Three days passed in a flash, but the emperor was in a hurry at this time, because he had not yet found this place called "Wu Shendu". The imperial decree was issued yesterday, and the whole people are looking for it, but there is still no news.

Now he was sitting on pins and needles, sweating and anxious.

What he is thinking now is that those two must not come, and it may be his doom if they come. The Royal Library had a large collection of books. He mobilized the eunuchs, maids, and guards in the palace to search for it for three days, but he still didn't finish it.

"What should we do this time, those two must be saint-level masters, or god-level powerhouses, I can't afford to offend them, and I don't know where these two people came from."

Whizzing! !

I'm really afraid of what's coming. Ye Shengtian and Dongmenyu appeared in front of him again, and the emperor almost fainted when he saw them, he quickly stood up, "You two young masters, there are too many books in the Royal Library, I launched Everyone has not finished the page, and I also ask the two young masters to give me a little time."

"Waste! No wonder you can only be a puppet emperor in your life. If you can't handle even a trivial matter, what's the use of keeping you?"

Dongmenyu was about to kill the emperor, and the emperor's face immediately turned pale.


Ye Shengtian was a good man again and prevented Dongmen Yu from killing the emperor.

"What? Young Master Ye still wants to keep him?"

Ye Shengtian said: "It's useless to kill him, it's better to keep him."

"But what if I can't find Wushendu now?"

"Look, keep looking, there will definitely be many ancient books among the people, so if you go to issue the imperial list, if you say that anyone who knows Wushendu will be rewarded with 100,000 gold coins and a title, you will do it. , if you don't do it well, the deity won't be able to help you."

"Yes Yes."

The emperor nodded hurriedly.

Whizzing! !

Come and go without a trace.

Ye Shengtian and Dongmenyu disappeared again, and the emperor dared to stand up after they were sure to leave. He was a very useless emperor and was bullied everywhere, but for the sake of his life, he only had to do what he did.

For the first time, he was on the imperial list.

When the emperor list was posted on the streets, countless people attacked the bookstore for the first time, and it was really a show that Luoyang was expensive, but after seeing many bookstore owners, they closed the door tightly, did not do business, and did business at home. found.

When the nobles saw this imperial list, they laughed and didn't take it seriously. Only the common people would look for ancient books.

The value of ancient books is generally very high. Some ordinary people's homes are normal, but not too many. Most of the books are in the hands of nobles. Therefore, the emperor made an imperial list, saying that whoever can find it, he will give it to the earl. knighthood.

As a result, those nobles couldn't sit still, and they all joined in.

The entire empire is looking for ancient books, and this wind blows to other empires, causing a large flow of ancient books from other empires to the Rick Empire. The other emperors of the empire saw that the books of their empire were gradually lost, and they couldn't sit still. They hurriedly issued laws to prevent the loss of ancient books, but at the same time, the royal family was printing a large number of books and selling them to the Rick Empire.

Although these books are newly published, but the content is ancient, so they sell well. Those booksellers are not stupid, and they have seized business opportunities and made a grand slam.

As a result, many gold coins of the Rick Empire were lost, the economy was in crisis, and the empire was in dire straits.

At this time, many ministers and relatives of the royal family could not sit still, and asked the emperor to stop this absurd behavior in the morning. As an emperor, you can be absurd, but you can't defeat the empire. If this goes on, let alone other empires sending troops, I am afraid that there will be civil strife within the empire.

It's just that the emperor has his own difficulties, he can't say it, he can only go his own way.

Facing the emperor's insistence, many ministers shook their heads and sighed, but the Prime Minister laughed in his heart. City applauds.

Time passed in such a murky way for a week, but there was still no news at all. The emperor is in a hurry, the ministers of civil and military affairs are in a hurry, and the people are also in a hurry, but the surrounding empires are not in a hurry. They hope that this wind will become stronger and stronger.

All the books in the Royal Library have been rummaged through, but there is still no news, and now the hope is only on the people.

"Young Master Ye, do you think the emperor can really help us find it?"

The two of them strolled along the streets of the imperial capital.

"Young master of the East Gate, you are too anxious. Your impatience will make you lose your way. Don't be too anxious. We have time."

"But it's not a solution to always spend so much time. The people of Wutianmeng will know soon, and I guess they will send people to **** it."

"It's good that they know, if they help us find it, wouldn't it be better."

Ye Shengtian said.

"The mantis catching the cicada and the oriole is behind, Young Master Ye's trick is great, but I don't know when they will come?"

"They have come."

Suddenly, Ye Shengtian spoke astonishingly.

"What? Where are they?"

"Didn't you realize that someone was following us all the time? He should be someone from your Wutianmeng. Don't look back, let's go. Now all we have to do is wait and wait for them to take us there."

Dongmen Yu wanted to look back, but was stopped by Ye Shengtian.

Not far behind the two of them, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man has been following them. Although his realm is good, he is not a good stalker. When he put his eyes on Ye Shengtian, Ye Shengtian had already discovered him.

"When did you find him?"

Dongmen Yu asked.

Ye Shengtian said: "When I first went out."

"Then shall we go to the palace now?"


The two came to the back of the palace and disappeared where they were. After the two disappeared, the middle-aged man came to the place where they disappeared, looked around, and found no trace, so he turned his eyes to the palace, looked at the palace twice before leaving.

After he left, Ye Shengtian and Dongmenyu appeared again.

"You brought him here on purpose to let him know that we asked the emperor to find it."

"It's not easy for them. They will find out where we are as soon as they come, so let them find it. Let them perform slowly while we sit on the sidelines."

"Then can we get in now?"

"Does it make sense to go in now?"

" doesn't make sense."

The two smiled at each other and left.

In the inn where Ye Shengtian and the others were staying, in the upper room, a young man in a white dress was sitting on the bed with his eyes closed, and the person standing beside the bed was following Ye Shengtian and Dongmen just now. Yu's middle-aged man.

"Reporting to the master, as soon as they left the inn, they went to the palace. The subordinates didn't follow them, but according to the subordinates' guess, the place called Wushendu that the emperor was looking for should be the place to hide the treasure."

The middle-aged man is making a report.

"There are also subordinates who have inquired that this empire is called Rick. The one in power is not the emperor, but the prime minister. We can order him to find it."

The middle-aged man saw that his master didn't say a word, so he continued.

"Then go soon."

Finally the young man spoke.


Soon, the Prime Minister's Mansion was fully operational, and he began to look for this place called Wushendu.

The order of the entire Rick Empire was in chaos, and many officials went to the bookstore to grab books and complained. Fortunately, the government was still very powerful, and this matter was quickly suppressed.

a month later.

"Haha..." A young man from a small city suddenly shouted with an ancient book in his hand, "Wushendu, I finally found it, haha, I want to be a nobleman, and finally let me stand out. , I want to marry an eighteen-bedroom wife, build a luxurious compound, and raise countless maids and concubines..."


At this moment, his voice stopped abruptly, and he screamed.


Three feet of blood spattered.

I saw that his neck was cut off, blood was dripping all over the floor, and the ancient book in his hand was in the hands of an old man. As soon as the old man got his hands, he couldn't wait to turn it over. When he saw the three words Wushendu, he immediately laughed, "The old man finally has a bright future."


Just as he was about to leave, an icy sword pierced his abdomen, and the ancient book in his hand came into the hands of a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man looked at the dead old man and snorted coldly, "Stupid guy, you can't escape in time to get the baby."

As soon as he got the ancient book, the middle-aged man didn't even read it, but chose to leave as soon as possible.

Soon the news that Wushendu was found was sent back to the imperial capital, and the situation resurfaced for a while, and all forces were ready to **** it. The title of an earl is very attractive, and no force can refuse it, and the Prime Minister's Mansion even bought it with one million gold coins, so it's no wonder they can sit still.

The spies from the royal family and the Prime Minister's Mansion all acted, and spies from other forces rushed to the small city one after another. In fact, everyone knows that this ancient book can never be given to the government, but can only be sent to the imperial capital in person. Therefore, although the ancient book has changed hands several times, the ultimate purpose is to send it to the imperial capital.

Checkpoints were set up in each No matter how powerful the Empire's spies were, they still couldn't find the holder of this ancient book, and a week later, this ancient book was easily brought in by one person. imperial capital. I saw that this person was an old man from the countryside, very down and out, with a stench of sweat on his body, carrying a basket on his back, and walked into the prosperous imperial capital effortlessly.

After the old man successfully entered the city, he walked into a remote corner and quickly changed his clothes. In an instant, he turned into a scholar with a folding fan in his hand.

"Heh, the officers and soldiers of the imperial capital are really rice buckets, and I have not easily sneaked in. Now it is definitely not possible to secretly hand them over to the emperor. Maybe the emperor will not keep his promise. I have to build a momentum first. Everyone knows that the ancient book has arrived in the imperial capital. And it will be handed over to the emperor the day after tomorrow, so that the people of the imperial capital will definitely come to watch it, and at this time, hand it over to the emperor, and he should not break his promise."

PS: Recently, I found that some typos in the previous article were not detected in time. Nongyue hereby apologizes to everyone. In fact, before posting an article, Nongyue will spend a few minutes reading it, just to find typos, but it still cannot be completely eliminated. This is a mistake of Nongyue, and Nongyue will pay attention to it in the future.

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