If Chen Ye was a little surprised by the life essence obtained by others who were watching the battle.

Taking another look at the life essence gathered in the building under his feet, even Chen Ye couldn’t help but be ecstatic.

If he had obtained the life essence that was stored in the building by unknown means just now, it would probably be enough for him to increase his physical and mental strength by three to five points.

So in just a few minutes, that ball of life essence was already huge enough for Chen Ye to increase the two statistics by more than twenty points!

What is the concept of twenty o’clock?

When he killed Fang Xuan with his own hands, he increased Fang Xuan’s killing probability to 100%.

The additional reward is only ten points of physical strength and ten points of mental strength!

And that was when he was relatively weak, so it was easier to improve these two statistics.

This thing becomes more and more difficult to improve the further you go.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is much harder for him to improve one point now than it was to improve five points back then.

Now, as long as he snatches this ball of life essence, he will be rewarded with two statistics that can be increased by more than twenty points.

Even more awesome than the rewards from the system after killing the Son of Destiny!

Of course, this is an exaggeration.

In fact, the two numerical rewards obtained when killing Fang Xuan are just tacks on. The real big thorn is actually the power of the Sky Eye and the memory fragments of the reborn.

But no matter what, the improvement this thing can bring is quite outrageous.

Chen Ye estimated that he had killed all the people on the island with his killing power, which was probably about the same effect as this.

And after the killing, I am afraid that my whole body will be numb.

This time it was Xiao Yuan who saved him a lot of things and packaged the life essence of so many people into his hands.

He looked down again and saw that most of the mercenaries below had been slaughtered in such a short time. He was too lazy to continue looking.

He turned around and walked straight into the building.

If you ignore the shouting and wailing outside, the entire building is now in an extremely quiet state.

It can even be said that the silence is a bit scary.

The building is an office building, not an apartment building.

The floor that Chen Ye entered seemed to have been a company’s office before. Some computers were still open, and there were even unfinished PPTs on them. The air conditioner in the office is still blowing warm air, and the water purifier and coffee machine in the corner are still working normally.

All this indicates that there should have been people working here not long ago.

But now there is no living person to be seen here, and it is as quiet as a ghost.

Chen Ye had previously speculated that all the people sent by the mercenaries to explore the place died inside, but it was not clear how they died.

Now that he came in, he immediately discovered something unusual inside.

“Floor 68, or floor 68. Is this…an illusion?”

Looking at the two numbers “68” displayed on the stairs, Chen Ye pondered for a moment. He did not use his eyes to see through the illusion immediately, but was thinking about another question.

In fact, this illusion is quite crude. Even without using the Sky Eye, he can easily escape with his current strength.

It is more difficult for ordinary people to escape from it, but it is not hopeless.

There are always some tough-minded people who can see through this crude illusion, but no one makes it out alive.

That proves that what killed them was not the illusion, but what murderous intent was hidden in the darkness behind the illusion.

The function of the illusion should only be to retain these people and prevent them from running out quickly.

Chen Ye waited for a long time, but did not wait for the murderous intention behind the illusion to come.

Finally, he shook his head and casually crushed a wisp of flame that was created out of thin air.

The hot flame armor immediately covered his body.

The next moment, the scene in front of him shattered like glass.

The world behind the glass was almost the same as what he saw just now, but it gave people a refreshing feeling.

This is probably the feeling of entering the real world from a fantasy world.

“This is too crude. As long as any superpower realizes something is wrong, I’m afraid he won’t be able to trap it. It can only trap ordinary people.” Shaking his head and complaining, Chen Ye continued to walk down.

Sure enough, after going down the stairs this time, the floor number changed to “67”.

Seeing this, he didn’t bother to continue getting off and pressed the elevator directly.

But the moment the elevator opened, the scene inside was a bit scary.

There were an elevator full of corpses, a rough estimate of around thirty, lying in all directions.

Judging from their clothes, they were probably civilian employees who were working in the building not long ago, rather than mercenaries.

There were almost no serious injuries on the bodies of the deceased, but they showed signs of death one by one.

He was so ferocious that he obviously suffered some inhuman torture before his death.

If you are a timid person, you may faint from fear when you see the scene in the elevator.

Fortunately, Chen Ye was brave enough.

After being stunned for a moment, he looked at the elevator, which didn’t even have a place to step off. He casually dragged out a petite female body next to the elevator, and then walked in.

Well, the elevator didn’t beep, it just happened to be stuck on the weight limit.

The moment the elevator door closed, Chen Ye noticed that the dead eyes of the corpse he dragged out were facing him.

Looking back, he saw that almost all the corpses lying in the elevator were staring at him with their eyes open.

“Is this a killer move? It’s too low-level.” Chen Ye shook his head, and then said calmly: “If you look at it again, I’ll twist your heads off.”

The corpses were unmoved and still stared at Chen Ye.


The light of the knife flashed.

The round head flew up, and finally landed in the pile of corpses with a muffled sound.

As for the headless corpse, a few drops of thick and clumping black blood gurgled out, but there was no follow-up.

It means that the body has been dead for at least three to five hours. Although it is not completely stiff, it is not much different.

“In that case, these people were already dead before I came. In other words, they guessed that I would come?” Chen Ye thought about this and shook his head: “No, they couldn’t guess that doing this The purpose is just to prevent me from coming back.”

Just to take precautions, he killed so many people in advance to prepare. It has to be said that even Chen Ye felt that he was already hard-hearted enough not to take human life seriously.

But compared to the Merchant Alliance, it still pales into insignificance.

Glancing at the corpse in the elevator, he saw that the eyes that had been staring at him angrily just now had quietly closed at some point.

Chen Ye ignored them and turned to look at a camera with red light in the elevator: “Xiao Yuan, you should be looking at this right now, right?”

“It seems that I was a bit heavy-handed last time. I beat you so much that you don’t dare to show your face now. You can only hide behind and use the lives of these ordinary people to clear the way for you.”

“But unfortunately, it’s useless.”

“Wash your neck clean, and within three days I will find you and cut off your head.”

“Besides, I accept the life essence stored in this building, thank you.”

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