Apocalyptic Mechanical Chariot

Chapter 230 There are also toll booths in the last days

The Unimog RV speeding on the highway has left the Fucheng safety zone for three days. At this moment, Han Feng has also arrived at Echeng, which is only about 100 kilometers away from Yangcheng.

Since the Unimog RV has a micro nuclear reactor, he encountered vehicle wreckage along the way and the highway was tightly blocked. He did not choose to take a detour, but relied on the Sky Dome ultra-high-energy electromagnetic gun to attack the front in one shot. The wreckage of vehicles blocking the way forward all turned into "osteoporosis" patients and then ran over.

But just when Han Feng was planning to go directly from Eucheng to Yangcheng, a sudden change ahead made his eyes narrow.

The only way the Unimog RV must pass is filled with sandbags, almost completely blocking the entire road.

And in the gaps between those sandbags, there were several iron horses painted with red and white paint. At a glance, people knew that these road-blocking equipment were placed here deliberately.

Sure enough, when the Unimog RV slowly stopped in front of the horse, a window on the third floor of a building on the left side of the road was suddenly pushed open, and a gun barrel stretched out directly from the window. He stared straight at Han Feng in the cab.

While the barrel of the gun was extended, the door on the ground floor of the building was also pushed open, and a figure wearing camouflage uniform appeared in Han Feng's sight.

The man in camouflage uniform who pushed open the door of the building first stuck his head out and observed the movement around him. After confirming that no zombies appeared, he quickly ran to the Unimog RV.

"Hello to all the survivors in the car, I am the toll collector at the Echeng toll station in the Southern Safety Zone. If you want to enter the control area of ​​the Southern Safety Zone, we will charge the corresponding grain as toll according to the vehicle type. Like you A vehicle of this size requires ten kilograms of grain, and if there is no grain, it can be deducted from other supplies."

"Oh? There is actually a toll station. It's like going back to the past."

Facing the sudden toll collector, Han Feng also cursed, and then he asked: "What if we don't pay for these grains?"

In response to the question raised by Han Feng, the man in camouflage uniform was not angry. Instead, he raised a notebook in his hand and shook it.

"If you don't pay the corresponding grain, I won't issue you the corresponding toll voucher. When you pass through Echeng and arrive at Yangcheng, their toll station will impose on you the toll fee you need to pay now. A punitive fine of ten times the toll will be imposed. If your assets are not enough to pay the fine, you will be sent to serve in a hard labor camp until all the fines are offset."

The man in charge of the toll over there seemed to be used to this kind of problem. He was not angry. Instead, he calmly explained to Han Feng the consequences of passing the toll station without paying.

Facing the explanation of the man in camouflage uniform, Han Feng shook his head helplessly. He came to Yangcheng this time and did not want to cause any conflicts, but when he was about to ask Jiang Liumo to move out ten kilograms of grain and pay the toll, , two Warrior off-road vehicles came to the Unimog RV like lightning and stopped.

The man who was originally wearing camouflage uniforms and holding a toll voucher saw the arrival of the two Warrior off-road vehicles. He immediately gave up the Unimog RV parked aside and walked quickly to the two Warriors. Next to a Warrior off-road vehicle, he saluted the off-road vehicle with the window rolled down and said in a low voice: "Platoon Leader Wang, why are you passing by Goose City today? Today is not the time to turn in your income."

Yangcheng will leave half of the grain collected at the toll stations below as a cost to maintain the normal operation of the toll station, while the other half will be collected by the Yangcheng patrol troops at each toll station regularly. , said to be military pay for the troops stationed in Yangcheng.

Platoon Leader Wang on this Warrior off-road vehicle is the leader of the patrol unit in charge of Goose City.

"It's okay. I'm not here to collect food from you today. We received orders to inspect the possible corpse tide nearby and pass you by."

The platoon leader surnamed Wang kept looking at the Unimog RV parked side by side with their off-road vehicle as he spoke. He quietly asked the man in camouflage uniforms in charge of toll collection: "What about that car parked next to it?" Origin? Judging from the condition of the vehicle, he must have some wealth. He looks like a fat sheep."

Most of the survivors who escape in the apocalypse will choose vehicles such as off-road vehicles or SUVs to escape. Firstly, they are easier to control and secondly, they are more flexible in movement.

Very few people would choose a large vehicle like the Unimog RV. Slow starting and difficult control are common problems with this type of large vehicle.

However, there are some exceptions, that is, the survivors who are running for their lives can't find any other vehicles. They only have this large vehicle to choose from. And the other exception is that these large vehicles are loaded with a large amount of supplies. Driving these large vehicles The survivors were reluctant to abandon these supplies.

When Platoon Leader Wang saw the iconic logo on the front of the Unimog RV, he immediately eliminated the first option. He didn't believe that this model and brand could be found so easily in China. car.

The man in camouflage uniform who was in charge of collecting fees naturally heard the implication of what Platoon Leader Wang meant. He lowered his head and asked cautiously: "Platoon Leader Wang, what do you mean?"

"You first go to find out their background and see if they are familiar with Yangcheng. You should especially find out whether they have any relationship with the people in the military department. If not, huh!"

When Platoon Leader Wang ordered the toll man, there was already a chill in his eyes.

For the survivors who plan to enter Yangcheng, the most dangerous thing along the way is not the zombies that may appear at any time, but the humans like them.

In addition to those guys who specialize in robberies and use survivors as a source of food, the top soldiers responsible for patrols may also turn into robbers at any time.

The survivors who were more lucky only had all their belongings robbed, while the survivors who were less lucky simply disappeared from this world without a trace.

"Platoon Leader Wang, the people in that car should have no connection with the military. They didn't even know they had to pay tolls. They must have made a special trip to Yangcheng from other places after hearing the national emergency broadcast."

The man in camouflage uniform in charge of toll collection immediately made his judgment clear when he sensed that Platoon Leader Wang had thoughts about the Unimog RV.

"That's good!"

Platoon Leader Wang greeted the soldiers sitting behind him: "Brothers, get out of the car and start working!"

Then he pushed open the door of the Warrior off-road vehicle and walked towards the Unimog RV.

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