Apocalyptic Mechanical Chariot

Chapter 521 The truth about human enhancement experiments

What caught Han Feng's eyes was a very large underground space. The entire space was estimated to be tens of thousands of square meters.

At this moment, in this underground space covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, corpses lay scattered on the ground.

Looking at the corpses wearing white coats, Han Feng immediately analyzed that the pile of corpses lying on the ground were 100% researchers from the original secret laboratory.

But these corpses were not what attracted Han Feng's attention. What was on a huge special metal operating table in front of the pile of corpses wearing white coats was the key to attracting Han Feng's attention.

The metal operating platform was about a hundred meters long and a dozen meters wide. The size of the entire metal operating table is actually as long as three or four intercontinental ballistic missiles combined.

The most shocking thing was that there was a body the same size as the metal operating table lying on this extra long metal operating table.

Although the skin of this corpse lying on the metal operating table looked a bit dry and dehydrated, the body was not decayed and still retained the general appearance of the previous body.

Han Feng took two steps towards the giant corpse on the metal console and immediately discovered the cause of death.

The chest and abdomen of this corpse were completely empty. The muscles and organs that should have been there seemed to have been chewed away by something.

At the same time, many charred marks were left in the damaged areas of the wound, indicating that the body in this area must have been hit by some high-energy weapon and evaporated directly.

Just when Han Feng was standing next to the body, staring at the huge body in front of him, the electronic sound suddenly sounded in his mind, causing his expression to change drastically.

"The mechanical core identified the corpse of a member of the Arashi Kong Civilization. According to the scanned corpse, it came from the Arashi Kong Guards. The built-in identification code of the corpse is: The location is uploaded to the server of the affiliated organization, the Arashi Kong Guard."

As the electronic sound of mechanical civilization rang out, without Han Feng noticing anything, a space wave caused by hyperspace communication flew through the vast universe towards the area where Lankong Civilization belonged.

"It used to be the Mechanical Research Institute, but now there's the Arashi Kong Guards. What kind of unknown secrets are there?"

Han Feng's eyes were blank as he listened to the electronic sound in his mind.

There seemed to be more and more things involved in the mechanical core, and at the same time, the information contained in it was becoming increasingly difficult for Han Feng to understand.

However, Han Feng quickly forgot about the news conveyed by the mechanical core in line with the idea that he would not worry if he had too much debt.

"What's so special about this corpse from the Lan Kong Guards?" Now that he knew that the hundreds of meters tall corpse in front of him came from a force called the Lan Kong Guards, Han Feng even got closer to the corpse. Next to him, he began to observe the corpse carefully.

However, the results of the observation made him very disappointed. Apparently, the secret underground laboratory on Jiangxin Island in Orange City had completely analyzed the corpse in front of him.

Even the dust in the gaps on the body may have been analyzed, so Han Feng's observation did not get the results he wanted.

However, a record book of the position of the soles of the corpse's feet caught Han Feng's attention.

"Experiment Record"

Without thinking, Han Feng opened the paper record book with a black cover.

"Through the analysis of the R-1 test subject, the hardness of the R-1 test subject's skin completely exceeded our imagination. No knife made of metal on the earth can cause damage to the R-1 test subject's skin. Any damage, and the water jet with amazing cutting power cannot cause harm to the body of the experimental subject. In the end, only the high-energy laser beam can cut a little skin tissue from the wound of the experimental subject for analysis."

"According to the test results of the skin tissue cut from the body of the experimental subject, there are abnormally active cells in the experimental subject's body. However, based on the existing data, we cannot analyze what kind of cells these cells belong to and what kind of cells they can have on the experimental subject. What kind of effect will it have?”

"According to the analysis, it seems that the cells in the experimental subjects' bodies will undergo special changes when combined with human cells. This is the only research result achieved so far. Since it is only a simple cell experiment, it cannot be seen that after the cells are combined, what will happen in the human body What kind of effects are produced in the body, so our research institute is in urgent need of living experimental products."

"After two months of coordination, the Spark Project headquarters finally approved the in vivo experiment plan. Today, four death row prisoners will be sent to the secret laboratory to participate in the in vivo experiment plan."

"According to the experiment outline, we mixed the cells decomposed from the R-1 subject's body and injected them into the bodies of four death row inmates. However, the experimental results were somewhat unsatisfactory. All four death row inmates died on the spot."

"Based on the results of the first experiment, we have found the cause of the failure. When reconciling the cells, the number of human hematopoietic stem cells in the reagent was insufficient, causing the experiment to fail. This time, the headquarters coordinated with five death row inmates to conduct Next round of experiments.”

"We succeeded! We finally succeeded. This experiment was finally a success! This time, after injecting the harmonized cells of the R-1 experimental subject into the bodies of death row prisoners, two death row prisoners survived successfully. We finally succeeded. Knowing the specific function of this harmonious cell, this harmonious cell can actually allow the injected person to produce special abilities. One of the death row prisoners can discharge electricity outwards, while the other death row prisoner can actually condense a thick layer of electricity on the skin surface. Rock layers.”

"Our next research direction will be to reduce the mortality rate of users. Currently, the survival rate of injection users is only 40%, and there is room for further increase in this survival rate."

When Han Feng slowly closed this slightly crazy experimental diary, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

This laboratory that can strengthen the human body actually achieves the purpose of strengthening the human body by stripping off active cells from the huge corpse in front of them and then injecting them into the human body.

"This must be the prototype of the first batch of evolvers." Han Feng sighed slightly.

Although the results of this experiment can give ordinary humans the ability to evolve, the fact that the survival rate is only 40% is a major problem.

At the same time, problems must have arisen in the end of these experiments. He has only seen official super soldiers so far, but there is no trace of official evolvers at all. There must be some unknown secret in this.

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