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When Qin Luo saw Zhang Jiajia return, he sighed and patted him on the shoulder with encouragement, but said nothing. Zhang Jiajia could feel his kindness and be more grateful.

"Thank you Brother Qin ..." He choked.

"In the future, before you have no ability to protect yourself, try not to act alone to avoid danger."

Qin Luo's sincere tone warmed Zhang Jiajia's heart. He nodded, wondering what to say for a moment.

Zhang Tiantian bit her lip and looked at him, as if she had something to say. Qin Luo took a few steps forward very thoughtfully, leaving some space for conversation between the two.

Since neither of them was a dead-headed person, Qin Luo said that it was the sadness of the two.

Zhang Tiantian took a deep breath before slowly asking, "Did she really escape from there?"

Zhang Jiajia nodded. "I don't think there is anyone else, and the door is stuck from the inside."

Zhang Tiantian clenched her fists, turned her head and asked no more.

Their sister's personality is better than anyone else. It is no accident that there is such an ending today. Thinking carefully about what Qin Luo said at that time, most of them were temptations to her. In particular, Qin Luo ’s sentence, ‘Some places may not be safer than here’, is more warning. It's a pity that she had conscience and didn't listen.

What kind of end for a woman can be guessed by the two. But that was her choice, and she could not blame others. If you tolerate it several times, you are harming yourself.

"Sister, you still have me in the future." Zhang Jiajia took Zhang Tiantian's hand and called the girl who was born a few minutes earlier than herself for the first time, but his voice was firm and the hands he held were extremely warm.

Zhang Tiantian didn't look at him, drew his nose and shook the hand tightly, hum.

Qin Luo remembered that Dai Tianqing had just said that there was a survivor on the ninth floor, but he didn't see Dai Tianqing with anyone along the way, and whispered in the communicator through the gap at this time.

Dai Tianqing walked to the front and listened to his words and whispered "I want to tell you about this. I hid him in a very safe place, but I am now watching by a bunch of people, not too It is convenient to bring him over. Mo should not pay attention to him later, and he can only bring people back in the past. "

Qin Luo picked Mo to look aside, and some were unconvinced. "Why do you only ask Mo?"

Mo shrugged innocently "because Tian Qing hid him in the chandelier above the ceiling."

Qin Luo froze, "Hidden people in the chandelier of the ceiling?"

Dai Tianqing said over there, "I think Mo has already felt it, so I will take people to continue to the safe passage."

Mo whispered, "I'm going to go back quickly, Qin Luo, you'll be vigilant for two minutes."

Mo disappeared into the darkness while everyone wasn't paying attention, and only a moment later, he quietly appeared beside Qin Luo, holding a small bamboo basket in his hand.

Qin Luo didn't see anyone around, and was wondering, Mo had handed the bamboo basket to his eyes. He glanced inwards and faintly saw a sleeping baby.

Qin Luo almost exclaimed, "Dai Tianqing, you are so daring and fat, you dare to hang from such a big child."

Dai Tianqing whispered back, "It's very safe from the top, he won't even climb. Even if he really cries, he won't be afraid of attracting zombies. Anyway, the guys won't be able to get up. I will be able to bring him the same seat belt as Mo Come here. But this child doesn't know why, he doesn't cry and doesn't make any noise, he sleeps very well. "

Qin Luo frowned and turned to ask Mo. "Is the child sick?"

Mo shook his head and sensed, "Just asleep, nothing special."

After walking a long distance, they have seen the safe passage, and the hearts of the people are slightly relieved.

Mo told Qin Luo, "Go up with them. There are a few other people scattered on the other side of this floor. Tianqing and I went to save the people and will meet you."

Qin Luo looked at the situation of the crowd, and he was really exhausted now. He didn't necessarily help much when he went, and nodded.

"Then I'll take them up, you two, be careful."

Qin Luo took the basket and directed the crowd to walk down the safe passage with three bandits. The passageway was particularly dark. Qin Luo artificially found several pen-shaped flashlights from his coat Li Huai and handed two to Zhou Heng, letting him take a few brave young men to walk in front. Zhang Jiajia and Zhang Tiantian took the initiative to guard the gangsters, followed by Qin Luo. Qin Luo gave the two of them one by one to facilitate their lighting.

The stairs in the shopping mall are not short. The ten-story stairs, which scared everyone after the fight, got extra long. From time to time, Qin Luo encouraged everyone to say a few words, and everyone also clenched his teeth and climbed up as quickly as possible.

Seeing that he was about to reach the top floor, Qin Luo contacted Fang Xiaoyu, who had not spoken.

Fang Xiaoyu immediately replied, "Mr. Gu and I are on the twelfth floor where you want to come out. You can see when you come up."

Qin Luo said, "Okay, we'll be right out."

Qin Luo led someone out of the safe passage and saw Fang Xiaoyu approaching him. But his gaze was on the basket he held in his hand. Qin Luolei's half-dead, immediately threw the basket to Fang Xiaoyu.

Fang Xiaoyu took the basket, and by the light of the flashlight, saw that there was a sleeping baby. Could not help but reach out carefully, nodded the sleeping child's face, and murmured, "I am the first time I have met such a small child up close, so soft and glutinous.

Qin Luo nodded. "Very well, you have the potential to be a grandma, and the child will bring you."

The corner of Fang Xia's mouth was drawn, and the topic changed. "Just a few of us put some debris in the middle of the roller ladder, and closed all the doors of the safe passage on this floor. But hearing you say that you want to come up from here, I and Brother Gu came over and guarded. "

Qin Luo counted his thumbs. "It's a good job."

Fang rained and scratched his head. "All the older brothers reminded me. The older brothers are good."

Qin Luo nodded, watching a lot of people sit on the safe passage near the bench. Quickly greet everyone and follow Gu Jinglei.

Everyone was rescued by Qin Luo. At the moment, he listened to his words. Although exhausted, he tried to get up from the ground and followed the ancient thunder to the other direction of this floor.

There are a few model bedrooms separated from the rooftop of the shopping mall. They were originally used to display some brands, but now they are just for the rest.

Gu Jinglei and Fang Xiaoyu helped settle the crowd. Qin Luo took the time to look at the situation of Li Lianchang. On the surface, the infection did not worsen, so Qin Luo breathed a sigh of relief. Just wait for Mo to come back and ask him to feel it carefully again to see how the situation of several people is.

A few moments later Mo and Dai Tianqing brought up two people each, and they were arranged in several model rooms. Qin Luo counted the number. In addition to the eleven gangsters, including Li Lian, there are a total of thirty-four survivors. Thankfully, the eleven gangsters were removed from these people and almost half were not infected.

Fang Xiaoyu heard that the surviving gangsters were not infected and scolded his mother. Qin Luo asked Mo to look at one of the infected people. Three of them were heavier. The others were just infected.

Mo did not know where to search for three, and some lit emergency lights. They are placed in three model rooms, and the models are actually connected, so they do not appear dark.

With so many mouths open, it is necessary to eat, but it is impossible for Qin Luo to spit out everything, just as he treats his own. Walking to the corner, some common foods from the supermarket were scooped out of the space, barely enough to give people a stomach. He thought about it and put another plastic bag on the ground, which also contained some food and drinking water.

When he came back, Qin Luo found that the atmosphere of the crowd seemed to have changed. Most of the uninfected people gathered in the model room on the left and watched the infected people with vigilance. The dragon and phoenix and a few uninfected people remained in the model room on the right. The barriers are clear, and the atmosphere is a little tense.

Qin Luo sighed, knowing that they should not be blamed. These people were just frightened by the zombies, and this vigilant response was normal.

Gu Jinglei and Fang Xiaoyu, according to Qin Luo's requirements, sent one food to an uninfected person and one to food to an infected person. Uninjured and lightly injured young people are all in a bag of instant noodles. Hot water is not available right now, so everyone chews. There are two older, relatively soft foods for women and children. Several heavier wounded were divided into eight treasures.

Among the infected was a young mother with a five- or six-year-old girl. She left only enough food for her daughter, and returned him the bread, sausage and water that Fang Xiaoyu had passed to him.

Reluctantly pulled out a smile and said, "My child and I are both infected. We shouldn't have eaten food, but it's always unbearable to see her starving. Thank you so much for helping us."

Fang Xiaoyu stuffed her again. "We don't have that many rules. We only have strength when we are full, and we don't have to wait to die if we are infected."

The woman flushed her eyes and shook her head. Leaning on her little girl, she passed a bite of pastry in her hand to the woman, "Mom, eat it, Yaya is full."

Looking at the well-behaved daughter, she couldn't bear the tears anymore, and turned her head to wipe with the back of her hands.

Fang Xiaoyu put the food back to her again, sighing and saying nothing. He vaguely guessed that the spring water that Qin Luo asked him to distribute might be the spring water in Qin Luo space, otherwise Qin Luo would not give the infected and infected people food and water to him and Gu Jinglei respectively. . But when he is not sure who is credible, he will not reveal such a secret thing, otherwise he may cause trouble to Qin Luo.

Among the few people gathered in another compartment who were not infected, a man murmured, "Knowing that they would become zombies, I really don't know why we should give them food."

"Yeah, maybe staying there will give us a few more days to live," another woman answered.

Although some people did not speak, their eyes leaked more or less their minds. The other part just sighed. They didn't know if they should be pitifully unbitten or sympathize with the opponent who had been bitten.

Zhou Heng heard that the dry noodle cake biting in his mouth suddenly became bitter. He put the food down silently, his fists couldn't help but squeeze.

Sister Zhang's brother aside, stared fiercely at the two talking.

An uninfected middle-aged uncle sitting not far from them, sighed angrily, "Whatever they say, no one has a wife, a child, no brothers and sisters. If you are bitten, give up. I don't see the zombie virus killing people Become a lunatic, and you will become a beast first. "

Fang Xiaoyu counted the middle-aged uncle's thumb, then turned his head to stare at the person who had just spoken. Leng Huo said, "Is the food you're looking for? If it wasn't guarded, you might have become a zombie."

The young man who spoke earlier retorted, "Giving them food is no different from throwing them away. Raise a few more powerful zombies to save us all? Besides, other organizations do not all do this Is it wrong to not give food to those people, you saved us, but also ... "

A sack of instant noodles hit the man's face, and what he didn't finish came to an abrupt end.

Fang Xiaoyu, who was caught by Dai Tianqing, was struggling. "Boss Dai, let me go. Do you listen to what he said? You have to find his teeth all over the ground, and throw him in the zombies. It doesn't matter. Organization , Also tmd organization ... are a bunch of stuff, dare to call organization ... "

The man rubbed his face. "You saved us, but you can't ignore it."

Someone pulled the man aside, and kindly advised, "It's a death sooner or later, it doesn't matter who eats more and eats less. Besides there are women and children over there, you big and small, care about others."

The man didn't appreciate it, and snorted, "What do you know, here is the extreme sports equipment display on the 17th floor. There are ropes and some equipment there. If we get there, we should be able to escape from it. What happened to the woman and child, In the end, they all became zombies. If these foods are saved, we may not be able to physically exit the zombies. "

The person pulling him sighed and stopped talking. Several people were instantly tempted by him, staring at the talking man, all with a little eagerness and asking, "are you telling the truth?"

The man nodded again and again, advocating the uninfected on his side.

Dai Tianqing frowned and turned to look at Qin Luo. Qin Luo shook his head gently at him.

After an eschatology, Qin Luo was very clear that this kind of words sounded reasonable on the surface, but he had some similarities with that of the uncle. The most terrifying thing in the last days is not to zombies, but to first give up the selfishness of human nature. This kind of semi-suspended and extremely sensational guy, he has not seen it, they will certainly kill some of the agitated people. But stopping is useless, and many people are often confused by their words and follow the whole heart. Forcing people to stay, if not done well, is a rally.

The man saw that Qin Luo didn't speak, and was even more mad, facing those who were still sitting with the infected. Several uninfected people said, "You have also seen the horrors of zombies, do you want to be like them? Lin Han, We have known since high school, you will not be silly to turn yourself into a zombie to be willing. "

A young man sitting among the infected people said lightly, "Knowing you is my greatest shame."

The young man with a generous expression suddenly flushed. "What do you mean by saying this? Isn't that I didn't stop the person from beating you, but you also know the situation at the time, we are all compelled."

Lin Han Lengheng looked up at the youth, and then the light was not so bright, Qin Luo could see the bruises on his face. The young man slowly said, "Zombies are terrible, and I am afraid of being infected, but I am not indifferent, and I have lost my humanity with the group and threw my friends from the tenth floor."

When speaking, Lin Han's body was trembling slightly. "The **** smell can attract zombies, but they are still alive. Why do you have the heart to throw them down?"

Another person sitting in the model room on the left said, "You can't blame Sun Jianfei for all this. If you don't leave them, the zombies will surely gather more and more. No one knows that someone is helping us out. He is doing this for everyone. It ’s safe to say that those people did nothing wrong. I do n’t know why we tied them up. Without them, we would n’t be able to live now. ”

Without waiting for Lin Han to speak, Qin Luo said coldly, "The hordes of heroes in your mind are the culprits that caused you to hide in the central department store. They are indeed an organization. There are about a hundred people, most of them are fake.渀 True firearms. They were blocked at the toll station on the road to the outer city and set up clips to search for water and food. As a result, the originally congested traffic was completely paralyzed. Not only that, they also shot and killed several people who tried to resist. The **** smell further accelerated the gathering of zombies, which eventually led to the tragedy. "

The talking youth opened his mouth in astonishment. "This, this is impossible."

Qin Luo leaned on the wall behind him. "We saw it with our own eyes, and you fled here, and many people were bitten by being sent underneath to carry stuff. So many infected people here survived. None of the gangsters. If you still want to deceive yourself, we will not stop. If you feel that you can escape from this building alone, we will not stop. "

Sun Jianfei looked at Qin Luo, "We will go down tomorrow to pick what we need ...",

Qin Luo turned his head to look at him. "You are afraid of what you are optimistic about, let's not let you see it, right?"

Sun Jianfei blushed, but bit his teeth. "After all, we have no infected people ... and can you give us some more food?"

Lin Han laughed sarcastically. "Sun Jianfei, can you still be shameless?"

Sun Jianfei also cut out. "I also live for everyone."

Lin Han Lengheng, "Everyone knows how dangerous the supermarket below is. Do you think that the food that others have killed in exchange for should be given to you unconditionally. Since you want to be a hero, you can take them out with such confidence. Why do n’t you try to make your own food. You do n’t feel panicking about holding heroes for what others have bought for your life. ”

Sun Jianfei gritted his teeth and shouted, "Lin Han, I didn't want to be a hero. I did this for everyone."

Lin Han looked at him "For everyone? Sun Jianfei, I ask you to see the truth. Your life was saved by these people, and the food was given by these people. So why do you think that without their help, you can still Live, you can live with these people. "

Sun Jianfei's face has been described by him as "You must fight against me, right? There are not so many zombies out of here, why can't we live. I know you stay, just the iron man who is looking for you, I kindly persuade you. You are good, it is not me who arranges everywhere. Since you are so willing to stay, just stay. We can escape without food. "

Qin Luo sighed and pointed to the corner not far away. "There is still a little bit of food there. If you need it, don't hesitate."

Sun Jianfei listened with joy, "Thank you."

Talking to help another man stand up beside him, straight to the corner Qin Luo pointed to. When they saw the food, they were a little disappointed, because the things inside were not enough for them.

Sun Jianfei sighed. "We have to reserve a few for these people. It is estimated that the rest can only take a bite tomorrow morning."

The man hummed and whispered "Don't stay, who knows if they have cheated, maybe they have hidden other foods."

When Sun Jianfei heard him say this, he choked up all the food. After passing around Qin Luo, he felt a little bit embarrassed. When Qin Luo didn't say a few people, he felt that the person was justified. Several people in Qin Luo must have hidden food, and their faces were a little dissatisfied.

Dai Tianqing sneered, "Do you still want to ask us for food? Whether we have any kind or not, you all think we have possession of private property, and we should sacrifice it to you ... I am a doctor and always think that for better or worse, it will save lives. It's always good. But I'm particularly sorry now, to save garbage like you. "

Qin Luo faced the humane sitting on the right side. "We have to find something in this building. We may not leave in a few days, but we can guarantee your safety."

Someone in the left room persuaded, "This little brother, you save us, we are very grateful to you. But it ’s not that I say you. Kung fu is not almighty. Do n’t stay here, leave early, lest you lose it life."

Qin Luo stopped talking, and the two groups with clear barriers stopped talking.

Soon the people from Sun Jianfei began to talk in a low voice. After a while, Sun Jianfei took the initiative and said, "Let's go to the other side to find a place to rest, and tomorrow we will go to the 17th floor to take things away. Anyone who is not infected should tell us Go, you can go to us. "

After he had finished speaking, the two uninfected people who were still sitting here stood up hesitantly, and eventually followed the group of Sun Jianfei.

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