Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 1029 If I can’t beat the genuine version, can I not beat the pirated version?

As we all know, in addition to Thunder Bagua, there may be Thunder One to Seven in the world. This way of describing is usually used to show the gap between the opponent's strength and Kaido.

In Yamato's opinion, although this "Kaido" learned the Thunder Bagua quite decently, it is far from Kaido's Thunder Bagua, let alone a series of upgraded series such as Dragon Dance Bagua, Sword Dance Bagua, Collapse Mountain Bagua, etc.

The appearance of both parties was almost identical, and Yamato didn't notice any drawbacks.

But when the two sides collided with force, she naturally noticed something abnormal. At least 23 of her twenty-six years of life had been beaten, and in the past few years, Kaido would no longer hold back and would never fight. That soft thunderous gossip.

Another person who had the same idea as her was "Kaido". Although he didn't understand how his idiot son got the handcuffs off, even without the handcuffs, she wouldn't have been able to type out such a powerful thunderous gossip.

"Kaido" had beaten "Yamato" once the day before yesterday. In just two days, there was no way she could break through to this level.

"Who are you? My stupid son doesn't have this kind of strength."

"I also want to ask who you are?! Where have your father and adoptive father gone? Also, are your ears and eyes just decorations? Or is there something wrong with the definition of gender here?"

"Who am I? Well, you are really bold to ask me who I am in my land. Of course I am Kaido."

Large blue dragon scales appeared on the surface of "Kaido"'s body, and the tail that grew out of his back directly whipped away several pirates who had no time to escape. In "Kaido's" view, this was a pirate pretending to be "Yamato" people.

Although I don't know what her purpose is, she is very strong. In this case, let's fight first.

"You are Kaido, right? Then I won't be polite."

Watching "Kaido" enter the blue dragon form, Yamato almost burned out his processor. There can only be one Devil Fruit at the same time. This is still the consensus in the sea. Except for Arceus' ability, Yamato has never seen anything like it. Those who can.

The other party actually even found the Blue Dragon Fruit. It seemed that this matter was more complicated than she thought.

But that doesn't stop her from getting ready for a fight.

"I've wanted to beat you up but I've been thinking about it for a long time!"

Yamato’s ultimate ideal is to defeat Kaido and achieve true independence.

She really couldn't beat Kaido now, but she was sure of one thing from the previous fight, this was a low-end version.

If she can't beat the genuine version, why can't she still have fun beating the pirated version?

As for where this place is, there is no problem in waiting until the fight is over.

With this in mind, Yamato also entered the human-beast form. Although this "Kaido" is not as good as Kaido, it is still a bit too difficult to directly KO the human-beast form with the human form.

"Same ability? No, this is not the God of Oguchi. Sure enough, she is not "Yamato"."

There is no difference between "Kaido"'s transformation, but Yamato's transformation is completely different. The appearance of Kyurem's version of God Oguchi has a lot more dragon elements, and it is much sharper than the original version of God Oguchi.

"Forget it, let me see what qualifications you have to say something like Lei Ming Bagua, Lei Ming Bagua!"

"I also want to practice with you. This is a good thing for my real father! Ice Falls Bagua!"

The power of extreme cold emitted from Yamato's body. After the return of the Icicle Slate, Yamato became a beneficiary again. The previous ice power in her body was obtained by using the Jade Dragon Slate to convert the ice attribute in Oguchi Shinjin's body.

Although this power was gradually improved with the help of the new Kyurem's power, it was still a little bit behind after all. After the return of the icicle slate, Yamato's ice power reached its true peak.

Frost spread on Takeru, and the power of extreme cold was like ammunition, which was hidden by Yamato under the eggshell made of domineering, and exploded at the moment of contact with "Kaido".

The cold wave almost enveloped the entire room, and "Kaido", Yamato's most direct target, was frozen into a giant ice sculpture.

"Brother Kaido?!"

"Quinn's" eyes almost broke through his glasses. He couldn't believe that Kaido was actually "knocked down" by the enemy's blow.

But this is just an appearance.

Click click click

"Kaido"'s body burst out with a burst of flames. Under the blessing of the temperature of the flames, the ice layer on his body was broken and he regained his freedom. However, he still couldn't help but shiver. Where no one noticed, a ray of fire burst out. The cold air dissipated from the mouth.

"Well, it seems that the most you can do is limit it. This move cannot be used as a special move, and it will be of no use to my father."

Since the pirated version of Kaido can handle this move, the original version must be able to deal with it more easily, so Yamato redefined the purpose of this move.

And "Kaido" didn't care about Yamato's crazy words. He even forgot how he started fighting with her.

This is a powerful opponent. Now he just wants to enjoy this battle first and talk about other things later.

Both of them started fighting with the idea of ​​satisfying their selfish desires, but all this was clearly seen by another ghost island.

"Sure enough, this girl has prepared a lot of things for me. It will still bring a sense of oppression to her."

On the top floor of Onigashima, Arceus' own power spread out a projection. At this time, he and Kaido were observing Yamato's performance.

Seeing Yamato fighting "himself", Kaido had a meaningful smile on his face.

His Mabo Shun Dragon God Bagua was indeed prepared for Yamato, but he never said that it was his last killing move. He only let Yamato know about this move to force her to develop new tricks.

Watching Yamato's battle, Kaido felt that his goal had been achieved, and began to plan a new package.

"But... what exactly is that place? A fictional space like the Dragon Space?"

"No, that space also exists. If I have to say it, it is a real world without me."

"Is that so? It seems to be true. If you didn't interfere, I really wanted to make Onigashima look like that. What did you want to do by giving her that place?

In terms of experience, it’s better for me to do it myself. "

"Another kind of trial. Her life is a bit too idealistic. It just allows her to see the real world and feel how cruel the pirate world is."

"Ugh, gee, gee, you really think too much, you guys! Don't hide there and peek, come over if you want to take a look, but don't disturb me!"

Kaido suddenly shouted to the side, and then Maria and Ulti walked out from there, along with a reluctant Peggy Wan.

In a corner that Yamato was completely unaware of, a public execution took place.

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