Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 102 Duel Club

"Let me introduce my stop, Professor Snape."

Lockhart said, grinning widely: "He told me that he knew a thing or two about dueling himself, and he generously agreed to help me make a smile demonstration before class, I said, I don't want to worry about you little guys - when I'm done demonstrating with him, I'll give you your potions teacher intact, don't be afraid!"

"I guess..." Adria whispered in Jemini's ear: "Most students would love to do that if they could?"

"Although we think Professor Snape is a nice guy, it's true that he's not popular." Shirley chuckled.

Snape's upper lip curled up and looked like he was laughing, and Jemini didn't have to guess that Lockhart was going to be bad luck.

When he and Harry were learning Defence Against the Dark Arts with Snape, every time Snape made that look, Harry was sure to suffer.

Jemini turned his head to look at Harry, and sure enough, Harry looked at Snape and took a step back subconsciously.

In the magical world, dueling is a bloody, violent, and elegant thing, such as duel etiquette.

Snape absolutely hated Lockhart, but he shook his head impatiently as a courtesy.

In contrast, Lockhart's approach was very beautiful. He bowed gracefully, flipped his hands in many tricks, and then the two held their wands upright in front of their chests like swords.

"As you can see, we hold our wands in a duel position," Lockhart said to the quiet crowd. "On the count of three, we'll do the first magic, and of course, none of us can. Take the opponent's life."

Snape showed his teeth, and Jemini felt that at least Snape unilaterally wanted to take Lockhart's life.

"one two Three--"

The words fell, and the two raised their wands over their shoulders at the same time.

Because it was a demonstration, Snape called out a rare spell: "Remove your weapons!"

Lockhart seemed to be thinking about what spell to use when a red light hit him in the chest, and then he flew backwards, hitting the wall, and then slid down and curled up on the floor.

In the crowd, a large group of Slytherin snakes were applauding and applauding. Seeing the appearance of several other academy students, although they were also very happy, they were still reserved and silent.

Jemini chuckled and clapped.

Lockhart staggered to his feet, his hat was knocked off, and his wavy curly hair stood upright, looking a little embarrassed.

"Okay! You can see it!" He staggered back onto the stage and said, "It's a disarming spell—as you can see, I lost my wand, ah—thank you, Brown Miss."

"Yes, Professor Snape, it's a great idea to show them this trick, but you don't mind if I say this, your intention to do this was too obvious just now, if I want to stop you, It doesn't take much effort, I think, in order to increase their knowledge, let them take a look..."

Before he finished speaking, the murderous look on Snape's face grew heavier.

"Looks like he doesn't mind." Jemini chuckled.

Lockhart also seemed to notice Snape's face, and he said quickly: "This is the end of the demonstration! Now I will come to your center and divide you into pairs..."

Before he finished speaking, the crowd that was still crowded beside Jemini suddenly dispersed, leaving only Shirley and Adria.

"My lord, I can..." Adria was about to say something when she saw Snape come over.

"Miss Rich and the pure-blooded daughter, if something goes wrong, I think Mr. Fox will be distressed." After speaking, Snape turned to look at Harry: "Let's get the sandbag he is most accustomed to,

Potter! "

Harry looked at Jemini with a sad face, and he could see that Snape was about to be a human again.

"Please have some mercy," Harry muttered softly.

"Don't worry, I won't take the initiative to attack."

Jemini said softly.

"Raise your wand and get ready!" Roan Hart said loudly: "When I count to three, I will start casting spells and disarm the opponent, one-two-three-"

Harry raised his wand sharply, and a silent spell shot at Jemini. Although it was still a little reluctant, he could already try to cast a few silent spells of the usual spells, thanks to Snape's number. Ten weekends of cynicism.

Jemini swung away the spell and waved his wand carelessly, blocking Harry's attack.

Before the two could continue, there was chaos in the auditorium.

Lockhart stood on the stage and shouted in horror: "I said, just disarm!"

The crowd was in chaos, and no one listened to him at all. Neville and Justin both lay on the ground with their corpses on the ground. Ron grabbed Seamus, whose face was gray, in horror, and apologized for the catastrophe caused by his broken wand.

"Don't die, Seamus! Please don't die!"

"Oh my God!" Lockhart rushed to the right and left in the crowd in horror, trying to pull away the entangled little wizards.

Jemini's wand held high above his head: "Forbidden!"

The surging magical fluctuations spread out in an instant, and in an instant, all the little wizards in the auditorium froze. After about two seconds, the force that bound them finally dissipated, and the group of students finally calmed down.

"Oh... thank you so much... Jemini!" Lockhart looked at Jemini gratefully: "Now, McMillan, stand up, be careful, Miss Fawcett, squeeze hard and the bleeding will stop in no time. "

"What's all this mess?" Jemini said with a black face, a wound that healed as before on Fawcett's body that was bleeding.

"Oh...Thank you, Lord Fox."

"You're welcome." Mr. Fox picked up Fawcett.

"I think I'd better teach you how to stop unfriendly magic, let's find a pair to demonstrate!" Lockhart glanced at Snape in a panic: "Please volunteer to come on stage and have a pair, Fox and Potter, how are you?"

Jemini finally realized that he understood what Lockhart was thinking.

Since I can't find the so-called book of sages, I will find the person who has read the book of sages. He wants to steal the teacher!

However, with Lockhart's ability and talent, if Jemini is superb, maybe he can really learn something from Jemini.

"Okay, as you wish, Professor." Jemini smiled gently and walked onto the stage.

Seeing that Jemini agreed, Harry had to bite the bullet and go to the stage.

"Fantastic!" Lockhart turned his wand excitedly, but didn't quite understand, the wand fell to the ground with a clatter, and Snape sneered.

" looks like my wand is a little overexcited."

Lockhart picked up his wand and stood not far away. In the auditorium, hundreds of little wizards were watching the duel. Although they knew that Jemini was strong, everyone wanted to know how powerful Jemini was. to what extent.


Lockhart shouted, and Harry raised his wand sharply, and a silent disarming spell flew at Jemini.

Jemini's movements changed from the gentleness just now. He lifted his wand and knocked Harry's spell away. Then he kept moving and flicked his wand in a consistent manner. Harry's wand suddenly came out of his hand and landed on the ground. Jemini is in the other hand.

In an instant, cheers from the little snakes sounded, and a large number of students in the auditorium looked at Jemini in amazement.

Just now Jemini was moving too fast, and they saw that when Jemini flicked his hand, Harry's spell was blown away, and at the same time, Harry was disarmed.

Neville was lying on the edge of the stage, dumbfounded: "What was that just now?"

Beside him, Justin shook his head: "I didn't understand either..."

Obviously everyone bought wands and books under the leadership of Professor McGonagall. How could the gap be so big?

Justin suddenly feels like he and Jemini don't go to the same school...

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