Armor Frenzy

Chapter 671: down

After Ye Han finished speaking, ignoring Xue Ju, who continued to be confused, a communication was connected to Tiangong number: "6o1 called Tiangong and received a clear answer!"

"Tiangong received it, 6o1 please tell me!"

"Tiangong, please scan the target area immediately and demarcate the area with abnormal temperature."

"6o1, I don't understand."

"You don't need to understand, just do it, the sooner the better... Also, I'm not talking about area 1, but scanning all target areas!"

"6o1, I'm 1o4, what's the situation?" Gao Kai's voice appeared in the communication.

"1o4, we have a hole in the ground in the No. 1 area..."

"Ant nest?" Gao Kai asked excitedly.

"It's not confirmed yet," Ye Han said.

"Then what do you mean?"

"This cave is blowing hot air. I thought that if the wolf worms were hiding in the cave, the temperature inside the cave would definitely be higher than the outside. Regardless of whether it is a karst cave or a cave, the water vapor is generally higher than the outside of the cave. The water source, there was a heavy snow last night, and the temperature has not recovered until now, the warm water vapor in the cave jumped out from the entrance of the cave, and the fog must be rising, and the temperature at the entrance of the cave should be a little higher than the ambient temperature."

"It makes sense!" Gao Kai's eyes lit up, "I will report to the commander now, you will immediately arrange for personnel to scout the situation in the cave, get first-hand information as soon as possible, and determine whether there are wolves in the cave."


At the end of the communication, Ye Han let out a long breath: "Get ready to enter the hole!"

Everyone responded in unison, immediately sorted out their weapons and equipment, and prepared to enter the cave.

When Ye Han communicated with the Tiangong, the last armored vehicle also arrived at the scene. Ye Han left half of the people to guard the vehicle, and the rest went up the mountain with him.

The hillside is too steep, and the armored vehicle does not have such strong climbing ability, so it can only drive to the foot of the mountain, and everyone climbs halfway up the mountain on foot.

The shape of the entrance of the cave is very irregular. The long diameter is almost two meters, and the short diameter is about one meter. The dark cave is vertically downward, and it is impossible to tell how deep it is.

What kind of cave is this, it's just a hole in the ground.

Ye Han took out a light stick and shook it a few times. After the liquid in the light stick was fully mixed, he let go and threw the light stick into the hole.

The faint light that was falling quickly illuminated the cave wall. Ye Han found that the cave wall in the depths of the underground cave was very flat, not like a natural formation. Suddenly, there was a bit of speculation in his heart. He felt that the cave wall was not naturally formed. A little more certainty.

The light stick landed a few seconds later, and Ye Han made a simple calculation and calculated that the vertical depth of the hole was almost 20 meters, which was far beyond his expectations.

But it's not surprising to think about it. Wolves are typical giant insects with amazing climbing ability. The vertical hole is not only not an obstacle for wolves, but may be the first line of defense of the worm's nest.

This thought instantly appeared in Ye Han's mind, and then he suddenly burst into laughter.

The animals in the entire Siberia have been eaten up by giant worms. It can be said that the wolf worm is the overlord of Siberia.

Even Ye Han didn't notice it, he had already determined that this hole was one of the wolf worm's nests.

Ye Han took off the rifle behind him, pulled the bolt to the top of the bullet: "I'll go first!"

"Chief of Staff, I'll go first!" Xue Ju immediately jumped into the cave in front of Ye Han, stretched out his feet to support the cave wall, and washed the sand and soil down, making a rustling noise.

Liu Bin also took a step forward, only a little slower than Xue Ju, and jumped into the hole second.

Which of the soldiers dared to let Ye Han go down first, they rushed up one after another, but Ye Han stood at attention and stopped: "I ordered, follow me!" After saying that, he jumped into the hole with his rifle.

It was also two feet on the wall, but Ye Han didn't use the friction force to lower his legs like Xue Ju and Liu Bin did.

In this way, he kept pedaling left and right, and Ye Han quickly fell to the bottom of the hole.

Xue and Liu, who arrived first, were already on guard with their rifles. As soon as Ye Han landed on his feet, he found that the ground was extremely hard, definitely not the soil layer, but he didn't have time to observe carefully, so he immediately took a step forward and picked up his rifle.

Behind him, the soldiers landed one by one, and soon formed a semicircle with their backs to the hole.

The cave was dark, and the only light source was the opening behind him. With the help of that little faint light, the night vision device could barely see the situation in the cave.

This is a typical underground karst cave, the terrain is very complex, the sight line is full of stalagmite columns, and there are various faults and cracks, just five or six meters in front of the foothold of Ye Han and others, is an underground cliff.

Ye Han approached the cliff carefully, and the darkness below could not see anything clearly. He threw a light stick down, and everyone was stunned to realize that the so-called cliff was actually an underground river valley. The vertical height of the river valley was no less than 30 meters. The underground river murmured past, and the water vapor rose in the full-color night vision device.

A small stream in the cave descends from the sky after reaching the edge of the cliff, turning into a waterline and merging into the river.

The temperature outside the armor on the top of the cliff is actually seven or eight degrees above zero. Through the observation of infrared equipment, it is found that the temperature of the river water is not less than fifty degrees above zero. Obviously, it is not ordinary river water, but an underground place. spa!

Everyone is familiar with hot springs, but no one has ever thought that a river formed by hot springs can be found in the ground dozens of meters deep.

This reality is too surprising, but if you think about it, there is nothing wrong. The hot spring is originally formed by the groundwater under the action of geothermal heat. Only the hot spring that flows out of the ground is the hot spring. ?

The reason why I am so surprised is that everyone is rare and strange.

The focus of Ye Han's attention is not the hot springs and cold springs, but the ambient temperature in the cave!

There is an underground river formed by this hot spring, and the temperature in the cave is not much lower, not to mention the wintering of wolves, even if people live in it for the winter, there is no problem at all.

The hole was obviously not formed naturally, and the wolf worm really chose a good place to spend the winter!

After regaining his senses, Liu Bin asked in a low voice, "Chief of Staff, where are we going?"

Ye Han pondered, the distance between the two sides of the river valley is about ten meters, which means that the width of the river surface is no less than ten meters, and the temperature of the river water is high. Although I don't know the temperature tolerance range of wolves, it is possible to climb to the bottom of the cliff to cross the river. It is very small, and other than that, you can only continue to enter the depths of the cave.

Thinking of this, Ye Han looked into the depths of the cave: "Go in, make a mark and don't get lost!"

"Just take a look!" Liu Bin agreed, pulling out his saber, "Don't look at it, come out!"

The soldiers immediately left the cliff and searched for the depths of the cave in a search formation. No matter who passed through the stalagmite or stone pillar, they would pull out their saber and engrave an arrow on the stone pointing to the entrance of the cave.

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