Wano Country already has two natural chasms, the turbulent sea currents on the outside and its own tall barriers. After the beasts took over Wano Country, there were new defense measures, the Gyarados group.

The giant Magikarp back then had already evolved, and several giant Gyarados lived near Wano Country. Ships without the Beast Marks were their targets.

If foreign ships want to enter Wano smoothly, they must first notify the people of the beasts. After getting approval, they will send out pilot ships or leave special marks on the hull.

A special paint formed by combining the sap collected from the branches of tree fruits and the powder ground from Arceus steel. Without this paint, there would be no pilot ship. If it were not a ship that Gyarados were familiar with, it would all be possible. Differential attacks on enemies.

You have to bet your life on what kind of attack you will encounter, because the characters of Gyarados are also different. If you are lucky, you may just be overturned. If you are not lucky, those Gyarados will be killed.

As for ordinary eviction

They are Gyarados, nicknamed the Brutal. If you don't get their approval, you won't be able to appreciate the gentleness of the Pokémon.

After encountering a shipwreck in the original timeline, Ace Neng, like the Whitebeard Pirates, was coincidentally washed up in Wano Country, and happened to meet a time when Kaido was not at home.

But now, this coincidence does not exist.

"Wow!! What...what's going on!"

"Hold on to the rope! Don't fall! Teacher! Kodaz fell to your side, catch it!"

The lynx on the boat almost flew out under the impact of the waves, but Michal took out the rope in his hand and caught it.

The current was just relatively turbulent before, but I didn't expect it to become like this in the blink of an eye.

With their excellent ship control skills, the Spade Pirates barely stabilized the ship.

This was not the first time that something like this had happened. The sky was inexplicably slashed, they hit the non-existent wall of air, a whirlpool appeared in the middle of the sea, and various natural disasters made them experience this period of time.

Before they encountered any powerful opponents, they had already experienced the cruelty of the new world.

Even Skaar has never experienced this, and his past experience is of no help at all.

Ace and others thought it was because of such a dangerous climate that they did not encounter any enemies. They did not know that in fact it was because they rushed into the hinterland of the territorial waters of the beasts along with the changing sea currents and avoided the patrol boats. That's why we can't meet enemies.

The huge waves stopped temporarily, but before the people on the boat could take a breath, the crisis came to them again.

Nereus's huge figure poked out from the sea, with only the upper half of his body exposed above the sea being ten meters tall. He was looking at the people on Ace's boat with evil eyes.


As soon as Ace uttered a word, Nereus raised his arm and smashed towards their ship.

Iska is willing to chat with him because Iska has a kinder personality, but Nereus is different. Even if she eats the transformed Great Entrance Fruit, she is still essentially the queen of Gyarados , thinking more like a Gyarados.

If there is no pilot ship, no mark, and an unknown pirate flag, then they are the enemy, and there is no need to talk nonsense to the enemy.

"fire punch!"

Seeing the female giant in front of him attack without saying a word, Ace also launched his own counterattack, hitting Nereus with a huge flaming fist.


A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Nereus's mouth. Without any worries, Ace, who had just entered the new world with full firepower, could fight Jinbei for days and nights, but that was land.

On land, the fishmen lost their biggest advantage, and now, this is the ocean.

Putting his hands together, a wave of water had already condensed and met Ace's fire fist head-on.

Water can extinguish fire. This is a truth that everyone knows. At the moment when water and fire collided, a large amount of steam blocked the sight of the two. Although Ace tried his best to increase his firepower, but with the King of Gyarados in the big Spending money at sea is not a clear choice.

Nereus's dragon tail flicked on the sea surface, and a water dragon rushed onto the deck. Under the attack of the current, Ace's flames instantly muted, and the people on the boat were also washed away.

Sporadic counterattacks had no effect. Nereus's body had hard scales, and the attacks of these ordinary members could not do anything to her.

Before Ace could get up, Nereus opened her mouth wide, and spit out a stream of flames from her mouth, which seemed to be a way to show that no one can breathe fire these days.

For example, some Pokémon cannot fly, but they can breathe fire.

Looking at the incoming flames, he still stood up tenaciously. Just being showered with water would not make him lose his strength, and it would have no effect unless he was soaked in the water all the time.

Relying on the flame body, he absorbed all the jet flames, but Nereus's subsequent attack also came. The water tail shattered their ship, and the tsunami caused by the surf also covered the place again.

On land, Ace still has the strength to face Nereus, but on the sea, he has no ability to match the opponent. Even if he can barely parry one or two, Nereus is still capable of destroying his ship.

The big tail flicked, and the wave rushed into the distance. As for whether the people of the Spade Pirates were dead or alive, and where they would be washed away, Nereus was not interested. If she saw it right, there seemed to be a fishman tribe on the ship. If you work hard, you can still be saved.

After making sure that those people had been washed away and would not enter the Wano area, Nereus looked back at his dependents.


With a slap of its tail on the sea, several Gyarados surfaced one after another, looking just like the primary school students being scolded by their homeroom teacher.

"How come an unmarked ship can reach this place?"

Arceus gave her the status of the king of the clan, which no Gyarados could shake. Even if there were Gyarados who were not convinced, they would just complain in private.

Most of these Gyarados are the elders of Nereus. Some Gyarados didn't understand that a junior became king at first, and they only obeyed her orders because of Arceus.

But as Nereus gradually showed her strength, her throne became more and more stable. At this time, she was establishing her authority, and the objects of her authority were those who lived in other sea areas and made their first pilgrimage here, and had never seen her before. New Gyarados.

"King, that ship is too small."

"No matter how big or small, it is a pirate ship! This is the Lord's order! If you dare to do it again, don't blame me for being rude!"


After a lesson, the sea became silent, Gyarados returned to the water again, and Nereus was also recalling the situation just now.

[The way you learned from Manderfesh to teach his subordinates, the one just now should be fine, right? 】

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