"No matter what happens here, we can't let the people in the cave know. We will seal all the entrances and exits as soon as we go back. We can't let the outside information be revealed. Otherwise, something big will happen."

Several leaders kept muttering. In their eyes, their own lies can exist for a long time, which is the result of continuous brainwashing of the people in the cave. As long as they believe that they are superior, then even if the outsiders say something, they will also Won't believe it.

In addition, these years, they invented many hunting methods, and got the secret help of the zombies in Maple City. They caught many humans and strange animals from outside, and their days were peaceful.

But if everything is exposed, then everyone will know that the mermaid in the cave is just a means of hunting for these zombies, and those who are killed by them will eventually be divided into several pieces and taken back to Maple City. After adding other artificial meats, they all become food for these zombies.

Those artificial meats use DNA cloning technology. In terms of texture and structure, they are almost the same as normal meat, but with a little less freshness. They are low-grade meat.

These things are made by these leaders, and even they themselves feel disgusting on weekdays. The meat that can be made is not only assigned to these low-level zombies, but also flows back into the cave as they usually lack food. Supplement.

At the beginning, they blamed themselves a bit, but later comforted themselves that these intelligent zombies treated their subordinates in the same way.

They only eat this kind of meat for low-level zombies, and those intelligent zombies and supervisory zombies in various places will not eat these things.

They must have fresh meat, which is the tribute given by these leaders, but with the increasing requirements for zombies in recent years, there are more and more high-level zombies, which really makes these leaders a headache.

They did not hesitate to vigorously encourage childbirth, but the result is still no improvement. The birth rate of those children is far behind the eating rate of these zombies. If this continues, the number of people in the cave will be more than half.

It's just that these leaders can't tell their subordinates about this kind of thing, lest they feel that these leaders are weak and incompetent, and will only be controlled and bullied by the zombies. Then they will definitely rebel, and things may be more difficult to control.

"Whether those monsters should be brought out first, if they stay in there for a few days, they will eat us too.

The chiefs looked around and made sure that no one could hear them. Then they talked about the Ji mermaid. The civilians thought that the Ji mermaid was the **** to protect them, and they were willing to kill them. But in the eyes of these leaders Here, it's just a group of disgusting monsters, only fools will wait to be eaten by it.

"Don't worry about them, if our secrets are revealed, keeping them as a killer is also good for us, as long as we and our people don't get into the hole."

Those leaders noticed that the light on the lighthouse was flickering and dimming, as if they were engaged in some fierce fighting, and their inner anxiety was getting stronger and stronger, and they felt that they had to think of a way out.

"Where is there any way out for us, if we can't enter the cave, we can only enter the warehouse, but there are so many zombies here, if there is no control of the intelligent zombies, they will definitely eat us."

Liu Feng's previous guess was correct. These leaders really still have a foothold in Maple City, which is not only a warehouse, but also a place where they make synthetic meat, and their families also live and rest there on weekdays.

Although it was full of zombies outside, everyone was more willing to live there than in the dark days in the cave.

But the reason why those zombies didn't attack them was because they were ordered by their superiors, but now their superiors are about to have an accident, then their residence in Fengcheng will also become a food depot for these zombies.

"No, I bet that kid can't win, he can't win."

The leaders watching the battle were more nervous than the people inside, and they secretly cursed Liu Feng, hoping that he would be torn to pieces by those intelligent zombies.

Sure enough, the light of the lighthouse turned on again. Although the restaurant was still dark, the leaders finally saw hope. They felt that Liu Feng must have been defeated before the light of the lighthouse was re-lit.

"I said long ago, this kind of worry is unnecessary, because those two people still want to defeat so many zombies. If the genetic warrior can have this ability, the world will not be occupied by zombies. You have all seen. Well, he still lost."

"Let's be more cautious. Everything tonight is too abnormal."

The opinions of several leaders are not unified. Most people think that Liu Feng does not have that ability. The current short circuit is probably caused by carelessness. Maybe Liu Feng has been electrocuted into a barbecue meal and is being taken Zombies share food.

The lights in the restaurant turned on again, seeming to prove to everyone the power of the zombies once again, so that everyone's mind was calmed down, and the faces of several leaders regained their smiles, as if they felt that their status was finally saved.

"That's right, I was worrying too much, but we also have to check the electrical system in the cave to avoid errors in the wiring, but don't let the people inside see any clues."

Several leaders murmured for a while before dispelling their doubts. They returned to the cave and started to check the circuit. In fact, the circuit here is not enough. It is just that these leaders want to create a mysterious image for everyone to prevent everyone from being bright. Live in a state.

What's more, if they could really see the true faces of those Ji mermaid, they would not be in awe, and even cause trouble like Toya's father, which would really hinder their management.

The steps of the leaders were very relaxed, and they even forgot the decision to block the entrance and exit. Perhaps they thought from the heart that such a decision was no longer necessary.

The people in the cave did not notice that earth-shaking changes had taken place outside, or even found that anyone had become a defector. All of them kept their inherent thinking, staying where they were, waiting for the coming of the gods.

This situation made the leaders very satisfied. They even notified everyone that they could open the market again in a few days, re-selling all the things that were not for sale this time, and the opening time would be doubled.

This kind of news made everyone feel cheered. They gave out violent applause, feeling that they were always thinking of them in their hands.

This unusual noise once again attracted the attention of the mermaid, making them mistakenly believe that they can eat a second time.

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