friends. Little by little, he makes the other party accept his doom, and finally becomes a scapegoat while he survives.

Now, the method of surrogate death is directly broken by Xu Ying

He felt that his doom was coming back, stronger, and he was doomed!

"I will not die here, absolutely not!"

He stood up long, and rushed towards Xu Ying before the power of the catastrophe broke out.

As long as Xu Ying is killed first, maybe the Heavenly Tribulation can be interrupted and the Heavenly Tribulation can be dispersed.

His strength is still strong. He is a Qi refiner at the turn of Shang and Zhou Dynasties. He has experienced the battle of destroying Shang, and he has also survived the cleansing of Weixu.

Few of his contemporaries survived to this day, but he survived.

His strength is already at the peak of the world

Six great caves emerged behind him, and his mana was instantly raised to the ultimate level. His body was like a streamer, and the golden pole was raised by him, and it fell down like a golden rainbow from a distance.

After killing Xu Ying, he would have more room to move around.

By killing Xu Ying, not only can you get rid of the catastrophe, even if there are traps hidden in the Niwan Zufa, if Xu Ying is dead and no one knows where the traps are, then the traps will no longer be traps, and everyone can practice.

Those fishermen and leeks can also practice!

Killing Xu Ying, although not all problems can be solved, but most of them can be solved!

Standing there, Xu Ying suddenly saw a seven-colored sacred tree appearing behind him, with auspicious rays of light, fluttering up like branches, meeting the incoming golden pole.

He didn't get the Yuchi Nuozu Dongtian, which is related to the depth of vitality. Naturally, he is far inferior to the vegetable farmer in terms of cultivation, not to mention fighting magic weapons with supernatural powers. Naturally, magic weapons are more advantageous.

But the Taoist image of the seven-colored sacred tree is really astonishing, showing the vision of stars revolving around the sacred tree. Even the fairy tree on the Kunlun sacred mountain has never had such an astonishing vision!

The vegetable farmer's golden pole was knocked down, and the golden rainbow was broken, and the rays of sunshine and auspicious energy came to kill brazenly.

This old farmer's fighting style is different from ordinary people. Ordinary qi refiners often sacrifice magic weapons and attack people from a long distance, such as flying swords to take people's heads, such as suppressing with a tripod, or the vibration of bells, inspiring people's souls and souls .

But he was actually holding a golden pole, using the golden pole as a heavy weapon, and came close to him, fighting in a very simple way.

The golden pole didn't change much in his hands. The Taoist images in the pole were only simple Taoist images such as sun, moon, mountains, rivers, dragons and phoenixes. Crush everything, level everything!

He lives in the domain of the Six Immortals, hidden in the hidden scene, like an immortal, and even an immortal may not possess such profound magic power as him!

Xu Ying's body shone with light, hidden scenes unfolded subtly, giant bronze peaks, sword energy penetrating the heaven and earth, the rebellious universe, the divine furnace that refined the eight wastelands and swallowed the sun and the moon, the chaotic sea of ​​stars, and other visions poured out all at the same time .

The moment the hidden scenes of the two collided subtly, the golden pole smashed through Xu Ying's hidden scene fairyland, like a golden bridge falling from the fairyland, and smashed onto the top of Xu Ying's head.

Behind Xu Ying, the colorful sacred tree burst into light, and its branches danced to meet the golden pole.


When the vegetable farmer was shot down, the hidden scenes of the two people exploded suddenly, and the lights of various hidden scenes expanded outward like an explosion, shattering the surrounding space, forming a ring like the surging ground, water, wind and fire, and rapidly moving towards Outward expansion.

In the ring of surging water, wind and fire, you can see billowing smoke and dust, surging water and fire. Originally, water and fire were incompatible, but unexpectedly merged together here.

This shows that in this blow, the rules of heaven, earth, and Taoism have been broken. The originally incompatible laws of the Dao merged, and the originally compatible laws of the Dao opposed, causing the laws of the Dao to be distorted.

Seeing the circle of earth, water, wind and fire expanding rapidly, Yankong City couldn't help but change his expression and said quickly, "Patriarch, sacrifice the immortal artifact and protect Emei~"

Without waiting for his order, Qiao Zizhong had already sacrificed the Emei Immortal Artifact Wandao Banner.

Thousands of avenues, bursting out from the banner, guard the Emei Mountains one by one.

This treasure is the real magic weapon of the fairy family. It is the fairy artifact left by the ancestor of Emei who ascended to the fairy world. It is enough to block the impact.

The vegetable farmer didn't care, but the golden pole was blocked by Xu Ying, so he picked up the golden pole again, up, down, left, and right, and threw it at Xu Ying from all angles.

His golden pole is extremely heavy, and in close combat, he can exert his physical body and soul to the extreme. At this distance, his magic power, spiritual consciousness, vitality, mental strength, and yin and yang energy will not be there. any loss!

The power of the golden pole does not seem to be as dazzling as the divine channel image, but it has reached the state of returning to the basics. All kinds of Taoist images are hidden in the golden pole. can!

The next moment, the colorful sacred tree was shattered by the golden pole. At the same time, behind the vegetable farmer, the four caves of Niwan, Yongquan, Yujing, and Jianggong suddenly seemed to be four fallen leaves, spinning from the sky behind him. Fly around.

Even though the vegetable farmer smashed the colorful sacred tree and got to Xu Ying, his physical body, primordial spirit, yin and yang qi, and mental strength were greatly damaged at the same time, leaving only mana and spiritual consciousness at their peak!

His golden pole hit Xu Ying's head, causing Xu Ying to stagger and his forehead was bleeding.

The vegetable farmer's heart sank. With this blow, the force that should have been violent directly invaded Xu Ying's body, smashing his body to pieces, and turning him into new fans regardless of the Xiyi Realm or the Hidden Scenery Land!

However, this blow only broke Xu Ying's forehead. The whole text is hand-typed, wonderful and good writing, all in @jing\\hua\\book\\ Pavilion

Without the four caves of Niwan, Yongquan, Yujing and Jianggong, his strength was greatly weakened.

Xu Ying stretched out his hand, and a sword light fell from the hidden scene, and landed in his hand, blocking the golden pole brought by the vegetable farmer.

The two stood in the air, fighting close to each other. Xu Ying's swordsmanship had already surpassed the "Sword Dao Guizhen Jue" obtained from Jianmen. The sword move he used was called Jian Ping Bu Ping. It has come to the point of returning to basics.

The vegetable farmer waved the golden pole, up and down, left and right, without leaving Xu Ying's head, but he was always blocked by Jian Guang.

Suddenly, with a chirping sound, the sword energy in Xu Ying's hand broke through his golden pole, leaving a deep and not shallow scar on his heart.

The vegetable farmer was startled, and suddenly there was another snort, and another sword light stabbed at the original wound.

Without thinking about it, he made a false move, turned around and left, and threw out the golden pole in his hand, turning it into a long rainbow of hundreds of miles. The vegetable farmer stood at the other end of the pole, and he was already hundreds of miles away. Time can't catch up.

He can survive until now, so he naturally has good means of saving his life.

But at this moment, the sky suddenly became extremely bright, and a thunderbolt with a thickness of several miles fell from the sky and fell straight on the heads of the vegetable farmers at the other end of the Hongqiao.

The vegetable farmer fell down from the bridge before he could hum.

Another thunder fell from the sky and hit the vegetable farmers.

His catastrophe has already begun

The vegetable farmer was bombarded by the thunder, but he didn't die, he staggered up, and the second thunder fell down, like the **** of heaven holding a sword in the myth, it stabbed straight at his head.

"God can't accept me!"

The vegetable farmer raised his eyebrows angrily, and suddenly raised his soul, pointed at the sky and cursed, and shouted: "I, Cangyuelou, have been a strong man all my life. If it hadn't been for the **** catastrophe, I would have already ascended to the fairyland. Why would I be trapped in the lower realm and linger like ants?"

He raised up the golden pole and turned it into a hundred-mile golden rainbow. Yuanshen danced the rainbow bridge, instead of attacking the sky thunder, he threw it at the robbery cloud in the sky, and said sharply: "I will smash you, you unfair god! "


The Heavenly Tribulation fell, hitting his primordial spirit, and another tiny thunder light fell on his forehead.

His primordial spirit head almost exploded, like a flower in full bloom, split into many petals.

The vegetable farmer's forehead was also hit, but it didn't explode like Yuanshen's. Instead, a small crack appeared on the Tianling cover, like a sword mark, as if a celestial being held a sword and stabbed his Tianling cover.

His primordial spirit worked hard to close it, and the golden pole he sacrificed smashed into the thousands of miles of robbery cloud in the sky, and washed away the robbery cloud, but then the cloud closed again without any damage.

The sky seemed to be really angry, and smaller thunderbolts sprang out from the clouds, and struck on the golden pole one after another, and the electric light shot all over the golden pole.

The lightning strikes continued, and the power of the golden pole continued to decrease, and many brand marks and Taoist images were shattered.

The vegetable farmer roared angrily, soaring into the sky with Yuanshen, rushed towards Tianjie, and shouted: "The sky treats the world unfairly, forcing Tianjiao to eat people in the lower realm, I will fight with the sky!"

His primordial spirit grabbed the golden pole in the lightning. The pole had been burned red by the sky thunder, and even melted, with gold and copper juice continuously flowing down.

A thunder exploded in the sky, colliding with the figure of the vegetable farmer soaring into the sky.

On Mount Emei, Yan Kongcheng, Chu Xiangxiang, Li Qi and others covered them one after another to prevent the thunder from being too dazzling.

At the moment when the thunder exploded, they vaguely saw the color of blood appear in the light of the thunder, with flesh and blood dancing in the thunder.

Qiao Zizhong's hand trembled involuntarily, he clenched his fist quickly, and said silently in his heart: "Our era has passed."

There was boundless sadness in his heart, as well as a feeling of relief, and he said silently in his heart: "A new era is about to come. Although it is still impossible to ascend, although the catastrophe is still difficult to overcome, it is full of new hope."


Another extremely thick sky thunder fell and hit the air.

Yan Kongcheng, Chu Xiangxiang and the others barely watched, only to see more flesh and blood exploded in the catastrophe that day, and with the help of the light of the thunder, they could vaguely see a figure falling in the light of thunder, and the scene of the primordial spirit exploding and disintegrating.

The power of this Super Heavenly Tribulation is even more terrifying than the previous Super Heavenly Tribulation. Although the power has only been increased by 10%, even if there is no improvement, it is far from being able to match the vegetable farmers.

He can't survive the catastrophe at all!


Another thunderbolt fell, and the vegetable farmer's soul in the thunder turned into fly ash, and his body golden pole was also melted by the lightning strike, turning into gold juice and copper liquid, falling like a waterfall.

He seemed to be still breathing, but he was caught up by another thunderbolt and hit him.

His body exploded and turned into a ball of fire, falling downward.

Xu Ying withdrew his gaze, turned around and walked towards Yan Kongcheng and the others. Behind him, in the sky, the swirling robbery cloud quickly faded from black and thick.

When he came to Mount Emei, he saw the sun shining through the scattered clouds, colored by the clouds, and the rays of light were thousands of miles away.

The mountains of Emei are bathed in the rays of the sun, looking like a fairyland.

"The new era has really come." Qiao Zizhong said silently in his heart.

Thanks to Yu_Du_chen, Haigua is a primary school student, and Zi Che Shenju for their rewards

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