“Our people have found traces of some suspicious persons around the various incident sites. It is basically certain that these are dead members of the family.”

After hearing Qin Jue’s report, Chen Ye’s expression was not disturbed.

He had guessed from Bai Xiaobai before that this was most likely the work of someone else within the family, but now this can only be regarded as further confirmation at best.

However, since the family is so big, there are quite a few people who are dead members of the family.

Moreover, the group of dead soldiers is a very special department within the Chen family. It is in charge of a special clan elder, and even his father, the head of the family, cannot interfere with it.

It is impossible for him to take the DNA of these dead soldiers back to his family and ask who these dead soldiers were given to in the first place.

After all, although a family like the Chen family claims to be united every day on the surface, it is very indulgent in the internal struggles of the family’s children.

As long as it is not put on the table, it is definitely just turning a blind eye and fooling around.

Therefore, when it comes to matters involving internal struggles within the family, don’t even think about relying on the strength of the family. In the final analysis, everyone relies on their own strength.

As the eldest son of the eldest son, Chen Ye is the most likely person of this generation to inherit the position of head of the family. A lot of people will be watching him, and there will only be more and more such things in the future.

No need to take it too seriously.

There are only a few people who have the ability to cause him such big trouble.

When he returns home in two days, he will naturally teach these people what it means to respect elders and younger ones.

As for now, he has more important things to do and has no time to worry about these rats hiding in the dark.

Turning his eyes to Bai Xiaobai lying in front of him, Chen Ye said in a deep voice: “Let’s continue. According to your wishes, can you control all the mutant beasts in the entire Tianhai now?”

Bai Xiaobai heard the words and quickly wrote in reply: “Actually, it’s not all true. Only those who have been controlled by me before can be controlled from a distance. Those who were not controlled before are still far away. Most of them will be scared away by me and won’t obey my orders.”

“The various mutant beasts that have suddenly appeared recently are basically under my control. If you want, I can help you control them to do other things. As for the mutant beasts that originally mutated naturally in Tianhai, that is not mine. It can be controlled. However, there should be very few such natural mutations at this stage.”

She was not carving words on the ground very fast with her claws, but Chen Ye was not impatient. After reading it patiently, he got up from his seat and looked at the map of Yiliang Tianhai City hanging on the side.

Pointing to a place near the sea in the southeast, he said: “This is connected to the largest port in Tianhai. It is a special storage center that stores a large amount of materials. There are many important facilities and resources in it. It is not convenient for us to use heavy firepower. And the Merchant Alliance has already A large number of bunkers and fortifications have been secretly built in this area. Without heavy firepower, it will be difficult for us to capture this place in the short term. I don’t have that much time to spend with them.”

“Can you mobilize the mutant beasts you can control and cooperate with my superpowers to clear out the Merchant Alliance mercenaries stationed here and seize the bridgehead?”

The impact of a large number of mutated beasts on the Chen family’s strongholds in Tianhai has explained one thing.

In the face of this kind of monster, the various fortifications built for modern warfare are of limited use.

Now that the roles are reversed, it is Chen Ye who has the mutant beasts to help him. If he wants to win over the merchant alliance, these mutant beasts are naturally the best pioneers.

They are a group of mutated beasts anyway, so there is nothing to feel bad about if they die.

“If they don’t have any powerful weapons, it should be okay.”

Bai Xiaobai’s reply was simple.

Chen Ye didn’t ask any more questions after hearing this.

He glanced at the sun that was already setting outside, stood up and said, “Let’s go then.”

“They should have some heavy firepower, but that’s okay, we’ll take care of that.”

Time is tight and the task is heavy.

After finishing the merchant alliance, he still has a lot of things to be busy with.

…Night falls.

But the sky and sea are not peaceful.

Located in the southeast corner of Tianhai City, the area connected to the huge port by a cross-sea bridge is very lively at this time.

A large number of forklifts are busy in countless warehouses around, and loaded containers are loaded onto large trucks and transported to the port through the cross-sea bridge.

At this time, there are probably no less than 50,000 people busy in this area.

The vicious case of mutant beasts injuring people that occurred in Tianhai City during the day did not seem to affect the enthusiasm of the workers here.

Nothing else, they just gave me too much.

To be able to make so many people come out to work during this special period, the boss behind the scenes offered ten times the usual salary, and paid half of it upfront and paid the other half immediately after the work was done.

Money just follows

The hills seemed to be stacked there, making it impossible to escape.

It can be said that the action is not generous.

In addition, they saw that there were a large number of “soldiers” protecting them, so naturally they were not afraid of being attacked by anything.

However, what they didn’t know was that the soldiers they saw were not necessarily the soldiers they thought they were.

And the money may not be as valuable as they imagined, and it may not even be possible to spend it on life.

…The night is getting darker.

The large area outside the storage area has gradually become quiet.

And in the silence, huge mutant beasts gradually emerged from every corner.

Along with these mutant beasts, there were hundreds of people wearing ordinary uniforms of the Chen Family Security Department, as well as a dark mass of regular troops, a large number of tanks, armored vehicles and other weapons and equipment.

Whether they were humans or animals, they all stopped when they were about half a kilometer away from the storage area, quietly waiting for the next instruction.

Time passes minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye it was early one in the morning.

People at this point are the most tired.

After working for a long time, many people also need to take a break and have a midnight snack to replenish their strength.

Therefore, in the open spaces outside the large warehouses in the storage area, a large number of workers gathered to rest and eat.

“Speaking of which, the world has become increasingly chaotic recently.”

“Who says it’s not? What kind of place is Tianhai? There’s been everything going on there lately, either fighting with terrorists or monsters eating people on the streets.”

“Yes, this is too dangerous. A fellow villager of mine happened to go out on the street yesterday and saw that monster. That guy’s wild boar is bigger than an elephant, and even a tank can’t kill it.”

“In my opinion, something big is going to happen. I should quickly get some money and go back to my hometown for refuge. In my opinion, the countryside is safer in this world.”

“That’s for sure, there are not many people in the village! Speaking of which, my hometown is a good place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. If you don’t believe me, ask Lao Wang, he is from my hometown.”

“Old Wang? Tell me, why don’t you talk? Are you asleep?”

All the workers who were chatting looked over and focused on a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was wearing a safety helmet, and half of the generous lunch box spilled out of his hand. He was squatting on the ground, his face buried between his knees, and he seemed to be asleep.

“Hey, I don’t want to sleep here in such a cold weather. I have to sleep in the warehouse. Get up quickly.” A kind-hearted worker patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder.

However, what he responded to was a roar like a wild beast.

Roar! ! !

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