Lu Yan's brain was spinning very fast, and based on the information he had learned so far, he quickly made a series of reasoning.

But at this moment, footsteps sounded again in the earth castle group that had been dead silent.

Lu Yan suddenly pressed his hand on the handle of the gun, and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a fair-skinned girl tiptoeing out from behind the bunker group, with a cautious look, holding a steel knife in her hand, and looked at Lu Yan cautiously: "Excuse me, are you a player too?"

The girl is thin and thin, about 1.65 meters tall, wearing an obviously ill-fitting male shirt on the upper body, and denim shorts on the lower body, with long black hair and a weak expression, like a frightened little rabbit, holding hands tightly in the weapon.

Compared with the tall and tall Lu Yan, the girl looked inconspicuous at all. Except for the steel knife that gleamed with cold light in her hand, she didn't look threatening at all. Her long eyelashes seemed to be hung with scarves that slipped out of fright. teardrop.

Her appearance is pure and lovely, and her posture is the type that easily arouses men's desire for protection.

However, after Lu Yan looked at the other party up and down, he did not relax his vigilance because of the other party's appearance. Instead, he walked quickly to the body of the player who was killed before, pulled out his spear, pointed at the girl and said coldly: " I will give you ten seconds to clarify my identity, name, and country and city before I came to the wilderness!"

"I'm not hostile!" The girl seemed taken aback when she saw this, and explained with a flustered expression: "I just want to get out of here, out of this ruin..."

"Answer my question!" Lu Yan repeated again with a blank face: "I only give you ten seconds!"

Maybe it was because the corpse of the player next to him was bleeding, or maybe it was because Lu Yan's attitude was too tough, the girl who looked frail looked terrified and trembling all over, and said very cooperatively:

"My name is Jin Jingxiu, and I am a player from Raxian City in North Korea... Five hours ago, I entered this ruins to explore, and...and him..." The girl pointed at the one who was killed by Lu Yan at a loss. A player said softly: "We formed a temporary team with him, but we were attacked by monsters before we entered the temple deep in the ruins."

"We tried our best to escape, and then, we met you..."

A very simple story with basically no twists.

After Lu Yan listened to the girl's words, his attitude softened a bit, but he still did not put down the spear in his hand.

"What did you find?" Lu Yan asked.

Hearing Lu Yan's words, a strong fear appeared on the girl's face. She subconsciously stepped back two steps, pressed her shirt pocket, and stammered, "No, nothing! We haven't entered the temple yet... just Encountered monsters, found nothing at all..."

Can you be more obvious?

Lu Yan narrowed his eyes and suddenly shouted sharply: "Take it out and put it on the ground!"

"Please, don't..." The girl wanted to cry, she stared at Lu Yan with big teary eyes, bit her lower lip and begged, "I took a lot of risks to get this."

Seeing the girl's weak and begging look, Lu Yan felt like his heart was hit by something.

This feeling of bullying...

It's so cool!

Such a soft girl should cry for a long time with one punch, right?

"I said, take it out and put it on the ground..." Lu Yan said in a cold voice, raised the spear in his hand as if to throw it, pointed at the young player who had already died, and said every word: "Unless you want to fight with him One end!"

He is not a fool who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman. In the wilderness, beauty is the most worthless thing!

No matter how beautiful the skin is, it cannot be eaten or used as a gun.

Lu Yan's plundering policy has never changed based on the opponent's appearance!

Hearing Lu Yan's threat of death, the girl finally couldn't bear the fear in her heart. She tremblingly took out something from her shirt pocket, and put it down with great reluctance.

It was an ancient parchment scroll.

"Open it." Lu Yan spoke again.

The girl untied the rope on the parchment according to Lu Yan's instructions, and spread it out. What Lu Yan saw was an extremely old picture!

He picked up the parchment scroll with the tip of a spear and looked it over carefully. The whole piece of parchment was divided into a dozen palm-sized [small areas] with crooked black lines, and each [small area] was printed with different patterns. Similar to the shape of ancient murals.

And the connection of these dozens of divided small murals forms a coherent story.

The first small picture shows more than a dozen primitive people wearing animal skins and holding spears and wooden bows dancing around the fire. They all have lightning marks on their backs, scars all over their bodies, piled up beside the fire. It is a ceremony to celebrate the harvest of hunting with a large number of carcasses.

In the second small picture, the primitive people have built up huts, tents, and even watchtowers, and they have grown and grown into large tribes.

In the third small picture, some guys dressed as wizards appeared in the People began to make statues of gods and worship the sun and the moon.

The fourth... The primitive people have taken off the animal skins and put on sackcloth. The civilization of this tribe has also been rapidly improved, and they have begun to grow crops instead of simply hunting.

The fifth... This small picture records a war. After a **** battle, the tribe with the mark of lightning on the back defeated its enemy, killed the leader of the opponent, captured the woman of the opponent, and occupied the territory of the opponent. , the strength is further expanded.

The sixth... The scale of this tribe has expanded to an extremely terrifying point. They have become the overlords of this land. They built tall pagodas and temples, and ruled this land with absolute force.

Lu Yan held up the parchment and compared it with the temple in the distance, and confirmed that the parchment was painted on that temple.

The mural on this parchment records the experience of the tribe who built the ruins!

In other words, this parchment is the history book of this ruins!

Lu Yan glanced at the trembling girl squatting in front of the bunker, and continued to turn her gaze to the parchment in her hand. Perhaps on this parchment, he could find a way to clear the ruins!

The style of the seventh small picture changed abruptly, and became strange and depressing. There were a large number of strange monsters in the picture. They came from nowhere, suddenly landed on this land, and began to eat away at this tribe step by step...

No, it should be about empire now.

Those monsters crazily attacked the territory and people of this empire.

Lu Yan noticed that from the seventh picture onwards, the background color of the mural had turned deep red, as if to express a meaning that even the earth was stained red with blood.

Recommend the new book of urban **** Lao Shi: the all-round security guard of the school belle

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