Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 199 Beauxbatons

"The Arms Dealer from Hogwarts ()"

The Triwizard Tournament is coming, the atmosphere in the castle is suddenly urgent, and Hogwarts has also ushered in a major cleaning.

Dirty portraits were wiped clean and the frames were spotless, and the scrubbed portraits were displeased, huddled in the corners of the frame, mumbling sullenly, every time they touched the new pink on their faces Tender flesh, grinning in pain.

The armors were also cleaned up to a gleaming gleam and no longer creaking when moving.

Filch's eyes were like light bulbs every day, and he stood near the hallway, roaring and furious every time he saw a student's shoes being dirty, and two first-year girls were hysterically frightened by him.

Not only Filch, but even the professors looked nervous.

Jemini heard that Professor McGonagall was furious in Gryffindor's Transfiguration class because Neville had so far been unable to cast a simple transformation spell and had accidentally grafted his ear onto a cactus.

"Thinking about it on the bright side, his herbal talent is indeed outstanding. This kind of grafting technique is not something that anyone can do."

Draco, who heard about this, said sarcastically, although his temper was much better, it didn't stop him from mocking Neville.

Seeing how Harry and Ron looked, it was obvious that they thought so too, but considering their relationship with Neville, they couldn't say it.

Jemini also felt that Neville was a bit outrageous. He couldn't understand what Neville was counseling all day long.

Neville's weak temper has something to do with his stern grandmother and his tortured and mad parents, but Jemini still finds him a little annoying.

If the weak do not save themselves, they have no value in being saved.

Maybe Neville will be brave in the future, but that is the future. At least Neville, who can't find himself right now, has no value for Jemini to look at.

Jemini admires people who have themselves, even if they don't have money.

Likewise, he likes rich people, even if he loses himself.

But Jemini doesn't like people who have no self and no money. Such people are incapable and willing to be hypocritical, and they are also afraid of dragging others down. They often fall off the chain at critical moments and do not have the value of exchanges.

Then he stopped paying attention to Neville's business, and there was no sense of urgency about what to do every day.

As leisurely as he is, there is Dumbledore, and the white-bearded grandpa occasionally goes on night tours with Jemini.

As the headmaster, Dumbledore should not normally be so leisurely, everything has a price.

The price of Dumbledore's leisure is the murderous intent hidden in Professor McGonagall's eyes when he looks at him, and then he will honestly take out some food in an attempt to bribe Professor McGonagall, who is too busy to touch the ground.

Finally, early in the morning on the 30th of October, the students who went downstairs for breakfast found that the room had been redecorated overnight.

Huge silk banners hang on the walls, each one representing a Hogwarts house.

Gryffindor's banner is red with a mighty golden lion embroidered, Ravenclaw's is a blue background with an embroidered bronze eagle, Hufflepuff is a black badger on a yellow background, and a silver background on a green background. For the python, it is the banner of Slytherin.

Behind the staff chair, hangs the largest banner with the Hogwarts school crest, lion, snake, eagle, and badger, surrounded by a capital 'H'.

There was an emotion of joy called anticipation in the air. The students were very curious about what the students in the other two schools were like. Jemini was also infected by this atmosphere, and looked forward to the girls from Beauxbatons even more.

For a whole day, Jemini didn't see a single student who could calm down and study. Even in the potions class, there were students whispering something. Snape rarely said anything. It is estimated that he also knows that it is futile to let students concentrate at this time.

Finally, half an hour before the normal end of get out of class, the get out of class bell rang in advance,

With a wave of Snape's hand, the students rushed out of the classroom, hurried back to their academy dormitory, and hurriedly put on their cloaks - Hogwarts doesn't have a special school uniform, black cloaks are even school uniforms, and there is a top top hat.

The deans of the academies were ordering the students of their own academies to line up when Jemini walked through the foyer to the outside of the castle.

"Weasley, get your hat right! And you, Miss Patil, get that ridiculous thing off your hair!"

Jemini heard Professor McGonagall's stern voice.

The students were whispering. Perhaps because of the cold weather, the professors did not stop the students from discussing. Professor McGonagall organized the student team: "Everyone, come with me, the first-year students are in front...don't crowd."

"How will they get here? By train?" Draco whispered curiously. "I heard my dad say, 7??"

Jemini shook his head.

7? is another magic train platform at King's Cross Station. It travels through all the wizarding places in Europe. It is also one of the main means for European wizards to travel across borders. It is said that the speed is much faster than 9?. (non-secondary)

"Beauxbatons rides a carriage, the French pursue romance, and they don't pay less attention to the sense of ritual than the British, so they will definitely pay more attention to the way of travel."

"Where's Durmstrang?" Draco asked.

"It should be by boat. Durmstrang is not a magic school exclusive to one country, but Vagadu accepts students from various countries within a range."

Jemini said: "Although the exact location of Durmstrang is not clear, it is speculated that it is in the mountains where Norway and Sweden meet, so the way to travel should be by boat."

Of course, Jemini wouldn't say that I've read the original book and that's how they came, that's too unforced...

Sure enough, after Jemini finished his 'speculation', he saw Draco's face full of awe.

When it was almost six o'clock, the weather became more and more cold, and the bright moon was already high in the sky.

"Ah... If I'm not mistaken, I think the representative of Beauxbatons should have arrived." Dumbledore's voice suddenly sounded behind everyone.

"Where?" a student asked eagerly, looking around.

"There!" a sixth-grader shouted.

Above the sky in the distance, a behemoth is swept across the deep sky at an extreme speed, flying towards the direction of the castle.

Jemini could see clearly, it was a huge carriage, and in front of the carriage were two rows of sturdy rune horses.

Soon, the carriage was getting lower and lower, landing at an extremely fast speed, and the students standing in the first three rows hurriedly retreated—then, with an earth-shattering loud noise, the carriage fell to the ground.

The huge carriage looked very ornate, with a hot gold badge on the door, two golden criss-crossed wands, each with three stars emerging from it.

Then, the door opened.

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