Apocalypse: Summoning Endless Insect Swarms

Chapter 435: Conditions for restoring the system

The buttons in Liu Feng's system exploded one by one, and they all turned into a black charcoal color, which represented the demise of Liu Feng's swarms, and his special abilities gradually disappeared in this world.

He has seen the bottom of the pit behind him, and the bottom is indeed covered with bones. They should be people who escaped from that camp. These bones are not scary to the original Liu Feng, but now he has lost control of the insect swarm. Even if you don’t fall to death, your heart will be pierced by the protruding bone below.

The miracle didn't happen. Liu Feng felt that his clothes had been torn by the broken bones. He even smelled the blood in his body, and even his heart was about to stop beating.

At the same time, the mud on both sides of the pit was falling continuously, as if the whole city was about to collapse.

"Ah!" Liu Feng felt a sting in his heart. A human bone pierced his body, but he couldn't move anymore and could only wait for death here.

But to Liu Feng's surprise, those silver threads seemed to have abandoned his fragile body. They flowed into the surrounding bones along the wound on his body, seeming to want to find a new host.

"System, can you hear me, answer me quickly!"

After Liu Feng saw that the fluorescence in the system gradually dimmed, he felt that this might be the signal of its recovery. He kept calling her, hoping to get some answers, even if it was to scold him a few more words.

[Do you know that you are wrong now? 】

The system finally gave him a response, it typed out a line very weakly, flickered a few times, and then disappeared.

"I see. I will listen to you next time. What should I do now? What should I do to restore the skills of these insects?"

Liu Feng looked at the dark icon in front of him and felt distressed. The only thing that can still light up is the dead leaf butterfly.

The reason why this camouflaged insect swarm was left behind was probably because they had no combat effectiveness. Even if they were forcibly released by the system, it was also because they were so well camouflaged that they successfully avoided the attacks of other insect swarms.

However, the insect swarm at the moment has no effect on Liu Feng. Even if he can replicate 100 of himself and confuse the enemy, he will not be able to get rid of the predicament in front of him.

[The reason why those silver threads have such a strong impact on the system is that they only have half of the data. The function of these data is to attack and spread viruses. If you want to restore the entire system, you must first find the other half of the chip and look for it inside. After repairing the data, there may be a glimmer of hope]

After Liu Feng's blood flowed more and more, the content of those silver silk threads in his body also became less and less, allowing the system to restore its vitality.

Although this vitality was very short and lasted only ten seconds, it also pointed out the direction for Liu Feng.

It turns out that the chip has been able to maintain a stable state for decades without being rapidly spread among humans because the two parts of the data inside it contain each other so that it can always be kept at a balance point.

But obviously, Chen Wei's wife's impulsive actions have disrupted this balance, and also allowed those highly offensive and viral data to break away from the control of restorative data and begin to wander freely among humans.

Now Liu Feng must find all the data codes in order to bring the chaos in front of him back on track.

But now he has been bleeding, and he can't find a way to save him. Even his consciousness is about to be blurred. Even if he knows what he should do, it's all on paper.

Liu Fengqiang turned over and wanted to stand up from the pile of bones, but he was greeted by sharper broken bones, which poked through his chest, causing Liu Feng to be injured.

And this time the system seemed to have exhausted all its strength, no matter how Liu Feng called it, the system could not give a single response.

"Liu Feng, where are you!"

When Liu Feng felt desperate, he suddenly heard someone calling his name, and then his body stopped in the air as if being dragged by something, and even the broken bones were stripped from his body.

After that, he began to rebound quickly, and the huge force brought Liu Feng back to the deep pit.

Liu Feng felt that what he heard was a woman's voice, both like a knife and a systematic NPC.

Is the knife you?

Liu Feng muttered to himself, sometimes he even felt that the knife and the system were the same person, otherwise, why was she the only one who disappeared out of thin air for no reason, and returned to him in time when he needed her most.

"Liu Feng, hurry up and wake up! Did you hear that!"

Liu Feng's cheek was slapped violently. He barely opened his eyes and saw Xiao Yun's face. He actually broke free from the treatment cabin, making Liu Feng feel that there was a big problem with his ability.

After the keystrokes of those insect swarms entered a dead state, all the insect swarms he released before died unexpectedly, which also completely eliminated the protective barrier he had set for himself.

"You can be regarded as waking up, it's not worth all our efforts."

Xiao Yun breathed a sigh of relief when Liu Feng woke up. There were several huge explosions just above the deep pit. He thought that Liu Feng had been blown to pieces and would never be able to return.

"How could you rescue me from such a deep underground?" Liu Feng was unwilling to accept that the person who had just rescued him was actually Xiao Yun. He was eager to find the shadow of a knife, but found that the only woman around him was actually the least willing. Neon seen.

"The explosion just now formed a **** at a certain angle on both sides of the deep pit. Otherwise, we would not be able to go down. This is also thanks to Neon. She calculated the precise foothold and made our plan go smoothly. ."

Bai Youqing is naturally towards his own person. In order to let Neon and Liu Feng calm down, he will not miss any opportunity to reconcile the two of them. As long as they do something for each other, he will be the microphone. Let the other party know.

"What about the others? Han Bing and Feng Wen, are they still alive?"

Liu Feng struggled to sit up from the ground. He looked at the truck in the distance, wanting to know the situation of Han Bing and Feng Wen, but the truck suddenly exploded, and the shock wave produced Liu Feng and the others. Ten meters away.

"Han Bing, Feng Wen!" A huge flash of light appeared in front of Liu Feng's eyes, making his eyes into a state of severe blindness.

When he regained his vision, he discovered that the deep hole just now was filled up at this time, and all traces were buried in the ground, but fortunately, the explosion just now connected both sides, giving Liu Feng finally a chance to go. Check out that truck.

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