Another World’s Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 252: Longan Bread

In fact, the news that Chen Mingda got from Jinlanzhihua is not wrong, but Kunyang plans to sell fresh longan and dried longan together this time, but dried longan meat is produced as a gift box, so it will take a few days at night.

In the end, Chen Mingda did not purchase this batch of fresh longans for the sake of temporary face. No matter how the three of Lao Zhu persuaded him, Lao Chen, who wanted face, kept his head high and kept his head up.

Chen Mingda's wife didn't know that his old justice lost face because of the longan news. She is now learning how to make longan buns in Jinlanzhihua's baking classroom.

It is not easy to say that the origin of this batch of longan meat is not easy. After all, this longan meat Qian Lina is going to be sold as a gift box, and its stand-alone price is set very high at the time of booking, but it can’t stand the soft grinding of the old ladies. In the end, Huang Fang and the others chose to buy dried longan.

After all, whether it is eaten as a Chinese New Year snack or made into various processed products, it can be stored for longer than fresh longan.

"Now we put the bread dough in the oven, and put a pot of hot water on the side to ferment the dough."

Although Ji Jiayan is teaching the old lady to make longan bread step by step, his thinking has spread far away.

After his grandmother brought back the dried longan yesterday, Ji Jiayan began to study this batch of dried longan. Its unique fragrance made Ji Jiayan feel novel. You should know that in the field of pastry, especially in the bread field, where the dried longan is actually used a lot of.

This is very similar to cinnamon. At present, cinnamon is often used with meat dishes in China, while it is used more in the field of pastry in foreign countries.

Ji Jiayan has a feeling that if this dried longan fragrance can be well integrated into the field of pastry, then his graduation design should have been completed.

The bread is doubled in a humid oven, and it should be ready for shape at this time.

"We simply divide the bread dough into four parts and put them in the oven for baking."

After this period of pastry training, the old lady looked at the grandchildren who had blown into the ball, and finally became more aware of health. Although there are no bad additives in the desserts she made, the butter white sugar contains a lot of calories. , Even adolescent children can't stand eating like this.

So the old ladies all responded that they wanted a healthy bread with less oil and sugar but still delicious.

Although this requirement is a bit high, but the healthy European bag can still meet the requirements of the old ladies. Coupled with the various Chinese fillings they learned before, the fans of bread in the baking classroom are increasing.

Today this bread is like this. It does not contain much sugar. The high-sweetness longan meat as a substitute for sugar can also bring enough sweetness to the bread.

Just according to the amount of longan meat used by the old ladies, the cost of this bread can directly catch up with the selling price of several Xufeng strawberry breads.

With the baking of the bread in the oven, the whole classroom began to permeate a unique fragrance of musk longan meat, with a smoked sweetness. After the fermentation of baker’s yeast, it merges with the butter to form a sweet and mellow The special taste.

"This batch of longan meat is the most expensive longan meat I bought, but it is also the most valuable one. Last night, my grandson ate a lot on the sofa by himself. If he were not afraid of him getting angry, he would have to eat the whole pot. eaten."

"Who can say no, let alone the kids can’t resist it, I couldn’t help but ate more than a dozen pieces yesterday. I originally thought that two catties of dried longan meat would be enough, but now it seems that I have to make up a few more catties. This is still forty days before the New Year!"

Whenever the baking classroom enters the stage of finished product baking, it is when the old ladies are chatting at home. Accompanied by this strong fragrance, the topics they discuss are naturally inseparable from the Kunyang longan meat.

It's just that the smell in this classroom is getting stronger and stronger today, and the old ladies can't help but open the windows to let them breathe. This breathable style is starting to be wrong.

The scent of longan buns began to drift towards the elementary school across the street from Jinlanzhihua. After the success of the baking classroom in the past two months, many children already knew where to find their grandmother and grandma, so the children who had just finished school followed With the fragrance, he rushed to the door of the baking classroom.

"Chong, I'm the first bread today!" The children's happiness is as simple as that. With a provocative sentence, many children who don't know the truth also flock to the door of the baking classroom.

When the old ladies came back to their senses, they saw a group of small faces squeezed into the classroom window, looking at the bread in their hands.

There are a few old ladies who have found their children from many small faces, some of them don't even know them, but the way they are waiting to be fed makes the old ladies quite unbearable.

"These kids must have come here smelling the smell, which shows that we have made this bread today."

"Grandma, these are my classmates, we're here to eat bread." Following Yang Lijun's grandson's words, the scene began to be a little, this is me..."

"Grandma, my classmates also..."

The old ladies have a look, come on! All know.

Whose grandson is not a grandson, forget it, just feed it together.

So the freshly baked bread was cut into small pieces. The children opened their mouths like young birds in the window, and the old ladies stuffed their mouths with bread one by one.

Many parents arrived at the school gate to pick up their children, but they were slow to see their children come out. Later, after being guided by the security master, they touched the door of the baking classroom and saw this dumbfounding scene.

"Mom, the bread made by Grandma Sun Zhenghao is so delicious, I still want to eat it!" Chen Guo was sitting in her mother's car, as if still reminiscing about the taste of the bread just now, the soft and warm bread, plus the mellow sweetness. Chen Guo had never eaten such delicious bread, but unfortunately he only got a small piece.

"Want to eat bread? Seeing that you got a good score today, I will reward you with a bread."

So Chen Guo's mother took her child to the shop where she used to buy bread, and chose a cheese bread that she loved most.

This little guy just took a bite and stopped eating.

"Isn't this your favorite bread? Why don't you eat it?"

"It's not as delicious as Grandma Sun Zhenghao, this bread is so tired, and it doesn't smell like that bread."

"You kid, what you rush to eat is delicious."

The longan buns in the baking classroom became famous in World War I. Afterwards, people from several surrounding bakeries came to ask if there were any longan buns, and the owner was baffled.

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