Apocalypse: Summoning Endless Insect Swarms

Chapter 348: Best hiding method

"What are you talking about, the prize won by the zombie match is poison gas, how dare they do such a thing!"

Liu Feng was furious when he heard that they took human lives to make fun of them. The outside world had become a mess, and these people were hiding in this cave with natural resources, but they didn't know how to cherish it.

They have researched out poison gas that is deadly enough for tens of thousands of people. After each zombie match, the winner can choose a gas bottle he likes from the gas tank and put the gas in any area on the map where humans exist.

The types of poisonous gases in different bottles are kept secret, their lethality is different, and their impact on different groups of people is also different.

In the end, the more people who kill, the better the treatment here in the future.

"For the people living here, except for them, the other human beings surviving on the surface of the earth are low-level creatures and have no value at all. Removing them is a purification of the world and can also ensure that the human blood is more purely."

Bai Youqing had heard of this place before. At the beginning, he thought it was just a crazy legend. He didn't expect that it really existed. It was even better than the legend.

"When I was in E City, I received some incidents about the spread of poisonous gas. At that time, I thought it was an explosion of raw materials from an abandoned chemical plant. Now that I think about it, it should be the ghost of these people."

Bai Youqing tried his best to recall the news he had collected before. Those poisonous gas explosions only destroyed a few camps and did not cause much damage to the major cities, and the distance was relatively long.

So they did not investigate these incidents at the time, but recorded it in the observation file as an accident.

Unexpectedly, even City E has been recruited now, it is simply retribution.

"You mean the zombies that suddenly attacked you were released by people here?" Liu Feng thought of the zombies that popped up around E City. He thought these were the masterpieces of the silver-haired middle-aged man. There is another culprit.

"Cough cough cough, ah ah ah!"

Just as Bai Youqing wanted to say this, he was interrupted by a violent cough. His energy was used to its limit. The zombie virus caused his internal organs to bleed, and the blood choked into his organs, causing him to appear. Symptoms of respiratory failure.

"Bai Youqing!" Liu Feng called his name. This voice caused an echo in the cave. He suddenly felt that something was not good. According to the speed of the cave's sound transmission, those people would soon find his location.

"They ran over there, look for them again, they can't let them run out!"

Sure enough, the people who chased Liu Feng soon arrived. They were more familiar with this cave than Liu Feng, and soon these footsteps rushed to Liu Feng's side, and the distance from him would not exceed 100 meters.

[Summon a unicorn]

Liu Feng set up a pulse net around him. In order to ensure that this pulse net can resist the crazy crowd and strange animals, he asked the system to check the experience value to see if he could raise the level of the unicorn by one level.

Unexpectedly, this system is still in a shutdown state, no matter what Liu Feng calls it, the entire screen is always in darkness.

"This is not when you are joking. I am going to die right now. Even if you don't help me, you still have to meet my normal upgrade needs."

In Liu Feng's slightly angry complaint, the system finally had some reaction. It flashed a value, and disappeared into a dark screen after only a second. It can be seen that the system is still unwilling to pay attention to it. He was just completing his work perfunctorily.

The iron tooth worms just feasted in the market and accumulated a lot of experience points for him, enough for him to raise the level of the unicorn fairy by one level.

[Upgrade the unicorn]

Liu Feng repeated this command word by word, for fear that the system was pretending to be deaf and dumb. Fortunately, it responded quickly this time, and the unicorn's level quickly rose to LV5.

Those who were chasing Liu Feng also followed. The speed was so fast that Liu Feng had no time to see how powerful the upgraded unicorn was, so he arranged the pulse network around.

The expressions of those people were very fierce, and there were still a lot of scratches on their bodies. Liu Feng was ready to fight these people to the death, but they didn't seem to see Liu Feng, and they kept standing at the entrance of the cave and looking around.

Liu Feng looked at the surrounding impulse net and found that it seems to have a function of helping people hide, and all objects wrapped in it can avoid ordinary people's eyes.

This discovery gave Liu Feng a sigh of relief. As long as they stopped moving forward, the next battle could be avoided, allowing Liu Feng to go to the bazaar to save people in this invisible state.

He has carefully checked the experience value he just obtained, and no one with the type and experience value similar to Xiao Yun can be sure that he is still alive.

"Why did they come here? This is a maze of death!"

Those who were chasing Liu Feng didn't dare to take a step forward, as if the route here was beyond their control. After hesitating for a while, those people began to retreat.

"People who enter this area will undoubtedly die. Even our own people can't escape. There is no need to chase down!"

"That is, there is no need to take our own lives for those low-level guys, even a few leaders will understand it!"

When those people left this area, they continued to comfort each other, believing that Liu Feng had deliberately led them to this place, and wanted to kill them through the Maze of Death.

Or he really hit and bumped into it by mistake, no matter which kind of thing it was, it could end here.

"It's really a group of cowards. I really don't know how they managed this place. If I were their ancestor, I would have overturned the coffin board at this time, and clean up these unsatisfactory descendants."

Liu Feng babbled a few words with Bai Youqing, but then he found that Bai Youqing could not give him any response. He did not become a zombie, but he did not have the breath of human beings. It seemed that it had become the most normal way of death. Off.

But after the end of the world begins, it is impossible for people to die and the lamp to go out.

Liu Feng touched the two virus inhibitors on his body. The protective shells on them were damaged. He summoned the golden bamboo worm to repair the shells of the two virus inhibitors, so as not to encounter this kind of life-saving medicine. Shattered before Xiao Yun.

The little golden bugs flew out quickly, and soon patched the box.

Looking at the special trace, Liu Feng suddenly thought that there might be another way to save Bai Youqing.

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