“Well done!”

Facing the menacing Su Yan, Chen Ye’s eyes narrowed.

A wisp of crimson flame ignited from the palm of his hand out of thin air, and instantly gathered into a huge fireball.

The next moment, the fireball collapsed like mercury pouring down the ground, and the flames spread instantly as if alive, covering every corner of his body.

Wrapped in the flames, Chen Ye’s strength suddenly surged, far exceeding the limit that his 18-year-old physique could exert.

At the same time, Chen Ye’s eyes glowed with golden light.

Su Yan’s speed, which was so fast that he couldn’t react, immediately slowed down in his eyes.

Taking a step back with his right foot, Chen Ye turned sideways lightly and easily dodged Su Yan’s menacing blow.

Su Yan obviously had little combat experience and relied solely on instinct. She had not considered what to do if a blow missed. At this moment, her body was suspended in the air and she had no way to use her strength.

She could only watch helplessly as Chen Ye dodged her sideways, then his hand wrapped in flames reached out like a snake and grabbed her wrist.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yan felt dizzy, and then was hit hard to the ground, causing pain in her back.

It was Chen Ye who used his strength to grab her hand and swing it around her in a circle before slamming it onto her on the ring.

The force was so great that it not only smashed the ring, but also made a big crater out of the hard floor tiles under the ring. The cracks spread around like a spider web, and not a single complete floor tile could be found around ten meters away.


The people watching the battle all around gasped in unison.

Researchers in underground laboratories originally studied the coronavirus and related derivative phenomena.

People with superpowers caused by viruses are naturally a top priority.

When they heard that there was a person with superpowers who wanted to compete with the freak Su Yan, they naturally gathered around.

At first, the scientific researchers were not too surprised when they saw that Qin Jue, a person with special powers, could not defeat Su Yan at all.

After all, they knew Su Yan very well.

This woman’s current strength is enough to tear apart a tank with her hands, and it is no problem to deal with such a recently awakened superpower.

However, at this time, Su Yan, who in their opinion was already non-human in all data, was subdued by her big boss with one move.

This is quite scary.

Are there any experts? !

However, it is different from the surprise of many scientific researchers.

As the person involved, Chen Ye didn’t feel that he had subdued Su Yan.

Seeing the woman slowly getting up like a normal person, her eyes were full of solemnity.

With his attack just now, even an elephant might have been smashed into pulp, but Su Yan didn’t even scratch her skin.

Her physical strength has reached an extremely outrageous level, far beyond what the current physical data can achieve.

This means that Su Yan either deliberately hid her clumsiness in the previous test, or there is something mysterious about her body.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this guy obviously didn’t use his full strength when he competed with Qin Jue just now, and he may not even have used 20 to 30% of his strength.

“It really hurts.” Su Yan slowly got up from the ground. Although she said it hurt, the excitement flashed through her charming pupils.

“Come again!”

Before she finished speaking, she disappeared directly from the spot. A wave of air burst out from the spot, and she appeared in front of Chen Ye in an instant.

Even after she arrived, Chen Ye could barely hear the sound.

Breaking the sound barrier speed!

Chen Ye looked solemn. If it weren’t for the blessing of the Sky Eye, he wouldn’t even be able to see Su Yan’s movements clearly.

But with the blessing of the world, he could see clearly, but it didn’t mean that his body could react and dodge.

It can only be connected hard!

The fist wrapped in flames hit Su Yan’s fist wrapped in purple halo.


A terrifying wave of air swept through the entire training room, and the arena, which was originally only a wreckage, was thrown away.

Qin Jue, who was watching the battle inside, couldn’t help but reach out to protect his face.

The scientific researchers watching the battle outside were even more shocked.

“What level of power is this?”

“Su Yan’s power is so strong? Logically speaking, that room should have been unable to contain her for a long time. Why hasn’t she tried to escape?”

“Haha, if the young master hadn’t come down last time to explain it, according to the way some of you treated her before, she would have broken out of the cage and gone on a killing spree. Thank you to the young master for your foresight.”

“This kind of experimental material is really rare.”

“Don’t think about it. We can’t contain her in the laboratory with her current power. Do you think the young master will let her stay down here?”

“Even if it’s just a beg, the old man wants the young master to give me some experimental materials.”

“Wait, you said

The experimental material does not refer to the young master, right? ”



Amid the discussion among the crowd, the winner of the competition in the training room was finally decided.

Although Su Yan’s sudden burst of power was terrifying, it was still slightly inferior to Chen Ye’s superpower.

With the blessing of Jun Huo, Chen Ye’s strength was not inferior to that of Su Yan, whose physical statistics were much higher than his own, and even more so.

Defeating Su Yan in a pure strength battle, he directly pressed her to the ground and rubbed her.

At the same time, the omnipotent King’s Fire also caused great damage to Su Yan’s tough body.

Although she seemed to be protected by a special force within her body, the King’s Fire could not burn anything it touched like it did with other things. It would be extinguished not long after it fell on her.

But even so, Su Yan’s body is now covered with burn marks.

According to the medical classification method, it was more or less a severe burn, and his life was not saved.

But of course this injury is nothing to her. As long as there is enough flesh and blood for her to eat, she can recover in a day at most.

Su Yan herself didn’t care at all.

At this time, Chen Ye, who was covered in bruises, pinched his neck and pressed him to the ground. Not only did he not show any sign of pain, but a strange flush appeared on the pale half of his face. He smiled with a trembling voice: “What’s wrong with you?” Your fire is very powerful, I can’t beat you now, but the time your fire can last should be limited, after you can’t maintain this state, you won’t be able to beat me.”

“You’re right, but if I want, I can kill you right now.” Chen Ye said expressionlessly.

At the same time, the hand wrapped in flames exerted force slightly, and Su Yan’s slender neck was visibly dented.

The flesh and blood made a sizzling sound when in close contact with the fire, and wisps of green smoke continued to rise.

Su Yan didn’t seem to care about this at all, as if her body wasn’t her own and couldn’t feel pain. Instead, she blinked her seductive eyes and asked with a smile: “Ahem, will you kill me? Ahem!”

“Of course not.” Chen Ye smiled and let go.

Looking at Su Yan’s clothes that were burned to pieces by the fire, he took off his coat and threw it to her.

“Clean up and come up with me. You don’t have to stay here anymore.”

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