Apocalyptic Pregnancy

One hundred and ninety do you like me

Chu Xuan came here today, one is to convey the new regulations to these supernatural beings in the Apple Villa area, and the other is to investigate the land of the Su family. Is it true that the soil composition has changed as Erhu said? If it is true, what happened to the soil? If there is a change, the members of the Su family will have to move.

For human beings to survive and the base to develop, food and water sources are the most important rear areas. In order for the people in the entire base to survive, it is necessary to do something by force.

Chu Xuan didn't think there was anything wrong with his thinking. Some of them had guns, they surrounded this safe zone, guarded the peace of this side, and took care of the lives and deaths of so many people. They exchanged the grievances of a small number of people for a big For some people's livelihood, this account is a good deal anyway.

Of course, in fact, his actions are no different from Xie Qingyan's, but Xie Qingyan was playing a small game, he had no force value and tried to ride on the head of the strong, and he didn't realize that this had actually become a A world where the strong are respected.

If Su Su and Ye Yu were stronger than them, he would not give in, but Chu Xuan didn't think that Su Su and Ye Yu could still afford it now. The child in Su Su's belly was not born yet, but he had become such The weakness of the two, in order to allow this child to be born safely and smoothly, the two must not dare to confront the entire safety zone.

On this point, Lu Yin agrees with him, for the sake of the children, of course, everything is for the sake of the children!

In the Xiaoping in front of the Su family villa area, Ye Yu whistled, and all 17 special forces got into a villa for a meeting. King Kong was left standing outside. He didn't know what he was worried about. He kept turning his head and looked at Zhuo Shijia in the yard,

Everyone turned their heads to look at Zhuo Shijia in the yard, but Zhuo Shijia frowned, walked out of the yard, and went to the baby building without feeling anything.

King Kong immediately turned around and followed Zhuo Shijia's buttocks. Jun Jiu, who came out of the medical building, stared at Li Xia, looked at Li Xia's back, blushed for a moment, followed out of the yard, and went to into the baby building.

The supernatural beings who came to treat their injuries were still cursing and complaining loudly to Lu Yin in the medical building. It was getting late, but King Kong was walking with Zhuo Shijia while nagging, "Doctor Zhuo, Doctor Zhuo, you really Do you want to go to Lu Yin's hospital? Hey, let me tell you, that Lu Yin is not a good person. If you go to his hospital, doesn't it mean that you are sending sheep to the tiger's mouth? How good is our place...Balabalabala."

Zhuo Shijia walked all the way, took out the stethoscope in his white coat, entered the baby building, stood at the door and listened, it seemed that the baby building was quite quiet, except for a few babies who were babbling, they didn't listen When she heard the cry of a baby, she turned around, raised her hand to stop King Kong from continuing to persuade, and said in a low voice:

"Your voice is too loud, don't talk, it will scare the babies."

"No, you have to tell me the bottom line, or I won't be at ease." King Kong took a step back and stood outside the door with an extremely insistent expression on his face, as if if Zhuo Shijia didn't give him an answer, he would be dead today. To trouble her all night.

Zhuo Shijia stood in the shadow of the door, frowned and looked at King Kong for a while, he straightened his back and waited, so Zhuo Shijia waved, put the stethoscope in his hand into his pocket, went out, and put the King Kong took him to a quiet place in the backyard.

In the backyard of this villa, there are some wooden wine barrels full of wine. I don’t know where Pi Ge and the others got them from. They originally wanted to send them directly to the trading house to exchange crystal cores, but they were stopped by Ye Yu and others. After getting off, I thought that I could drink the wine when I set up banquets in the future, so I kept piling it in the backyard of the baby building, and no one touched it.

Zhuo Shijia took the hooded King Kong to the backyard and sat down. She sat in a shadow, looked at King Kong sitting on the wine barrel, thought for a while, and then asked:

"King Kong, do you like me?"

"I..." King Kong was a little embarrassed,

He lowered his head, raised his hands, scratched his ears, and scratched his cheeks. He thought that Zhuo Shijia would find out after a long time, but he didn't expect to ask him so straightforwardly, so King Kong didn't hesitate and stood up. He straightened his chest, admitted it honestly, and said in a rough voice: "Yes, that's right, Master likes you, why did you drop it?"

Zhuo Shijia, who was sitting under the eaves, frowned slightly because of King Kong's acknowledgment, looking a little annoyed. Seeing that, King Kong's heart suddenly turned cold. He suddenly got up, blushed and stared at Zhuo Shijia with a thick neck, and said:

"I, I know, I didn't study hard, so I got a primary school diploma, but I went to junior high school, but I didn't graduate from junior high school. You are a high-achieving student, you are smart and beautiful, but this society is different from before. If you want to let it go before, I wouldn’t dare to talk about cheating on you, now is the end of the world, I... I have the ability, I am not afraid of death, and I still have my heart for you~~~”

The more he talked, the harder King Kong's heart beat, and finally he couldn't even speak, and he kept talking, only to find that Zhuo Shijia's brows became tighter and tighter, and King Kong stuttered more and more. , and Zhuo Shijia couldn't even be friends anymore.

"Zhuo, Doctor Zhuo, you, do you hate me?"

The expression on King Kong's face was a bit ugly, his fists were clenched tightly, his eyes were fixed on Zhuo Shijia, and he felt an indescribable feeling of discomfort in his heart, but Zhuo Shijia frowned slightly and shook his head, like As if suddenly returning from a certain memory, she focused her eyes on King Kong again, and said:

"No, not really, I just thought of my husband."

"you you you..."

King Kong's eyes widened, and there was a look of death on his face. He was a rough man, how could he have thought that Zhuo Shijia, who walked around alone every day, was actually a woman with a husband? In fact, Zhuo Shijia is not ugly. He is 30 years old, how could he not be married yet?

"Now let's talk about whether to go to Lu Yin's side or not." Seemingly not seeing King Kong's ugly face, Zhuo Shijia said to King Kong, "You don't have to worry about this, I am There are no advantages, but I still lack interest in the fun of changing careers, and since I have done Su Su's job, naturally there is no reason to give up halfway."

*********************The author has something to say**************

Friendship push book: Yao Yingyi, the author of "The Most Spring Breeze", the spring breeze is ten miles, it is better to sleep with you!

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