Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Six hundred and twenty-two, I want your mother too

According to Su Su's urination, she usually speaks and does things a bit arbitrary. This is her flaw, and it is estimated that there is no way to change it in this life. Therefore, she will not kill those who listen to her, and those who do not listen to her , she was too lazy to kill.

Ask Su Su to lose his temper and kill people, and use his hands to kill these people without using supernatural powers. Ye Yu has never seen it since he knew Su Su. It was the last time in Spring City that Su Su was worried about the little girl. Love, causing mental chaos, has never used such a perverted method to kill people.

If, just to say if, these dead bodies on the ground were all killed by Su Su alone, it can only prove that Su Su's state of mind at that time has gone to an extreme, an extreme that regards killing as fun, and looking at the dead bodies on the ground A row of corpses, most of which were frozen hands and feet first, and then the head was hugged and the neck was twisted to death.

Ye Yu frowned, holding poor little love with one hand, Xiao Ai hugged Ye Yu's neck, and kept moaning, "Mom, I want my mother, I want my mother~~~"

"I want your mother too, ancestor, don't hum, I'm looking for your mother for you now."

Ye Yu, who was helpless and anxious, looked for the gazebo in the direction where the dead body was walking, and comforted Xiao Ai who kept moaning. He found a dead body whose face and lower body had been kicked to pieces. , Ye Yu only felt the chrysanthemum tighten. He looked at the miserable death of this corpse, his lower body had been kicked into mud, and the expression on his face suddenly became livid.

"The face is completely rotten, and I can't tell who it is." Gazi squatted beside the dead body, rummaged through his clothes, but couldn't find any valuable clues, he frowned, and stood beside the dead body, Ye Yu, who was holding Xiao Ai, said: "Look at the ice pick between the eyebrows, it should be Su Su's hand, but this lower body...Ye Yu, did this man do something to Su Su... ...."

Before the Gazi finished, he paused when Ye Yu raised his hand to stop him. In fact, the death of each corpse will have a psychological portrait of the murderer. If the murderer is Su Su, it’s okay for Su Su to kick the man’s face and lower body do what? It must be these two parts that made Su Su feel extremely disgusted and angry, so she kicked the face and lower body of the corpse crazily.

So Gazi deduced that Su Su should have suffered a bit of innocence from this man, but it would be a bit absurd to say this to Ye Yu, or to say it to Ye Yu in front of Xiao Ai. It's too cruel, but there's no need for Gazi to say it, Ye Yu probably has a picture in mind.

Then, Gazi glanced at Ye Yu's ashen face, changed the subject, put his fingers together into a sword, pointed at the distribution of corpses along the road, and analyzed professionally:

"I found Hao Jun's body on the hillside. Combining the death conditions of these people and their body temperature, it should be inferred that Su Su and others were ambushed by this group of people shortly after we left. Jun should be the one who betrayed us, Su Su was chasing Hao Jun, intending to go up the hillside, but Hao Jun was killed by her on the hillside, but she was besieged by a group of heavy firepower on the edge of the national road."

At the place where Su Su lay down, Gazi found the trajectory of Su Su's slippery footsteps, but it is hard to say whether Su Su was injured or not. The snow fell too much, and most of the behavior traces were buried under the snow. , but Gazi can still deduce the general situation at that time.

"Su Su was at the place where he was about to climb the hillside. I found these bullet casings." Gazi got up from the ground and handed a handful of bullet casings to Ye Yu. You did it, obviously, judging from the other party's clothes and the way they were easily turned and broken, this group of people is not in the army."

If you are not a member of the army, it is difficult to find out. After all, there are too many miscellaneous things in this world. At this time, it is not like before the end of the world. As long as the corpses are not well preserved, the ancestors of these corpses can basically be found out. Eighteen generations.

If the opponent is someone in the army, it's easy,

There are only a few military regions in the southeast, northwest, and what type of bullets each military region uses. Ye Yu can tell at a glance. Although it is the end of the world, there are probably traces of the general trend of the soldiers in those military regions. .

Knowing the model of the bullet, you also know who ambushed Su Su. If you want to find Su Su's trace, you must first know the origin of these people.

But now there are so many types of cartridge cases, all kinds of long and short, domestic and foreign ones from ten years ago and ten years later, all of them are available! It's like a grass-roots team built by people from all over the world, but a grass-roots team can make Su Su suffer? ? ?

Ye Yu nodded, his mood sank, he went back with Xiao Ai in his arms, walked up the hillside from the national highway, looked at the scene carefully and very carefully, he was slightly relieved, what he saw In the places where they have been, at least in the area around here, there is no sign of anyone being raped.

Everyone was dead. Judging from the scene, it was an overwhelming victory for Su Su. Maybe Su Su encountered a little resistance when he went up the hill, but the road from the hill to the pavilion should be all the opponents. They were all killed by Su Su alone.

Then Su Su killed everyone, why did she go? Her mother and her daughter were both trapped in the ice. According to Su Su's personality, of course the mother and daughter are the most important. Assuming that there is still one person on the other side who is not dead, is it possible to lead Su Su to run away?

Even if a very important person in the other party escapes, Su Su will never run away to chase after her. She is the kind of person whose top priority is to protect her family.

Then, Ye Yu saw the crystal nuclei around the dead body, and the other corpses that had been frozen into ice sculptures. The corpses ignored them for the time being, and Ye Yu just looked at the crystal nuclei on the ground, forming a line, one by one. Falling, from the gazebo to the outside of the gazebo, and then disappearing into the white snow.

Assuming that the person who threw the crystal nucleus was Su Su, she must have been in a bad mood at the time. According to the law of the falling of the crystal nucleus, some of them were more and some were less, which seemed to be discarded unconsciously. If the crystal nuclei were to leave any clues, she would not throw them so irregularly. She must have paused intermittently. The dropped crystal nuclei would fall at about the same distance.

Ye Yu held Xiao Ai with one hand, squatted on the ground of the gazebo, looked at the distance these crystal nuclei fell, and looked at the footprints beside the crystal nuclei. On the footprints was a shallow Bana flower, which was the sole of Su Su's shoe. The engraved patterns, when the footprints left, belonged to her alone, one deep and one shallow, some lingered on the ground for a while, and some took steps very simply, like walking and stopping, not knowing where to go Same.

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