Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1095 Madness

"Give me the cannonball."

At this time, Wald's position was on the "top of the mountain". According to the structure of the ship, this was a watchtower. Seeing the cannonballs being intercepted by Hancock's arrows, Wald knew that the real owner had arrived.

He stretched out his hand towards Binjack, and then took a handful of walnut-sized projectiles.

This size is at most bullets, but in Walder's hands, they can exert a completely different power.

"Doubled! Fifty times the cannon!"

With a wave of one hand, the shot-like projectiles suddenly grew in size in mid-air, and both their speed and mass were fifty times greater than before.

This ability itself also gives the World Government a headache. With this ability, Walder can exert the power of a swarm of artillery fire even if he only has a handful of iron sand.

Compared with the cannonballs fired by ordinary artillery, the cannonballs thrown by Walder are superior in speed and power.

Although Hancock's arrows still turned them into stone bullets in mid-air, they did not stop and continued to fly into Nine Snakes.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

At the same time, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and countless arrows were shot from behind Hancock. They were arrows shot by Nine Snakes' warriors.

After long training, they have mastered the armed haki skillfully, and attaching it to arrows to generate explosive arrows is their specialty.

After Hancock's attack, their arrow rain formed a second line of defense, blocking all Walder's attacks.

"Empress, this is just a greeting. If you don't want them all to die here, just follow them!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of chained pirates appeared on the deck of the ship. Looking at such a group of people, Hancock's already violent temper was completely ignited.

"You are attacking my territory and talking to me in this tone. You are an old guy from thirty years ago. Don't be too self-righteous!"

Most of Hancock's physical skills are in his legs, and his jumping ability is extremely superior. With just one jump, Hancock has crossed the beach in the distance and directly arrived on the Wald ship.

"Fragrant feet!"

The long legs swept in front of the pirates. Normally, these legs would be enough to make most pirates stunned, but at this moment, Hancock only brought a fatal crisis.

As soon as they made contact, those pirates were turned into stone by Hancock's ability, and this was just the beginning. If they were just turned into stone, then Hancock still had the ability to restore them.

But she was very angry now, so she turned the enemies into stone and kicked them into pieces, which also meant that these people had no possibility of recovery.

"Kill her!"

"Wait a minute, Walder, aren't we going to use her as a hostage to Malinfando?"

Seeing that Walder suddenly changed his mind, Binjack looked a little impatient.

"The same goes for nailing the body to the deck, do it!"

"You want to use this kind of person to deal with me, do you look down on me so much? It seems that you, who have been frozen for thirty years, don't know that the Shichibukai are selected because of their strength, Tiantian Ganfeng!"

The pink heart-shaped light wave cleared away all the pirates on the deck, and in less than a minute, only the stone statues were left on the deck.

"Why, do you still want to watch there? So you can only rely on this kind of trash? It seems that my mother-in-law's worries about you are completely unnecessary."

Hancock's finger was aimed at Walder's head, and with a bang, Walder's horn helmet fell off.

"It seems that you are not as useless as I thought. Did you sense my attack?"

Hancock did not deliberately miss the hobby of teasing others. Her kiss gun was aimed at Walder's head, but she dodged it after being aware of his sex.

But this seemed to anger Walder.

"Binjack, go activate that."

Grabbing the big brother on his shoulder, Walder threw him back into the cabin.

"But Walder"

"No but, I changed my mind. It would be better to destroy it directly. Go and activate it now!"


Binjack knew that Walder did something wrong, but Walder was his brother. Even if Walder did something wrong, he still chose to help him. After all, Walder initially went to sea to realize his ideals.

"Doubling·10 times speed!"

The ability to multiply fruits was activated, and Walder's own speed was greatly enhanced, and he was in front of Hancock in a flash.

Hancock kicked forward, but unfortunately the kick missed. With the power of ten times the speed, Walder was behind Hancock in an instant, and swung his fists at Hancock like a heavy hammer.

"Big fragrant feet!"

Hancock bent his waist in a slightly exaggerated arc to avoid Walder's attack, and took this opportunity to kick Walder with his hands on the ground.

"The level of domineering is pretty good, but it's a pity that someone like you is willing to be a lackey of the World Government."

"Don't judge me for people like you! Has your brain been damaged by being frozen for thirty years?!"

After all, Walder still has some foundation, and his domineering level is enough to resist petrification. Although the multiplication fruit only increases his speed, at absolute speed, his strength will also increase.

Hancock himself is not a brute-force player, and he did not gain much advantage in wrestling with Walder. Moreover, 10 times speed is far from Walder's limit. This is just his test.

"Doubling·30 times speed!"

Walder's speed became as fast as a ghost. The battle at this time no longer relied on the naked eye. Wisdom and color became Hancock's method of locking Walder's position. Only the remains of Walder and Hancock's confrontation could be seen on the surface of the ship. film.

While they were fighting, a mechanical roar sounded from the ship, and a giant cannon gradually revealed its true appearance.

"Wow, see? This cannon is enough."


Before Walder could finish his words, black smoke erupted from the giant cannon he had placed high hopes on. There were several large holes in the barrel, and the twisted barrel had lost the ability to fire shells.

Without Walder noticing, Olga also put away the operation manual she had just received from Quinn. She left Kuja's palace with Hancock, but no one noticed her whereabouts.

In fact, her movements were faster than Hancock's, but she was just activating the secret hand left by the beasts on the weapon. If possible, Olga did not want to interfere with this matter.

Olga believed that Hancock had the ability to deal with Walder, so she just helped Hancock solve the weapons that could threaten Nine Snakes' safety. Her ability was already special, and someone like Walder would not notice Olga who was deliberately hiding. .

But seeing the artillery being destroyed, Wald's few sanity seemed to collapse again.

"Who, who betrayed me again?!"

Three thousand words difference, tomorrow

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