"How about you go do some activities first..."

Tiezhi wanted to give up the double-edged ax made by the high-level insect king Zhan Ya. He felt that if he used the ax to participate in the battle, he would really be sorry for this peerless weapon, so he wanted Gao Feng to take the lead. At least he could blame Gao Feng and participate in the kindergarten-level melee. .

"It's better that you invite me first. After all, this is the Iron Clan's battlefield..."

Gao Feng's head shook rapidly. He was not a stranger here. When Tie Zuan came over, his identity would be completely exposed. By then, everyone would know that the top expert would bully a group of ordinary Yin Xins.

"You are the leader, the big boss. Aren't we just following you..."

"The big boss must also behave like a big boss. Everything is done by the boss. What do you thugs do?"

Gao Feng and Tie Rod were standing outside the spaceship, excusing each other. Suddenly, a bright cannon light flashed, covering the two of them directly. Tie Rod subconsciously waved the double-edged axe, and the unique material actually split the light cannon. Refraction, and Gao Feng subconsciously raised the capacitor cannon and blasted it out. According to the route set by the perception, it hit the opponent's open missile nest, causing a chain explosion, and finally a flash of explosion.

"Deal with the battleship. At least it will look good..."

Gao Feng pointed the capacitor cannon at another battleship, and Iron Man felt very aggrieved:

"I won't fight with you, and you can't fight with me. It's amazing how well you can use a cannon..."

The two people just divided the battleship equally, and it could only be a battleship. Only in this way would they not completely lose their identity and face.

With the addition of Gao Feng and Tiezhi, the battle ended quickly. About two hundred battleships were wiped out, and most of the remaining spaceships surrendered. As for the dozens of Silver Heart warriors who fought with the Iron Tribe, they were all captured. , then, the happy Iron Tribe returned one after another, without asking the prisoners where their lair was, how many troops they had, and who supported them. For the Iron Tribe, it was just a matter of doing something if someone was looking for trouble. What to do after they were done? God knows.

"This matter is not simple. There should be someone behind it..."

Gao Feng dragged Tie Rod aside and whispered. Tie Rod also nodded. No one who could walk off the battlefield was really stupid. Tie Rod also saw that something was wrong. Since it was a benefit distributed by the alliance, who would dare to risk the annihilation of the clan? What's the danger of doing this?

"Are they the guys who escaped? They should have spread the news?"

Tiezhi suddenly thought of the scene of the alliance's collapse. Only the guys who ran away from the public star field knew the details of the public star field. You must know that Morogan recovered the Free Star immediately.

When Gao Feng heard this, he felt that it made sense. The alliance was too far away from the outside world, unless there was an artificial wormhole. It would take at least half a year to get here from the public star field, even if there is a high-speed passage.

"Don't take action for the time being, and don't let the iron drill take action. Wait until all the ambitious elements jump out, and then lead the pest army to deal with it all at once. Otherwise, the disaster will always be unsettling..."

Gao Feng is not ready to stay in the Iron Clan anymore. The previous scene made him realize that the disputes in the outer space are no longer suitable for him, just like a billionaire will no longer sell street noodles. Try to experience life. , if he indulges in it, it would be putting the cart before the horse. What's more, he still has to rush back to Earth, which will take a lot of time.

Tiezhi nodded solemnly and went to talk to the two compatriots. When he had almost finished speaking, he turned around and found that the peak was gone, and the jump gunship was also missing...

It is a very long voyage from the edge star area to the earth. If an ordinary transport ship is used, it may take thousands of years to go back and forth. This is still a straight line and there is no need to complete other tasks.

Fortunately, Peak has a lot of energy. Using the method of space jumping, the jump gunship can be faster than the gem mother insect. However, the jump engine cannot run continuously. If it does not run twice, it has to rest for a period of time. This is also a flaw of the small jump engine. one.

The journey of time makes people irritated, especially the lonely journey. Gao Feng also feels that he is quite cheap. He feels annoyed when a woman is by his side. But he feels lonely without a woman by his side. In short, it is very depressing.

Long periods of boredom always make people's days feel like years. On this day, Gao Feng was in an impatient mood and did something that he almost regretted for the rest of his life. He activated the jump engine three times in a row. He thought it wouldn't matter if he did it one more time. Just once, an accident occurred. The overloaded engine only completed half of the task and then stopped, causing the jump coordinates to become cheap. Then, Gao Feng didn't know where he was.

The failure of a space jump is a very scary thing. Once it happens, it means various possibilities. It may jump into the center of a star, it may jump out of space with only half of the body, or it may jump into the wilderness where there has never been a civilization. You will see it for the rest of your life. No intelligent creatures.

Gao Feng is now in the third stage. He doesn't know where he is. Gao Feng is not too panic at this time, but quickly checks the jump engine. This thing is his only hope of returning. If there is a problem, I can't imagine it, but Mo The Fei effect always appears when you least expect it.

Opening the tightly protected jump engine, Gao Feng used the highest level of perception to carefully check various lines and components. He found that only a small part had collapsed. He breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could take out the special inspection box, a huge force He collided with the jump gunship, causing the jump gunship and Gaofeng to roll over. Then he watched helplessly as the wine bottle thrown by the iron rod in the corner flew like a meteor and hit the open jump engine hard, causing all kinds of arcs and sparks to appear. …. "

"Bump..." The cabin door was kicked open by Gao Feng, and at the same time he put the jump engine into the space belt. Then he found that he was in a vast ocean, with a terrifying mountain-like beast, opening a big mouth full of sharp teeth. Mouth, bite the place where the jump gunship disappeared. The next moment, countless teeth fell out of the big mouth, and layers of blue blood rippled in the water. Then, the giant beast was twisted into a hemp rope by the powerful force, and all the blood in the body was squeezed out. Dry.

It was just a basic creature with a silver core. Gao Feng didn't even need to use his abilities. He only needed mental power to kill it. When the giant beast turned into a pile of old rags with no appearance, Gao Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The jumping gunship jumped out from the depths of the ocean. Countless terrifying creatures were playing a game of escape and pursuit in the ocean. Gao Feng was unwilling to waste time and released the aura of the Destruction Species, which immediately sent countless monsters fleeing wildly. , some were weak, even limp and unable to move, allowing the most powerful predators to use themselves as snacks.

Gao Feng is not so heavy-mouthed. Even if he is greedy, he will not eat these things of unknown origin. God knows whether these creatures contain terrible parasites? After Gao Feng came out of the water, he was surprised to find that the planet he was on was actually a vast ocean. At least within the range of his perception, it was all a vast ocean. In addition, this planet was much larger than the earth, and his perception never exceeded the sea level.

The bigger the planet is, the greater the difference in gravity. In addition, there are at least ten satellites in the sky. Ten can be found by perception, and there may be more on the back. In addition, the oxygen content is unexpectedly suitable for human survival. The peak is here. Ability to breathe freely without using energy to maintain it.

Gao Feng is not in the mood for sightseeing. He urgently needs a place to maintain the jump engine. He hopes that the damage will not be too much, otherwise he will definitely go crazy and destroy this huge planet. And he is fully capable of doing so. He only needs to lift the moon in the sky. It's enough to get a few off.

It has to be said that this planet is dominated by oceans and cannot even accommodate other things. At least Gao Feng circled the planet three times and could not find a piece of land. Even the seabed closest to the sea surface would need to extend hundreds of meters to break through that layer. Thin water surface.

As a last resort, Gao Feng could only run to the moon to maintain the jump gunship. Although there was no oxygen, no one would die. He checked the engine again. Gao Feng was annoyed. The loss of components was not serious, but one part was completely damaged. This part was exactly It is one of the cores of the jump engine. It requires a lot of processes to refine a transfinite material and then convert it into a magical structure of zero medium, so that it can bear the limit of breaking through space.

This kind of material is only available in ultra-small jump engines. Large battleships don't need to be so complicated at all. The exquisiteness is not enough to make up for the weight. If Gao Feng is driving a jump battleship, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. The jump battleship can jump ten times in a row. With a little effort, Maintain it and you can continue to play.

Resisting the desire to destroy, Gao Feng carefully thought about the remedy plan. Soon Gao Feng came up with a way, which was to use pure handmade materials instead. His ability analysis is a cheating technique, which can analyze almost all substances. Naturally, Including transfinite materials. The trouble lies in converting the transfinite body into zero medium. This is the process of qualitative change. Gao Feng has not mastered this technology.

Fortunately, not all the zero-dielectric components were destroyed, and what was left was enough for Gao Feng to use as a sample. In this way, Gao Feng began his career as an engineer, working hard to repair the jump engine.

The repair process was not smooth. Soon Gao Feng discovered that no matter how ordinary metals are refined, there is no way to become a transfinite material. There is a necessary additive that is the key to the success of the transfinite. The problem is, this additive , Gao Feng has not seen it and does not know its equation.

In this regard, Gao Feng could only find a way to replace it. He had analyzed the materials on the moon and could only look to the ocean planet for answers. If that didn't work, Gao Feng could only wander around the universe, looking for a way home. alternatives.

Returning to the ocean is not a pleasant thing. This ocean contains unknown amounts of death and murderous intent, and is filled with all kinds of fishy smells, including the smell of fish, the smell of seawater, and occasionally the smell of blood. In short, all kinds of fishy smells are mixed together, which is very challenging to the nose.

At the beginning, Gaofeng was at the sea level, analyzing various floating plants and aquatic organisms. These things were analyzed quickly, and as basic organisms, they were large in quantity and simple. When Gaofeng felt that it was almost done, he began to gradually go deeper into the ocean.

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