Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1101 The Creator and Black Onion, old friends reunited

"Ah, it's Kuzan. I haven't seen you in twenty years, right?"

Sauro didn't look particularly excited, because Sauro had already known that Kuzan was here, otherwise Sauro should be running his own small farm on the empty island above, not on the land of Wano.

But Kuzan was different. After Kuzan was recruited by Yamato for a strange purpose, Onigashima opened a lot of things to him accordingly. He was allowed to set foot in most areas of Wano Country, with the exception of Quinn's experiment. The sky island group above the room and Onigashima.

According to Kuzan's character, even if he knew that O'Hara's scholars were there, he might not do anything. Kuzan and Sauro had the same attitude towards O'Hara.

But there is still no need to reveal this kind of thing in advance. Although Sauro came to see Kuzan, he kept the O'Hara matter even more confidential than the members of the Beasts. After all, this was the reason why he left the navy. thing.

"Hey, hey, let me tell you, we haven't seen each other in 21 years. Is this your reaction?"

Kuzan's tone was still as calm as ever, but it revealed a sense of dissatisfaction.

Humans are social animals and will always meet people with similar personalities. 21 years ago, when they were still in the Navy, Sauro and Kuzan were very close colleagues.

But since the O'Hara incident, Sauro, who escaped from prison, has disappeared, but this disappearance is not good news for him.

Kuzan did not see Sauro in Ohara at that time. Even the giants looked very small on an island. Before Sauro was discovered by the large army, he was led by the beasts. gone.

But there were many people on the island. According to subsequent intelligence statistics, someone had seen Sauro appearing in O'Hara before O'Hara was destroyed.

From Kuzan's perspective, it was impossible for anyone to survive under that kind of firepower.

Disappearance is just a fig leaf for the navy to ease the relationship with the giants. After all, death and disappearance represent completely different results. Disappearance always gives people a glimmer of hope.

Kuzan thought Sauro was dead and even built a tomb for him.

"Come on hehehehe, you still look like this, Kuzan, it's been a long time since we last seen each other, so do you want to hear this answer?"

The way Sauro responded didn't change much, but the tone of his voice was completely different.

The familiar laughter appeared in Kuzan's ears, and the strange tone made Kuzan feel extremely friendly.

When he first joined the navy, Saulo's unique laugh would still make people feel strange, but now, everything has changed.

"I thought you were dead. Someone saw you in O'Hara before. How did you escape and how did you get here?"

"I also thought I was going to die. As for why I'm sorry Kuzan, there are some things I can't say to you yet."

"It seems like you have been living here for a long time?"

Sauro was dressed like a farmer, with a huge hoe on his shoulders and a bamboo hat on his head. If he had just come here, he would never be dressed like this.

"And with that tone of your voice, I'm afraid you already knew I was here, right? So I've been hiding here all this time?"

Judging from the traces on the side, he should have been farming for a while. If the camel hadn't come here, Kuzan might not have been able to see Sauro, who was blocked by the mountain.

"You have too many questions. I originally wanted to give you a surprise, but I didn't expect that this penguin is actually related to you."

Sauro only knew that Kuzan was here, but he didn't know that Kuzan also brought pets with him.

“When I first came here, I just wanted to find a quiet place to live. At that time, I didn’t understand and couldn’t accept the actions of the Warring States generals, but now I see new hope here.

And you? I only know that you had a fight with Sakaski. Why are you here? "

"Why. I said someone told me that I could assassinate Kaido here. Do you believe this reason?"

"Hehehehehe, it must be Miss Yamato. It is indeed something she can do. But Kuzan, I advise you to calm down."

Sauro lives on the small sky island, where he can clearly see Kaido sparring with Arceus. He was shocked at first, but as time went by, this feeling gradually turned into numbness.

Sauro couldn't even think of how to defeat those two monsters.

"I know, I just want to see other things. As for the other things, let's talk about it then."

"You're still like this, let's go. After all, I came here earlier than you. Let's find a tavern and have a good chat with you."

Some time later, in the tavern of the Flower Capital.

Sauro and Kuzan talked about the past and discussed the changes in the world. At the same time, Sauro was still helping Kuzan understand the changes in Wano Country here.

He has witnessed 20 years of history with his own eyes, watching Wano Country move from a closed ancient country to the modernization it is today.

"Sauro, am I drunk and those two ducks are dueling?"

"Oh, that's the Green Ranger. You should have seen it. There are countless magical creatures in this country. The people who created them call them Pokémon. They are an extremely magical species.

Your penguin also had a similar change. You should have noticed it a long time ago, right? Some things have long been beyond the scope of science, and that is the power of the Creator. "

"Allah, that's really shocking. Do you want to tell me that there is really a god in the religion within the beasts?"

"Kuzan, I'm not kidding you. Why do you think a country ruled by pirates has become like this? Your time here is too short. After a while, you will understand what I am saying."

Sauro's expression became serious, and the leisureliness he had enjoyed while drinking had been forgotten by him, but Kuzan still looked that lazy.

"I know, I'll go see it myself.

But the things in their hands are green onions, right? Why is the color of that green onion so strange? "

In Kuzan's sight, the green onion leaves in Cong Youbing's hands seemed to be a little black, but that was not directly a sign of domineering. He was also a naval admiral, so he still had some discernment.

"Maybe you're dazzled, or maybe those green onions are of different varieties."

"Maybe, by the way, where did I just say it? Let's continue."

Sauro continued to impart his experience, and Kuzan also put his previous thoughts behind him. At that moment, a word appeared in his mind - black knife.

As the name suggests, knives with black blades are black knives, but the color of these knives is not inherent, but changes gradually.

The biggest feature of black knives is their strength, and the root of their strength is domineering.

Every sword has the potential to become a black sword. A swordsman can use his own domineering power to temper his sword into a black sword. Kuzan knew that the two onion soldiers dueling would use their domineering power, but no matter how he thought about it, Duck Tempering black onions is too outrageous.

But in fact, what Kuzan found a little unbelievable was the truth. The green onions used by the Onion Rangers were a very special plant, and even the onion seeds were created by Arceus.

Normal Onion Rangers need to regularly look for green onions to replace their weapons that are starting to wither. But these Onion Rangers are different. In life, they have learned domineering and found that onion blades are more easily saturated with domineering than metal blades.

It's just a prototype now. If time goes by, they may really be able to develop a long-lasting black onion. In a sense, this can be regarded as the new regional form of the Onion Rangers.

Armed with shields and swords imbued with domineering energy, they are a new group of Onion Rangers who practice kendo in Wano Country.

All this is not impossible, the regional form Sea Tower Stone Tablet Rock Pokémon has already explained it all.

It's just that these are not easy for Kuzan to accept now. Even if Sauro clearly points out the Creator, everything in front of Kuzan is reshaping the three views he has built over decades.

Arceus himself didn't know Kuzan's thoughts. At this time, Arceus was receiving a report from Asier. Asier had made new breakthroughs in materials science and invented some very meaningful things.

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