Apocalyptic Dark Age

2210 How to change the course of history?

The super planet monster with a diameter of more than 5,000 kilometers is one of the overlords of this starry sky. At least after it arrogantly invaded the territory of other metal monsters, there was no unsighted thing to challenge it, but it was able to lock the jump trajectory of the exploration ship. , pursued relentlessly, even ignoring the ancient spaceship following behind it, and the peak of the super planet monster exploring the path was no longer cautious. As long as it followed that big guy, it could increase the speed of the ancient spaceship to the extreme. .

Neither Jijia nor Gao Feng could have guessed what this super planet-level metal monster would mean to this chaotic starry sky. Even the super giant ship mother worm could not understand the planetary monster with a diameter of more than 5,000 kilometers. For example, if the two come together, they will be completely crushed like a bug and a watermelon.

After all, Jigia is an experienced veteran explorer. He finally got rid of the scary big guy and escaped from the world of metal monsters. However, he managed to survive through the gathering place of fierce firefights. Among countless metal monsters, the exploration ship It jumped and flew away, leaving a trajectory after the space jump, and became the target of the super metal giant monster. No one would have thought that a terrifying ancient giant beast would break into this fierce battlefield.

Aurora and Jigia got into a big trouble and ran away quietly, but Gao Yue led the fleet to search for Gao Feng across the starry sky. She was paranoid that Gao Feng was not dead and must be waiting for her in a corner. Rescue, and in the process of searching, keep destroying metal monsters.

Ordinary metal monsters are not very powerful, and Star Warriors can easily fight against them. Metal lifeforms of this level have no intelligence, do not know how to cover and coordinate, nor do they know how to support and flank attacks. They only know how to raid, raid, and continue to raid until the same kind of monsters are lost. Disastrous and temporary evacuation.

Gao Yue was paranoid about finding the peak, but she did not lose her mind. Instead, she became more mature after the disappearance of the peak. In the past, she had a peak, no matter how difficult it was, she had no pressure. Now that she has no peak, her forgotten nature has exploded. , and became a stern and strong leader.

In order to deal with ordinary metal monsters, Gao Yue used unmanned combat equipment as bait, and organized the Star Warriors and Destruction Species as the backbone, grouping the fleet into a pure fire support platform. With his own support, it became relatively easy to strangle metal monsters. Easy, and the mob she temporarily regained began to change from strong persecution to active obedience in the victories with low battle losses.

In the process of wiping out the metal monsters, Gao Yue's fleet did not approach the assembly point, but went in the opposite direction, sweeping across the starry sky, integrating the scattered small and medium-sized fleets into its banner, and even took the initiative to kill the forces that were unwilling to obey her. In the end, even the support fleet that had just entered the battlefield became her target, and eventually a large fleet with 150,000 battleships and ample supplies was assembled.

History seems to have returned to its original point. When Gao Feng and Gao Feng led the fleet into the starry sky, the fleet they belonged to happened to be more than 100,000. At that time, they were still relatively weak, but now they have restored their previous size, but this fleet is composed of high Yue alone has the final say, because she can lead the ragtag fleet to survive in this cruel battlefield, and her only request is to find a man.

The battlefield in the star sector is gradually dividing. The assembly area is still gathering strength and preparing unknown plans. Gao Feng is chasing the super planet-level metal life and is advancing towards the central station assembly area. Gao Yue's more than 100,000 battleships have changed their jobs. Professional robbers, at the entrance to the starry sky, wantonly plundered the fleets that had just entered the battlefield. Before these fleets could adapt to the rhythm of the war, they were raided by countless metal monsters, and then were robbed by Gao Yue. The battleships that finally successfully reached the assembly area were very different. Save one.

The starry sky is vast and narrow at the same time. Gao Yue's name was spread by the warships that escaped by chance. Gao Yue's fleet became a legend. It was able to ignore metal monsters and develop and grow on the cruel battlefield. This in itself is worth it. A commendable act, in the Chaotic Star Territory, robbery and the like are really nothing.

When Gao Yue's power grew stronger and stronger, An Palace finally couldn't help it and came to ask Gao Yue to join his command. After all, An Palace and the ghost fleet had nothing to deal with, and Gao Yue was unwilling to go to the assembly area. Does it mean that you oppose the ghost fleet plan?

Unfortunately, the contact person of Andian never thought that it was some idiot with a brain cramp who triggered a series of hostile actions, which eventually led to the disappearance of Gao Feng and the heavy casualties of the fleet. Gao Yue hated Andian the most.

The Dark Palace lost the largest scientific research base in the mysterious sector, which was equivalent to losing half of its strength, and the Dark Palace was not as big as the mysterious fleet. With its vitality severely damaged, Gao Yue pretended to cooperate, and then followed the clues to break through. We visited an important warehouse in the Dark Palace and grabbed a large number of high-density energy bricks, as well as a precision factory specializing in processing energy metals. As a result, we completely solved the problem of material replenishment and gained the capital to dominate.

Maybe in Gao Yue's subconscious mind, Gao Feng was dead long ago, but she refused to accept it, just to leave a little hope in her heart and the determination of revenge. She wanted to eliminate all the culprits who caused Gao Feng's death, not just the dark palace, There are also forces behind the scenes that force them into the battlefield, so she has to become stronger and stronger.

The speed of the super planet-level metal life was faster than that of Gaofeng. Gaofeng could only barely catch the starry sky track left by the metal behemoth in order not to be thrown away. When he reached the center of the star area, he was surprised to find that, The millions of warships that had gathered together and the airtight defense line of ruins had turned into waste in a garbage dump.

Countless warship wreckage floats in the starry sky, forming a floating belt of tens of millions of cubic kilometers. The ruins that can emit the sea of ​​​​death light have also lost traces and become part of the floating garbage. In addition, there are a large number of metal monster corpses mixed in the warships. Among the debris and wreckage, Gao Feng was surprised that there were still many living creatures in the wreckage. They were trying to find ways to repair the barely preserved ship, which looked very pitiful.

Seeing the miserable remains of the battlefield, Gao Feng could completely imagine that a terrifying metal behemoth with a diameter of 5,000 kilometers hit a home run at the assembly area at an unimaginable speed, beautifully shattering the defense lines. Metal monsters outside the world even form terrifying energy tides. What makes you survive is not how powerful you are, but how lucky you are.

Of course, Gao Feng did not think that all the fleets assembled here were annihilated. Judging from countless starry sky trajectories, at least half of the fleets successfully escaped. However, they were frightened out of their courage and feared that more super planet-level monsters would appear. He didn't dare to rescue him and ran away in a hurry.

After catching up here, Gao Feng was not too anxious. In the world of giant beasts, he was still worried that Aurora would provoke more super planet-level metal monsters, but now that he is here, he believes that the number one enemy in the entire chaotic star field is at this time. , has been transferred to the culprit who destroyed the assembly area. It is not certain whether he will still remember Aurora's spaceship by then. It is impossible to say that in the mind of the planet-level monster, the spaceships are all the same.

There are at least millions of lives surviving in the wreckage of the battlefield, and the vast majority are star warriors, otherwise they would not have survived in deep space. In addition, there are more than 10,000 species of destruction. They are the mainstay in resisting ordinary metal creatures.

These abandoned survivors are all strong men from all races. In addition, they also have a huge amount of supplies, which were previously stored here to prepare for large-scale wars. What's more, Gao Feng has always been against those who launch the sea of ​​​​death light. The weapons are curious.

As long as Aurora was fine, Gao Feng didn't care about the floods in the Chaos Star Territory. He personally came to the rubble-like ruins and flew among various large and small damaged parts. Countless twisted or broken fragments and parts were scattered among them. This starry sky has built a huge maze, and huge wrecks of tens or hundreds of meters can be seen everywhere. Some battleship wrecks still retain certain functions, and intelligent creatures can be seen waving their arms in the portholes. Obviously, they are all soul awakeners. , unable to get out of the sealed cabin and survive in deep space.

These creatures can only wait to die. Once the energy of the sealed cabin is exhausted, their shelter will become an iron coffin. Whether it is the busy starry sky experts outside or the peak, they turn a blind eye to them. This is not cruelty, but there is no way to help. , the ancient spaceships at the peak cannot accommodate more creatures.

Wandering among the ruins, Gao Feng discovered many high-value items, including as many energy bricks as mountain peaks, a large number of spare parts for light cannons and energy furnaces, and even a lot of equipment that was unlikely to appear on the market. If Gao Yue were here, She would definitely go crazy with joy, this meant that she could make a fortune. In addition, Gao Feng even saw an open star coin warehouse. Billions of star coins were exposed like this, and no one paid attention.

Seeing the Star Coin warehouse, Gao Feng understood why the Space Warriors were not very anxious. As long as they had Star Coins, they did not have to worry about starving to death due to lack of energy and food. Before being sure whether there was a rescue spacecraft, the first thing they had to do was to establish a safe space. of shelter.

Not every strong person in the starry sky is so tough. Gao Feng also saw many strong people with mental breakdowns. They huddled in the corner like corpses and had no response to the outside world. Obviously, these were killed by super planet-level metal monsters. Scared to the point of shattering the spiritual sea.

The most numerous corpses here are corpses, corpses of various ways of death. No one has cleaned up the corpses. They are just floating in the debris and garbage. The number is at least billions. Fortunately, Gao Feng has seen many of them in large battlefields in the public star field, and they are not that big. He cares, because he really can't put the appearance of these corpses on humans, just like humans who see a dense collection of dead fish in a pond will not be traumatized by it.

When we reached the peak of the former ruins, we discovered that there were actually base buildings covered by garbage. The base buildings with a radius of thousands of kilometers looked like upside-down porcelain plates, with countless rooms inside and a large amount of material reserves. In addition, there is an independent defense system, with thousands of destructive guards with uniform equipment and markings, and other strong men are not allowed to enter.

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