Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 169 O.W.L. Exam

"The Arms Dealer from Hogwarts ()"

Two months passed by, and the end of the period came quietly when no one was ready.

Adria and Shirley have been so busy recently that they have been preparing for the O.W.L. exam since the beginning of school. This exam is very important for every wizard, but any wizard who has some expectations for his future , will work hard in this exam.

And this exam will also affect future employment and the selection of N.E.W.T. subjects for the next two years, which is why the two are often not with Jemini during this time.

Of course, not everyone has such a strong determination towards O.W.L. If there are academic bullies, there will naturally be academic scumbags.

Like Fred and George.

According to the two of them, at least one of them got an E (exceeded expectation), because their ability to take the test itself was beyond expectations.

Jemini felt like there was something wrong with what they said, but it didn't seem like there was anything wrong with it.

However, for the twins, they must be more sober than most people about how to go in the future.

Apart from the two of them, Jemini had never seen anyone, not even himself, with such a clear and precise judgment of his future direction.

It was as if the two of them had decided to open a magic joke shop in the future before they entered school.

But they still succeeded!

After thinking about it, Jemini intends to have a good chat with them after their exams. If he is willing to invest and give up part of his shares, these two will be happy to help him open the magic joke shop. world…

As for education, Jemini never cared about education. When a person devotes all his energy and enthusiasm to the career he loves, he can easily surpass the confinement of education.

Not to mention the big dropout from Harvard in Muggle society, but to say that in the wizarding world, isn't Newt Scamander also famous all over the world? He doesn't even have an O.W.L. diploma.

And to be honest, Jemini has seen the questions on the O.W.L. exams in previous years. As long as they are not purely mentally handicapped, any student in the third and fourth grades can get at least five A (passing) and one E evaluation.

Such as floating spells, vanishing spells, exchanging soil for mandrakes or something.

It's not Jemini boasting, he sits there with his eyes closed and snaps his fingers, if he fails any of these three tests, he will stand upside down on Sirius!

This thing is just like the middle and high school exams in the previous life. Whether it is the school or the Ministry of Magic, it is hoped that students can pass the exam successfully.

The really difficult exam is the N.E.W.T. in the seventh grade, which is the exam related to professional employment.

When the O.W.L. exam was over, Jemini saw Adria and Shirley, who were walking happily. The two walked out of the exam room with youthful smiles on their faces. The moment they saw Jemini, they couldn't help but flutter. came up.

"It looks like you guys are doing pretty well?" Jemini said with a smile.

"Fortunately, I should have at least two O's (excellent)." Shirley chuckled: "There is absolutely no problem with Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"I'm stronger than Shirley. There will be at least three O's. After all, our family is a family of herbal medicine." Adria smiled heartily.

Jemini glanced at the two of them and said nothing, thinking that they were pretending to be modest.

Judging from the efforts of the two of them over the past year, if they only got two or three O grades, they might blow up Hogwarts.

Old school bitch...

According to the results of the two, it is not a problem to get seven or eight O's with stable performance.

Adria took Jemini's arm and chatted about what happened during the exam, as well as some exam questions, which she hoped Jemini could use in the future.

Shirley was holding Jemini's other hand tightly,

Tranquil like a Wang Qingquan, she relaxed after the exam.

Soon, Fred and George also finished their exams.

The two walked out of the exam room laughing and laughing, looking very happy.

"How was the test?"

Jemini asked curiously.

"Very good, I personally feel that I can get at least one E!" Fred said with a smile.

"Me too, two A's are guaranteed, and one E can't run." George grinned.

Jemini fell silent.

These two are not school bitches, and they are not pretending to be humble.

They really think they can get this grade!

Although it wasn't the first time I saw it, Jemini couldn't help feeling shocked.

Is it true that the scumbags have nothing to fear?

The standard for passing the O.W.L. exam is at least one E. As long as one class can meet the standard of E, you can legally use a wand to cast spells as an adult. If you do not meet this standard, you cannot cast spells as a wizard!

And the two people in front of them have been living hard for this goal...

Damn, so touching!

After clearing his throat, Jemini calmed down the shock, and then said softly: "To be honest, the results of the two of you... Do you have any ideas for the future?"

"Magic Joke Shop." The two said in unison.

"It's really good." Jemini nodded knowingly: "What about the start-up capital? Where are you going to make money?"

"School is not bad, we have made some achievements." Fred laughed.

"That's right, we have already earned five Galleons and twelve sicobales through our own efforts." George nodded.

Shirley couldn't help covering her mouth: "It's so pitiful..."

"Hey! We earned this with our own efforts!" Fred said unconvinced, "If it weren't for the lack of research and development funds...damn..."

"Okay..." Jemini smiled: "Do you need investment?"

"Really?" George's eyes lit up: "You want to invest in us?"

"Of course." Jemini nodded. "I'm very sincere. Children's money is the best money. I've never forgotten this."

Having said that, Jemini smiled: "Maybe this is different from your purpose, but in the final analysis, our appeals in terms of interests are the same."

"I will pay, and you will provide the technology." Jemini spreads his hands: "And I can assure you that when the joke shop opens, I will never interfere in business decision-making, as long as dividends are distributed, if you need any scarce Materials, I also have enough channels to help you get them."

"Then what are you trying to do, man?" Fred's eyes widened.

"50% of the shares - 50% of each store!" Jemini raised his chin: "As a gold owner, I really don't want much, right?"

"Every store?" George's voice sounded a little shaky.

"That's right, Germany, Norway, France... all the wizarding places in Europe... don't you think that just having a shop in Diagon Alley will satisfy my needs? Of course not—"

Jemini spread out his hands: "I'm not playing the house, how can I meet Firebolt's marketing standards, even if it's only half."

"How much can you pay?" Fred breathed heavily.

"How much do you want?" Jemini raised an eyebrow.

"Now the things we are developing...a thousand for the time being..." Fred thought for a while: "Of course, this is not final, it is just product development. After the first store opens, it may still need money, about one or two thousand. about…"

"make a deal!"

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