Apocalyptic Mechanical Chariot

Chapter 225 Powerful Apocalypse

The reforms made by the Tianqi organization this time can be said to be comprehensive changes.

According to Han Feng's latest arrangement, the entire military force of the Tianqi organization is composed as follows.

The Apocalypse First Army, the Apocalypse Second Army, and the Apocalypse Third Army will form three reinforced combined battalions of 700 people. These three reinforced combined battalions are responsible for guarding the security of the city.

In King County, there is still a 400-man tank armor battalion responsible for protecting the safety of the King County National Grain Reserve.

At the same time, 140 soldiers from the garrison corps are stationed in the 32nd National Permanent Fortifications in Rongcheng. These soldiers are mainly responsible for guarding the fortifications.

As for other military forces within the Fucheng safety zone, there is an anti-armor company and an air defense company directly under Han Feng, with a total of 200 people.

The paramilitary forces that used to belong to the Ministry of Internal Security will withdraw from the stage of history. Those internal guards who originally controlled the internal security of the Fucheng safety zone will become supervisors of Wang Yingyu's white blood cells, responsible for monitoring the internal operations of the Fucheng.

In terms of weapons and equipment, the Tianqi organization now has a total of 72 Type 99A main battle tanks, 23 ZBD-04 infantry fighting vehicles, 6 AFT-9 anti-tank missile launchers, 5 Hongqi-17 anti-aircraft missile systems, 2 Type 66 152mm cannon howitzers and four Type 74 37mm double-barreled anti-aircraft guns. As for those light weapons and equipment, they are not included in the statistical list.

As for high-end combat power, the Apocalypse organization currently has one silver-level mutant beast: Daju.

Two silver level evolvers: Han Feng and Wang Yingyu.

Bronze level evolvers: An Ying, Yang Zonghao, Li Chao, Qin Haomin, Zheng Guoliang, Ning Xueru, Su Chenxi, Su Ningxue, a total of eight evolvers.

There are also the first batch of seven super soldiers who have completed the super soldier plan and are on their way back to the safe zone of Fucheng. After that, seven super soldiers will be born continuously every month.

Based on this statistics, the current hard power possessed by the Tianqi organization is quite astonishing nationwide.

After completing the initial military reform, An Ying, who stayed in the Fucheng Safety Zone and managed the Tianqi organization on behalf of Han Feng, began to report on the current situation of the Fucheng Safety Zone.

“Since the national emergency broadcast pointed out the existence of Fucheng Safe Zone by name, now Fucheng Safe Zone is not only famous in Jiangyou Province, but also some survivors who were originally hiding in Southeast Province have come to join us. "

"According to the latest statistics, there are currently 21,000 survivors in the Fucheng safety zone. Adding in the 1,500 survivors brought by Han Feng from Jin County today, the total number of survivors has reached 22,500."

When An Ying reported the number 22,500, all the top leaders of the Tianqi organization present took a breath.

They guessed that there would be a breakthrough in the number of survivors in Fucheng now, but when An Ying reported the number of 22,500, everyone present was still shocked.

After An Ying finished talking about the total number of survivors in Fucheng, she looked around at everyone present, and then continued: "Of these 22,500 survivors, a total of 1,500 people belong to the Apocalypse organization, respectively, from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the former Ministry of Internal Affairs As for the list of White Blood Cell members, it is still unknown.”

"Except for personnel, what progress has been made in other aspects?" Facing An Ying's report, Han Feng's expression did not change at all.

"That's exactly what I'm going to say."

An Ying opened a notebook spread out in front of her.

"The current grain production plan is advancing at a good pace. The potatoes in the experimental fields are growing relatively well. It is expected that a batch of potatoes can be harvested before winter comes."

"In addition, the First Legion successfully cleared the zombies in the original Fucheng Power Plant. Based on the maintenance by survivors with experience in working in power plants, the Fucheng Power Plant can re-power the area where the Fucheng Safety Zone is located at any time."

When An Ying said that the Fucheng power plant could resume power supply to the Fucheng safety zone, all the Tianqi organization personnel present raised their heads with excitement on their faces.

If the steam engine is the mother of industrial development, then electricity is undoubtedly the blood of industrial development and an important part of igniting the light of human civilization.

Human beings must have electricity before the industrial development and living standards of cities can be greatly improved.

"Now that the Fucheng power plant has been overhauled, why has it not yet supplied power to the Fucheng safety zone? If there is power, then my laboratory can maintain minimum operation."

Professor Zhang Dongpei, the director of the R\u0026D Department, immediately asked after learning that the Fucheng Power Station could generate electricity.

Faced with Zhang Dongpei's slightly dissatisfied inquiry, An Ying still said very patiently: "Although Fucheng Power Plant can now supply power to Fucheng Safety Zone, there are several problems that I feel I do not have the authority to solve, and Han Feng still needs to make a decision final decision."

An Ying said as she turned her attention to Han Feng.

Han Feng, who was sitting aside, immediately sat up straight after learning that there was a problem that he needed to decide.

"First, although Fucheng Power Plant can supply power to Fucheng Safety Zone, Fucheng Power Plant is a thermal power plant. Although there is currently a certain coal inventory in the plant, if it fully supplies power to Fucheng Safety Zone, then the coal in stock will be at most It can only maintain the operation of the power plant for two months, but if it is operated at the lowest power, it can maintain power supply for half a year."

"Second, since the power supply lines in the Fucheng safety zone are still the same as before the apocalyptic virus outbreak, if the power plant uses the lowest power to supply power to the Fucheng safety zone, then all survivors in the safety zone will still be able to Obtain the power supply, and once they use the power, the power supply to the Apocalypse organization will be interrupted."

"Third, if we agree to provide power to ordinary survivors, we cannot let them use electricity completely free of charge. If we supply it to those survivors for free, the coal inventory may not last even two months, so we can only charge for it. method, but currently there is no corresponding currency system in Fucheng, and how to charge is a serious problem."

After An Ying finished talking about the power supply problems of the power plant, she sat down. She now left all these problems to Han Feng.

"It does seem more difficult to handle!"

After listening to An Ying's description, Han Feng couldn't help but touch his chin. The problem An Ying raised just now was indeed a real problem.

Since coal is a bulk material, it is simply unrealistic to obtain large amounts of coal without railway transportation and shipping.

Therefore, the electric energy output from the Fucheng power plant can only be supplied to the Apocalypse organization. What he needs to consider now is how to prevent ordinary survivors from paying attention to the electric energy.

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