Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 458: Encounter war again

"The siege army is ready to launch!"

"Enemy attack-enemy attack-go and notify the guards!"

The development of the kingdom of dragons is obvious to all. While the new kingdom that is rising on the continent of Omu has made the surrounding neighboring countries feel terrified, they also understand that it cannot be allowed to develop anymore.

Therefore, several countries, led by the Iron Empire, took advantage of the fact that George and Winnie were not in Nath City to launch a war against the Dragon Nation. Judging from the news so far, as long as they don’t attack Nath City, they can defend Nath. The three dragons will not be dispatched.

After night fell, the acropolis of the dragon kingdom fell into a deep sleep, and suddenly countless siege props were thrown into the acropolis of the dragon kingdom, causing countless casualties for a time.

"The dragon! It's Master Winnie who is back, and we are saved!"

The huge shadow that appeared in the dark sky gave the guards of the city unparalleled confidence, after all, as long as the dragon knight Winnie was there, the city would definitely be able to hold.

Obviously, it was not only the people in Nass who found the dragon, but also the soldiers of the enemy army: "Isn't it said that Winnie is far away in the southernmost city of the dragon kingdom? Why is she here?"

"Return to your lord, the dragon's flying speed is too fast, maybe it came as soon as I got the news."

"Retreat!" The commander hardly hesitated, and immediately issued an order to retreat.

"But my lord, I have agreed to send troops together with the Iron Empire. Will our rash withdrawal like this affect the cooperation between the two countries?"

"Who can bear the dragon flame of the dragon? Is it you or me? Let the people of the Iron Empire bear the anger of the dragon kingdom!"

You must know that Winnie took her dragon and directly smashed through so many cities in the Iron Empire, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses are basically useless to Winnie. That was the consequence of Winnie's mercy in order to conquer the city. Now that she waits for someone to bring it to the door, they will not have enough to give them ten lives.

Recently, the supply of Yangmei is quite sufficient, but Zhou Kun thought that he hadn't come to see George for a long time. The child's psychological quality has not been very stable.

Zhou Kun did not expect that he would encounter a sneak attack by the enemy on his way to Nas City, but it was a pity that because of Quinn's sudden appearance, it seemed that the original campaign was self-defeating.

When Quinn landed on the Acropolis Square, everyone discovered that it was not Winnie, but the Grand Magister, Kuhn, Master Winnie's teacher.

"His Royal Highness, you are here." George had already instructed him a long time ago. Kuhn was his teacher and enjoyed the same treatment as him.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a raid on the way to Nas City. How about the casualties in the city?"

"Return to Your Highness, the number of casualties is being counted, but most of them are people injured by siege tools in the dark, and the soldiers' casualties are not serious."

Zhou Kun didn't know the guard leader who reported in front of him, and didn't care what he said, because he was already attracted by the siege props he said.

These **** outsiders had to admire their glamorous style. Zhou Kun never thought that durian could be used as a siege tool.

"What are these things?" Zhou Kun asked knowingly.

"My Majesty, this is a siege prop thorn stone fruit. It is a kind of hard fruit. Because the appearance is covered with various raised hard thorns, it is more harmful. In addition, it has a strong smell. It continuously disturbs the opponent's mind, so it is a very good siege tool."

Even though Zhou Kun's heart is already writhing fiercely now, he still has to maintain his image as a great magister.

"I didn't pay attention to this kind of fruit. Now that the enemy army has retreated, you can organize the residents to collect these thorns and stones. I'm going to study and see if there is any other value."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Zhou Kun took Quinn to guard the square of the Acropolis in this way. He brought an unparalleled sense of cohesion and security to the Acropolis. The anxiety of the people was effectively relieved, and Zhou Kun was soon behind. The durians are piled into mountains.

Since durians are used as a siege tool here, it would be very strange to eat them rashly, so Zhou Kun did not rush to open the durians behind him. Some of these durians had cracked after throwing them. The strong durian aroma made Zhou Kun. I knew it was a durian with high maturity.

What Zhou Kun didn’t know was that the people of the Acropolis were looking at him curiously. One was that the reputation of the Great Magister Kuhn was almost well-known in the Kingdom of Dragons. Everyone who had never seen a real person had infinite views of the Great Magister. curious.

Everyone felt that the spiritual power of the Great Magister was not something that ordinary people could guess. Kuhn-sama could stand in front of so many thorns and fruits without changing his face, but ordinary people had already fainted.

This situation continued until dawn, and soon Winnie appeared above the Acropolis.

"Teacher, did you guard 21 Acropolis?"

Winnie and George were originally exploring the southern border of the dragon country to see if there is a suitable place to build a new acropolis. The main reason is that George did not want to use war to plunder the city, but the neighboring country was the first to launch it at this time. The war.

According to George's instructions, Winnie rescued the other two more important cities. Originally, 21 Acropolis might have been lost under George's prediction. Unexpectedly, Winnie saw her long-lost teacher when she arrived.

"Winnie, 21 Guardian City is now being guarded by you. I have a very important experiment to complete." The main reason is that Zhou Kun's stay in another world is almost up.

"Teacher, don't worry! Brother George should be able to arrive soon."

"Say hello to George!" Zhou Kun said after riding on send the teacher! "

In this way, Zhou Kun took the durians back to Copper City, but Zhou Kun hadn’t figured out where to go for this batch of durians. You must know that durians are produced in relatively few areas in China. If they are domestically produced, they are not mature yet, but if Imports pretending to be from Tailand are not vegetarian at the customs.

After all, let’s try the taste of this durian.

Needless to say that the aroma is strong, the flesh is dense and soft, and it has a silky texture of light cream. Every bite is powdery and waxy and has a very high sweetness. Not only does it smell fragrant, it tastes more fragrant in the mouth, and it’s the last week of eating. Kun spit out a small, flat pit.

When Zhou Kun carried the durian in his hand and came to Kunyang's meeting room, Xiao Cai and Qian Lina were crazy.

"Boss! What did I see! Finally waited for my favorite durian!"

"Hurry up, open it!" Qian Lina's tone revealed excitement.

Only Zheng Mengru pinched his nose and said that she wanted to avoid this meeting.

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