Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 822 I suggest you choose physics

"So you want me to go to that Baroque workshop too?"

"Yes, but Sister Robin, this action is inherently dangerous. If you are worried, it's okay not to agree."

After all, they are the royal family of a country. They are not blind and cannot discover anything. The current problems in the kingdom are ultimately inseparable from the Baroque Works Society.

But their abilities are also limited. Everyone in this work company does not use their real names. They are all called by code names, and they are all male and female partners. The male code name is Mr + number. The smaller the number, the stronger the strength. The female code name is Miss + date/ Festive combination.

This was the few information they found. In order to find out who the main messenger behind the scenes was, Weiwei made this decision.

"Miss Robin, this matter is very abrupt, but after it is resolved, the Kingdom of Alabasta is willing to give you a reasonable reward. Please give it some thought."

Ikarem had also seen Robin's resume, and his rich experience made him feel that Robin would be able to blend into this organization more easily, but Robin's next words shocked the two people in front of him.

"Actually, I received an invitation from this organization before you guys came."


The expressions of Vivi and Ikarem changed drastically. If even Nico Robin was within the scope of infiltration by that organization, then there might be more people in the palace. What's more terrible is, if the person in front of them has agreed received their invitation.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in this matter, and this happened last night. You were already here before I had time to tell you."

She told a false time point and changed what happened long ago to yesterday.

If she wanted to, she could tell them now who the mastermind behind this working society was, but she did not do so. Crocodile's identity could be exchanged for greater benefits in the future.

She was just curious about the hidden history of this kingdom and did not want to subvert the country. Moreover, she had a good impression of Weiwei and didn't mind helping her, so she told her about it.

Even without this incident, she had no intention of letting Crocodile succeed in the end. Judging from the information collected so far, Alabasta's hidden history must be related to the historical text. This was enough for her to apply for support.

Anyway, she was ready to stab Crocodile in the back, so naturally she wouldn't mind using him to gain favorability in the eyes of others at the right time.

Finally, she agreed to Weiwei and Ikaram's request, but the two left looking worried.

"Princess Weiwei, will she betray us? If she tells this matter, you will be in danger."

"No, I believe her, and she really wants to betray me, so why would she tell us about it? Get ready to go, Ikarem. There are still many things to prepare for."

She is a princess of a country, and it would be easy to be exposed if she wanted to join an organization directly, so she planned to remain anonymous and start as a small bounty hunter.

While they were extremely entangled, Robin was calmly making phone calls.

"Hey Yamato, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing serious. I just want to ask you, how do you think you can convince two people who are in serious conflict?"

"Um, beat them down?"

After thinking for a moment, Robin gave a method that she thought was most suitable for Yamato.

"Don't be so violent! I'm talking about persuasion, persuasion, and reasoning."

"With all due respect, Yamato, this method is not suitable for you."

Words may be able to resolve conflicts, but this method is not suitable for Yamato. In Robin's opinion, she is more suitable for physical persuasion.

"Damn it, do you have so little confidence in me? I have changed a lot!"

"If you can convince them, then you don't have to look for me. Isn't it because you failed?"

"Yes, I will ask you to give me some advice only if I fail."

"My suggestion is that you try a new method. Maybe if you become stronger, you can handle this matter?"

After going around and around, the topic finally returned to the original point. It wasn't that Robin didn't want to help the other person, but Robin felt that this was half the effort and had a high probability of failure. It was better to directly persuade the other person to use a method he was better at.


"Look, you have failed to even convince me to teach you how to persuade others. How can you use words to resolve two people with great contradictions? How about you practice first and see how to persuade me?"

In the end, Robin did not embarrass the other party, but gave a more reasonable exercise plan to hone Yamato's eloquence and thinking logic.

After getting a positive answer, they also started chatting.

"Speaking of which, how are you doing these days? Aunt Olvia is quite worried about you."

"Not bad. By the way, I found something interesting outside. This system is very similar to ours."

"Huh? What system?"

"The system of numberers uses numbers to determine strength. The smaller the number, the stronger. It is just a little weak. Mr. 1 here may not even be able to beat our NO.60."

After learning about the system of Baroque Studio, Robin felt that this system was very familiar. It was very similar to the numbering system of the beasts. Overall, they were the same type of plan, but the overall strength was very different.

And in terms of system, it is much more cruel than today's beasts. If the mission fails, they will be hunted down by higher-level agents. The people below will also take action against their companions in order to get higher. Under the loose management of Crocodile, this criminal organization The internal structure is very loose. .

"What? You actually copied the numberer created by your adoptive father? Wait until I have time to go to your place and have fun."

"Okay, I'll contact you when we take action, but you may not be very interested."

Yamato's play may be devastating to some organizations. At this time, Crocodile had no idea that he was inexplicably targeted by monsters in the new world just by following the plan.

Now he is dealing with some matters at Baroque Studio. Nicole Robin has not followed Crocodile as in the original timeline and directly acted as his deputy, but is in a special assessment period.

Robin and Yamato's phone call had just ended when her phone bug started ringing.


"Mr. 7 is dead. This is an opportunity. Let me see your abilities. If you can gradually come here from the new world, you shouldn't be a powerless woman, right? Let that guy know that you have to pay for refusing to recruit. At what cost, Miss Allsunday.

In addition, Mr. 2 will contact you, please cooperate with him. "

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