Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 196 I think you are suspicious

Little Barty was shocked. He really didn't expect Jemini to give such an answer.

Everyone knows that Death Eaters are bad people, very bad, very bad bad people.

But to be honest, the Death Eaters are nothing more than bullying Muggle-born wizards, torturing them, and humiliating them, but there are not many Death Eaters who have actually killed people, killing Muggles and wizards. Still a few.

Even the Death Eaters who attacked everywhere, generally speaking, they wouldn't hurricane Arvada at will. At most, they would put some evil curses and poison spells, and wouldn't take people's lives easily.

After all, rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry. If you can curse your life, others can also rush. When everyone has no scruples, they are also in danger.

Furthermore, the composition of society must have a certain population base. Even if Voldemort rules the magical world, for his own rule and the continuation of the magical world, he will have to hold his nose and tolerate the continued existence of Muggle-born wizards and kill people at will. Don't even think about this.

That's all the population of the magic world is. The Death Eaters are not rushing to exterminate the dead. What they want is only hegemonic rule. If the wizard population is getting smaller and smaller, they will only be able to rule Muggles in the end.

So, someone like Jemini who kills by feeling... Little Barty has never seen one so far!

When Voldemort killed Harry in the first place, he had to let Harry fuck away first!

Although there is an element of Snape's intercession, but after everyone has surrendered to Voldemort, please ask him, who else can Lord Voldemort kill?

The magic world is such a big place, who hasn't had personal relationships yet?

Look at Jemini again, well, I see you as suspicious - Arvada!

Completely unreasonable, this is a neuropathy!

On the podium, Moody was silent for a while, and then said gruffly: "Well... a very dangerous idea, boy, it seems that you have been spoiled by Severus, I guess he taught you a lot of curses. ?"

"Actually... I learned all my black magic from Professor Dumbledore." Jemini said reservedly.

Why don't you lie to me old man!

Did Dumbledore teach you black magic?

Then what was he doing to guard against the Dark Lord?

No matter how you look at it, you are more dangerous!

Moody's eyes widened,

Like a toad being pinched tightly, the magic eye bulged out. He held it for a while before nodding his head: "Okay, it seems that he thinks you can master it..."

" answer me, Mr. Fox," Moody asked. "Do you know which spells are the most severely punished by wizarding law?"

"The Unforgivable Curse."

"Be specific?"

"The Imperius, the Cruciatus, and the Death-Slaying Curse, sir." Jemini said one by one.

"Very good, very detailed answer, I have no doubt that you can cast these spells." Moody turned and wrote the names of the three spells on the blackboard.

"Let's talk about the Imperius Curse first. This spell caused a lot of trouble for the Ministry of Magic, but... it's the most gentle."

Moody said, moving to the drawer of the podium with a cane, and took out a glass bottle.

In the glass bottle, three huge black spiders were constantly moving around.

Moody reached into the bottle, grabbed a spider, placed it on his open palm for everyone to see, then drew his wand and pointed it at the spider, murmuring, "Out of body!"

The spider jumped away from Moody's hand, dangling a thread, and began to swing back and forth, as if sitting on a high swing.

It first straightened its legs stiffly, then turned around and turned somersaults, the web was pulled, it fell on the table, and then began to somersault around the table.

Moody shook his wand, and it stood up again, pointing to its hind legs, in a sort of tap dance.

The students below the podium couldn't help laughing.

"You think it's fun, don't you?" Moody asked in a gruff voice. "Would you like it if I showed you a little?"

The laughter disappeared, and Draco shrank his neck beside Jemini.

"Totally under my control," Moody whispered. "I can make it jump out of the window, or drown myself, or in the throat of one of your classmates."

"Many years ago, many selfless people were controlled by the Imperius Curse, which really busy the Ministry of Magic. They have to distinguish between who died and was forced to be punished, and who was acting according to their own wishes."

"However, the Imperius Curse can be resisted, and I will give you the method, but it requires a strong personality, and not everyone can master it. You'd better avoid being hit by it as much as possible, and always be vigilant!" Finally, he shouted loudly.

After showing the Imperius Curse, he showed the Cruciatus to everyone again, and Jemini felt that the spider in his hand looked a little pitiful.

Although I don't know what kind it is, it is still his family.

Moody didn't torture the spider for long, though. He quickly put it down and gave it a treat.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light flashed across the class, and the spider died.

It was belly turned upside down, motionless, without the slightest bruise on its body.

There was silence in the class for a while. Beside Jemini, the corners of Draco's mouth drooped sharply, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of horror.

"It's not beautiful..." Moody's eyes swept across the class calmly: "It's very unpleasant, and there is no cracking spell, no way to defend against it, as far as people know, only one person has escaped this kind of spell... Yes, It's your classmate, Harry Potter, who won't come to my class until the afternoon."

"The Avada Solitary Charm requires a very strong magical power as a basis. I guess in your entire class, probably only Mr. Fox can successfully use this spell."

Jemini was a little regretful, he thought Moody would say: Now you pull out your wand and cast the Death Charm on me, I guess I just got a nosebleed at best!

Wouldn't it be rude if you didn't respond at that time?

"Okay...these three spells--The Death Spell, Imperius, Cruciatus are all called Unforgivable Spells, and using any of them on humans is enough to last a lifetime in Azkaban Prison, this is what you need to defend against, you need to be prepared, be on your guard, and most importantly - be on your guard, never let up, take out a pen... and write this down..."

After class, the students left the classroom in groups of three or five.

Drake still had a hint of horror in his light: "Did you see that? That old lunatic actually used the Death Charm in front of the students... I guess he's going to be in big trouble."

"Aside from him, I think his class is good." Jemini smiled.

This guy is really a conscientious worker. In order to play the role of Moody vividly, it is estimated that he has also worked hard in teaching.

Although it was a bit rude, what he said was full of dry stuff, even teaching some Aurors who had just joined the job.

Jemini thinks that this should not be the personal ability of Barty Jr. It is estimated that the real Moody is estimated to be this kind of educational policy. Before Barty Jr. pretended to be Moody, he had already prepared the teaching direction.

After all, a Death Eater who was caught not long after he became an adult, and who was controlled by his own father with the Imperius Curse for more than ten years, doesn't look like a person with such teaching ability.

Probably only the real Moody who brought out such outstanding Aurors as Kingsley and Tonks could have such a powerful educational ability.

Unfortunately, he fell.

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