Apocalyptic Forecast

Chapter 1485: Edge of Tomorrow


Huai Shi opened her eyes, but did not see the familiar ceiling.

Suddenly I felt a little lost and uneasy.

In silence, he looked around the unfamiliar ward and scratched his head in confusion: "...Why am I not in the Survival Hospital?"

Why didn't I go to my Survival House Deluxe Presidential Suite?

This is outrageous.

Is the pay down?

Mr. Ai, do you have any clues?

Ai Qing, on the other hand, showed a vivid look of disgust, "The Survival Institute thought that your death was not clear enough, so I sewed it up a little and threw it back.

If you really think it's a good thing to open your eyes in the Survival Institute, next time you can work harder and work harder.

Anyway, I see that Mr. Shah is very regretful... Maybe you have some privileged medical services that you have not experienced. "


Huai Shi's eyes twitched suddenly.

This wave, this wave is a two-way run.

Could it be that he really should consider going to the Survival Institute to get an annual card?

At this moment, Huai Shi once again felt the power of the black technology and black magic of the Survival Institute - before closing his eyes, he looked like a ghost who was about to die. So refreshed, I can even stick my tongue out for a sled marathon.

It's so terrifying.

Well, it's a subtle one. It seems that I have been taken apart and put back together again, and I have added a refreshing feeling of lubricating oil.

what is this?

Life again maintenance package?

"No, how long have I slept?!"

He suddenly bounced off the bed and remembered a terrible event—advancement! You are about to advance! Don't take a nap and delay the advanced time!

"Don't worry, it's only eleven hours from when you passed out to when you woke up."

Ai Qing glanced at his look full of anticipation and shook her head slightly: "In other words, this is the second day -- a Mr. Nakajima asked me to tell you that because of your treatment work, the efficiency of the project has been affected, resulting in The delivery was delayed by three and a half hours, it's your responsibility, you can't rely on them."


Huai Shi was sluggish, and immediately raised his fingers to start counting-after the eleven days he said last time, counting the one day he stayed in the Ivory Tower, the four days of the regeneration plan, today is the fifth day, adding up to six days, that is to say ...I have five days left before I can advance?

No, five days for delivery, at least two days for installation, and one day for debugging and testing, even though the Ivory Tower has been preparing for his advanced secrets and auxiliary materials since the previous two months.

In other words, you still need eight days to advance?

I am so difficult!

Just living through the years!

I even wanted to borrow the Rainbow Bridge to use it and go straight to eight days later.

Totally can't wait!

"I guess you're thinking about the Rainbow Bridge again. I advise you to give up early."

Ai Qing once again sent two buckets of ice water to Huai Shi's unrealistic idea: "Forget about the cost and cost of time transmission, this function was abolished by various time interferences on both sides long before the war between worlds started. And you are almost on the blacklist of others. If you are willing to open the routine transmission to you, you should thank them for their generosity. "

"What about the regeneration plan?"

Huai Shi asked, "It's over?"

"Yes, it's over, so rest assured and cultivate well." Ai Qing said, "Although the victory won't be so glorious as a winner, but as you promised, I won."

"And then?" Huai Shi looked at her directly, her eyes full of hope.


Ai Qing helplessly sighed: "Then, I blew up the **** of the Pilot Society. Although it's only one of them, the form outweighs the meaning."


Huai Shi raised his hands to celebrate, and lay down on the bed without any worries. For a while, he couldn't help but sigh: "Although this wave was very cool, it's a pity for London..."


Ai Qing was puzzled, "What happened to London?"

"No, I mean destruction." Huai Shi was embarrassed: "I'm quite embarrassed."

"What's the embarrassment about?"

Ai Qing asked back: "In all counts, it only destroyed six blocks and a few old buildings, not even half of the previous session.

Seriously, the losses don't add up as much as when you invaded the Rainbow Bridge. "

"Ah this..."

Huai Shi was sluggish.

Absolutely, unbelievable!

Only a few blocks?

Should not be ah.

Although it is a good thing to be able to destroy a little less, but at the same time as being fortunate, there is a sense of loss that I have regressed.

It can only be said that it is indeed the heart of the current situation, London is really hard!

Much better than Helios, the Land of All Ages, and the Land of Nothing...

Such a big wave is still, and he has not been killed by himself. In the end, he just blew up a few uninhabited blocks. The regeneration plan is really powerful.

Well, the Authority, not bad!

Only Ai Qing watched his expression change from start to finish, and couldn't help but want to shake her head.

...what are you proud of?

"So, what's the result?" After sighing for a while, Huai Shi finally asked the most important thing, the result of the regeneration plan.

The so-called new order.

He is ready to eat melon.

Ai Qing had already prepared, but she briefly picked Huai Shihui and said, "Every aspect of the matter involved is almost equivalent to a complete innovation. In the next four to five years, the governing bureau will gradually carry out reshuffle.

The management of the border will be strengthened, but the current situation will make corresponding concessions in exchange for the support of the five permanent members and major lineages.

The existence of the decision-making room has not been cancelled, but it has been adjusted to the next level in the sequence, and the position of the director of the governing bureau will be re-established. "

It can be expected that in a short while, the current Secretary-General of the Decision-making Office of the Administrative Bureau, the head in name, Yegor, will be sworn in as the Director of the Administrative Bureau.

Taking this as a stepping stone, we will once again take a crucial step towards the position of the president of the Astronomical Society!

Old Wang Ba is going to have a headache now, right?

Huai Shi scratched his chin, feeling a little helpless—Is this an indirect help to the enemy?

But whether there is one or not, as long as the regeneration plan exists, the reorganization of the governing bureau is imperative. To a certain extent, this adjustment also left a crucial gap for the development of the Heavenly Kingdom lineage.

The Authority chose to make concessions for the reconstruction of the Utopia in the future.

The gains and losses are really hard to calculate. Leave it to Russell to deal with the headache. The big deal is that I will be arranged by him a few times, just to comfort the teacher's injured heart.

"Where's Solomon?"

Huai Shi finally asked: "His proposition..."

"It is also the focus of this reform. In the future, the Administration will continue to allocate 11% of resources to the four major legions, and a large number of technologies will be opened up after application to improve the survivability of the soldiers. .

Solomon's purpose has been achieved, Huai Shi. "

She paused for a while, and her gaze towards Huai Shi became complicated: "Also, the authority of the Legion's Fist has already been attempted to be installed in some teams.

After getting the test results, someone has suggested that you should be pulled into the high-level management bureau at any cost..."

"real or fake?"

Huai Shi was shocked.

I thought that my journey of two or five boys had come to an end, but suddenly, a new version was opened?


Ai Qing replied irritably, "The door of the Pioneer Club is open to you, and then you will pay everything for the current situation, and all the essentia weapons can be downloaded and shared for individual souls through the Sea of ​​Silver, which is really heaven. Great thing. I suggest you think about it too.

After all, the opportunity cannot be missed, right? "


Huai Shi's expression twitched slightly.

God **** join the high-level, whose high-level is a specimen showroom? !

Co-authoring is an invitation to donate a body for the current situation, right?

After tasting the sweetness of the Legion Fist, it is not enough, and I want to make another wave of investment myself.

Is it a bit too much?

However, he didn't regret it either.

Anyway, the source of the Elemental Armament of the Legion's Fist is Solomon. Its nature, it should be said, is the most unsuitable weapon for Huai Shi among all the Originium Armaments.

Its power is determined by the number and determination of its team members, and the destruction it causes is the sacrifice of souls.

The more people there are, the more effective the weapon will be. The longer the burnt blood bar, the stronger the destructive power.

It sounds very suitable for Huai Shi, but the positioning completely overlaps with the parts that Yun Zhongjun and Da Siming are good at.

After all, if Huai Shi wants to unite the crowd into one, there is Yunzhongjun, and if he wants to expand the group, there is a big commander. Once the double cycle is formed, then it is a player who is full of blue and full of blood and becomes stronger and stronger.

Under the condition of backing to the big secret, it can fully guarantee the battery life.

As for the destructive power, he has close to the source material weapon and extreme intention, far from Yun Zhongjun's Dragon Vein Thunder and Tian Que Sword, ultra-long-range strike and a Nautilus on the current five permanent blacklist.

There is absolutely no shortage.

Even if it is really necessary, directly communicate with the Sea of ​​Silver through the Great Secret Ritual, and then bring it back to make an envoy, wouldn't the governing bureau dare to stop it?

Just a whistle.

Just as he promised Solomon, he would do whatever he could to help those soldiers who died in obscurity.

It's just a piece of Elemental Armament. If it can be effective, Huai Shi will feel happy and relieved no matter how stingy and painful it is.

Isn't this what you want to see?

"It's pretty good."

Huai Shi laughed and didn't care about anything else.

Then, he saw what Ai Qing handed over, a black box.

She said, "It was given to you by the Existing Defense Bureau, thank you."


In a daze, Huai Shi opened the box and saw a pistol that was some years old. The battle-hardened pistol is covered with scratches and traces of war. It can be seen that it is well maintained and every part is in good condition. Perfectly maintained and restored.

When you hold it in your hand, you can feel this reassuring weight.

What attracted Huai Shi was the inscribed marks on the wooden handle - cast iron, original darkness, deep space, dawn, all the emblems of the four major legions were inlaid on it.

And more importantly, Huai Shi had clearly seen this gun.

That's Solomon's gun.

"For me?"

"Yes, no one but you is entitled to use it - that's their word."

Ai Qing nodded and sighed softly, "Congratulations, Huai Shi, starting today, the four major legions will be your most loyal allies.

You will be regarded as Solomon's true successor, even if you have never been in the order of the four legions. As long as you give an order, countless soldiers will die for the sake of it. "

"Then forget it."

Huai Shi looked at the gun in his hand, shook his head, put it back in the box, closed it again, and stopped looking at it.

"Aren't you going to accept it?"

"No, no matter how you say it, it's still a piece of mind." Huai Shi said, "Go back and ask Xiaoyuan to make a shelf. It's good to put it in the office, it's very interesting."

So, to put it mildly, shelved.

"Don't you think it's a pity to do this?"

"To say it's a pity, it should be a headache, right?"

Huai Shi laughed at himself: "I am not Solomon's successor, because Solomon's successor is in the legion, and there is no more than one.

What I want is not for them to die, but for more people to live. "

He was destined to not be as ruthless as the Administration.

You can't give up people who trust you, and you can't issue orders that let others go to death with peace of mind.

Even just the thought of being abandoned alone and dying in a siege made him feel sad. Hearing that someone died for himself, his heart was cut like a knife.

This may be the most unsuitable gift in the world.

But it was so heavy that it was impossible to refuse.

"It really has your style...but, it's not bad."

Ai Qing nodded, but did not stop her.

As if already used to it.

The two did not speak again.

When the long silence came, for a long time, a long time, and then, when Huai Shi was about to hold back and took the initiative to find a topic, she suddenly heard Ai Qing's voice.

The woman who was burying her head in recording suddenly raised her head, looked at him, and asked the question hidden in her heart: "Huai Shi, what kind of world do you want?"

Such a question, so abrupt.

But Huai Shi didn't know how to answer.

When he thought about it carefully, he couldn't even imagine how to describe his ideal world in order for people to understand.

But in the end, it's not that complicated.

When he realized it, he found that the answer was so simple.

"It doesn't matter what kind of world it is, as long as it can make people happy."

He also solemnly replied, "It's better for everyone."


Ai Qing was silent for a long time, and seemed to laugh at herself: "It's so difficult to create a world like that."

"That's why it's far away."

Huai Shi shrugged.

Even for the ideal country, it is too crazy.

Just like the Arabian Nights.

Where has a world where everyone can live happily ever existed? Even in the Abyss of Eternal Jue, can people really escape the **** they created?

"So, at least try to work hard."

Huai Shi said: "I think, even if there is one more person, even if happiness is like an illusion, it will only be for a while... as long as you have it, it is worth it."

Ai Qing raised her brows slightly: "It doesn't sound like you."

"It's just from the perspective of reality." Huai Shi replied, "Only after recognizing the reality can you establish an ideal premise, isn't it?"

"As expected of an ideal country..."

"If you want to say it, just recognize the gap between ideal and reality, right?"

Huai Shi laughed at himself and sighed: "As expected, I still don't like the ruling bureau, and I can't accept those utilitarian and callous practices at all."

"I know." Ai Qing nodded, not surprised.

But Huai Shi didn't stop, after taking a deep breath, he issued an invitation: "So, do you want to come to my side, Ai Qing?



Ai Qing shook her head resolutely, interrupting his words and causing Huai Shi to fall into silence.

The courage and impulse that I finally mustered up dissipated again.

But she was still looking at him, no longer pretending to be indifferent or serious, just staring at his pupils calmly and peacefully.

"Because you are not a flower in someone else's garden, Huai Shi."

"Me neither," she said.


Huai Shi nodded and said nothing.

Until the silence, he heard Ai Qing calling her name again.

"Huai Shi."


Huai Shi raised her head and saw her eyes again, as well as her own reflection in the pupils.

She is looking at herself.

Seriously and earnestly.

Without any cover up.

She said, "There are so many people in this world, but I don't want to bow my head in front of you."

"I know."

Huai Shi nodded and replied without hesitation: "Because me too."

At that moment, Huai Shi saw the slight curvature of the corners of her mouth.


It's like laughing.

so pleasant.

In the long silence, there seemed to be a faint sound of cicadas in the clear sky outside the window.

Is summer here?

Huai Shi closed his eyes and laughed.

The afternoon sun was so soft, falling from the clear sky, illuminating the lush garden outside the window, the crowded square in the distance, and more, busy roads leading to all directions.

Countless forest-like buildings washed away the dust in the rain, reflecting the bright sunlight, glowing like a crystal in this beautiful moment blown by the breeze.

Everything seemed to be enveloped in a beautiful halo.

The world is still moving forward.

Step by step, little by little, away from the **** chasing behind.

towards heaven...

But in the dark abyss, when everything came to an end, there was only silence in the huge palace tower surrounded by countless blood-colored threads.

In the silence, Tiancheng was silent, holding his breath, restraining the urge to tremble.

dare not look up.

It was difficult to restrain the fear and trembling in my heart.

Not because of the Piper's wrath.

From beginning to end, the face shrouded in mist was so calm.

Witnessing everything in the projection, no anger, no laughter, like a perfect bystander, without saying a word, witnessing the fiasco of another self, and the end.

Then, no more words.

But inexplicably, what made Tiancheng fear and tremble was some kind of imaginary that emerged in his heart, a guess that even he himself could not believe.

——The face behind the fog seemed to be shrouded in great sadness.

Silent tears.

Such pain and despair.

Tiancheng closed his eyes, he didn't dare to look, he didn't dare to think, and he didn't dare to imagine whether the malice that might have been bred in that back body at the moment would engulf him.

Ravaged, crushed, destroyed, turned into smash!

All he could do was crawl on the ground, shivering.

Please have mercy in case.

"Don't be afraid, Tiancheng."

The piper said without looking back: "You have never done anything wrong, and I will not take anger on you. I just... Suddenly, I realized that I just lost something."


In the short silence, Tiancheng shuddered, summoned up his courage, and performed his duty: "I am, I am puzzled."

"Ah, I don't know how to describe it to you."

The flute player sighed softly, held his chin, and seemed to ponder, and suddenly asked, "Have you ever felt that way, Tiancheng?

For example, you once loved a book so much, you loved its story, you loved its style, and every time you turned a new page, it was a great enjoyment... You can't even believe that there are such rare things in this world. wonderful thing.

You are so focused on the development of the story, care about the life and death of each character, and look forward to the final outcome.

Take the trouble to guess its plot, don't hesitate to invest in it, and enjoy the thrill of each plot.

One, another.

The more magnificent, the more heroic, the more sad.

All of this is so intoxicating. "

The piper asked, "Have you ever had such an experience?"

In the silence, Tiancheng didn't dare to speak any more, just restraining the horror in his heart had exhausted all his reason, unable to suppress the increasingly clear guess.

Absolutely, can't answer.

"Yes, just as you imagined."

The piper sighed hoarsely and seemed to smile: "However, no matter how good times are, there will be an end.

The longer you watch it, the more familiar your experience becomes, the more plots you guess, the clearer the endings of the characters become, and then you find... everything becomes more and more boring.

It's like reading the same chapter over and over again, getting more and more boring, completely boring you.

However, even so, you still did not give up! "

"Because you can feel it, between the lines, in the hints of the author and the direction of the plot, it's heading towards an ending, a real ending.

Everything is heading for a great war that is enough to burn you to nothing, but it will never be a pity! "

The piper turned back and looked at him, the vague face was so frantic: "At that time, everything will come to an end, and all destruction will be endowed with great meaning!

What you long for and wait for is the ending! "

Yes, he can feel it.

Call it fate, call it foresight, he can smell the end.

The looming horror.

It is more ferocious than hell, more cruel than the abyss, more cruel and solemn than death.

It is, gradually emerging into darkness.

Born out of a long gestation...

No matter how boring and boring it is, just thinking of its existence will make you shudder with excitement.

As long as he finds clues related to him, he will be overjoyed.

It is precisely because of this that he is looking forward to the final battle ten thousand times more than usual!

Ah, the great power that is enough to finalize the word is about to appear.

He could feel that the character who ended everything was about to step onto the stage!

"But, I can't wait for the final big orgasm."

At that moment, the piper's smile disappeared without a trace, and the hollow face was so strange, as if looking at an irresistible fate.

"It's been taken away."

He said: "That role that I was looking forward to, has been killed, in the distant and distant past."

There is a brazen cheater who robs him of all his joy and expectations, and obliterates all his pursuits and expectations.

so cruel!

How dare you do this?

How can you do this? !

Even if he just thinks of this now, he wants to roar angrily, to completely tear the person who stole all his hopes and burn them to ashes!

But he was powerless.

He has lost everything he hoped for forever.

"That's why I am so sad."

He sighed, stretched out his hand, and stroked the blood-colored threads that shrouded the palace, the countless dead knots, the countless contradictions, conflicts and evils entangled with each other, radiating to the entire abyss.

"I have to do something."

The piper murmured softly, with a terrifying flame surging in his empty pupils: "I have to save all this!"

At that moment, Tiancheng was crawling on the ground, his face pressed against the masonry.

dare not make any sound.

Don't dare to disturb the flame that is already crazy enough to burn yourself to the ground!

And just in the words of the piper, the chains, ropes, and silk threads began to vibrate violently, as if they were ushering in a frenzy, dancing.

Under the rough pulling of the piper, the power that originated from the end of Qingping was sprinkled into the entire abyss.

Contact, concern, love, cause and effect, order, hatred...

The visible and the invisible have all turned into ropes here, shrouding everything in a suffocating net, and there is no escape!

As long as the war continues, then the blood-colored threads can be woven into the most perfect ropes in the world, and they will be implicated in each other.

As long as death exists, the connection between the present and **** will never be cut off!

"People in this situation like to say ~www.NovelMTL.com~ If you don't have any fetters, you have to create it yourself..."

The piper said to himself: "So, by the same token, if there is no end, why not let me write it myself?"

Hysterical laughter resounded from the darkness again.

With that dark storm that spreads.

come on.

The Piper cried longingly, laughed, and opened his arms to embrace what was to come.

The so-called [Fate].

Or, the so-called [End]!

This time, he has seen it.

——The ending written by myself!

(End of this chapter)

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