Anomalous Collector

Chapter 693: Kowtow to Uncle 9

Above that chariot, the man's voice with mighty power surged in all directions, as if resounding in everyone's hearts at the same time.

Everyone present, when they heard this voice, felt as if they were facing an endlessly brutal and tyrannical deity.

They have already fully understood in their hearts, and they don't need any proof at all. In front of them is the big shepherd collector of the Cleaning Association.

This is a man like a god!

No one dared to say anything for the other party to prove. Because they can't move at all. Of course, even if they were free now, no one would dare to mention a word.

This is tantamount to seeking death.

No matter how arrogant they are, they understand the horror between life and death.

What really shocked everyone present was that the patriarch collector of the Cleaning Association actually came to the Sun family mansion to congratulate the old man on his birthday.

This shows what? Could it be that everything Sun Hetian said before is true, and he is also the Patriarch of the Eastern Pastoral Area of ​​the Cleaning Association?

When a group of people were restless, they saw Lao Sun bowing deeply to the god-like existence above the cloth and saying:

"Sir... Thank you for coming to our Sun's house to celebrate the old man's birthday, I..."

While speaking, Lao Sun's tears had already fallen.

How could he not understand what was going on.

This is obviously because His Majesty the Patriarch knew that he was going back to his hometown today, that his grandson was clumsy, and that he was afraid that he would get angry, so he came to support him!

Otherwise, I really don't know how to end today's events. After all, his grandson can't really be on the grandfather's birthday banquet. .

Or the adults are caring for his grandson and protect the calf!

Thinking of this, Lao Sun's tears fell down unsatisfactorily.

How can his old grandson He De be...

Then he said to Li Fan with a choked sobs:

"Your Majesty the Patriarch, this... this is the patriarch."

Then he said to Sun Changhe:

"Grandpa, this is the patriarch of our cleaning association, the collector!"

Li Fan was sitting on the chariot at this moment, wondering for a while.

What's up with the grandson? Getting emotional easily when you get older?

I just came to the Sun's house to look for the stone tablet related to the master of the prison. Knowing that the grandfather's birthday, I brought him over to congratulate him. It looks good. Our cleaning association is also a big company with a corporate culture and a human touch. group.

As for kowtowing and crying like this?

Then he saw Sun Changhe trembling all over his body at this time, and bowed to Li Fan, who was above the chariot, and said respectfully:

"In the face of the gods, the old man does not dare to call his birthday... The youngest second child, He De He Neng, can trouble his majesty, and I am extremely frightened..."

Sun Changhe can be regarded as a person who has seen the big world. He has experienced all kinds of storms and waves in his life. It is only when he sees the collector in front of him that he understands what a real **** looks like!

That endless coercion also made him understand why the Cleansing Association could become the strongest Awakened organization in the world.

The most fundamental reason has nothing to do with welfare benefits at all, everything is because of the great strength of this patriarch collector!

Recently, due to the policy adjustment of the General Bureau of Abnormalities, there have been some old shrines and the like. Sun Changhe has also been there before, and he was not so shocked. In his opinion, the gods in those shrines are just some powerful ones. The Awakened.

The divine might exuded by the collectors in front of them is completely different! That's real power, real fear!

Compared with a truly powerful god, the Sun Family, the Abnormal Bureau, and various organizations are not worth mentioning at all.

The mighty Sun family is nothing but a nest of mighty ants.

Thinking of this, Sun Changhe made a quick decision.

The Sun family has been betting long and putting eggs in different baskets for a long time, but that is because there has been no abnormality before, and the gap between people is not that big.

And now facing this powerful collector, this true god, the Sun family must seize the opportunity.

In other words, if this opportunity is not grasped, it must be grasped, otherwise no one knows whether the collector in front of him will be provoked because the Sun family is not respectful and knowledgeable.

Suddenly wanting to understand all this, Sun Changhe continued:

"The old man still has an unkind request, I hope your majesty can agree."

Everyone present was shocked at this time.

All of them can feel the endless murderous aura from the terrifying divine power released by the collector, and they seem to have become a speck of dust, and they also understand that the other party has far exceeded the scope of mortals.

Sun Changhe even dared to ask the collectors, wouldn't that mean that the old birthday star had a long life by hanging himself! ?

The old grandson was also a little dazed in his heart, not knowing what the ancestor was going to do.

The man above the chariot looked at Sun Changhe and said:


Just listen to Sun Changhe say:

"Sun Changhe wants to lead my Sun family. From today onwards, the whole family joins the cleaning association and becomes a member of the association. From then on, only the patriarch will lead the way, and His Majesty Wanwang agrees! The position of the patriarch of my Sun family, from today on, will also be It was uploaded from me to Xiao Jiu, and since then, Xiao Jiu has been in charge of the entire Sun family."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked again, but they all understood in an instant that this was a last resort.

Sun Hetian has become the Eastern Patriarch of the Cleaning Association. With this status, it can be said that the Sun family is the most powerful one.

With the power of the Cleansing Association to almost swallow up every Awakened organization in the world, and even many small and medium-sized countries, it was only a matter of time before it came to Zhongzhou.

Otherwise why would the patriarch collector come to Zhongzhou? Did he really come here to celebrate Sun Changhe's birthday? Ghosts don't believe it!

Once the entire Sun family is in the arms of the Cleaning Association, it is only logical that Sun Hetian is in charge of the Sun family.

Sun Changhe did it right.

The old Sun looked at Sun Changhe at this time and said:

"Grandpa, our Sun family should join the association, but this patriarch's position..."

Just listen to the collector above the chariot with a slight smile:

"That's right."

Then he looked at Sun Changhe, and said slowly in that hoarse and terrifying voice:

"The Sun family deserves to be an aristocratic family that has lasted for hundreds of years. Even if the children and grandchildren are unworthy, the vision of the person at the helm is indeed far-reaching."

Sun Changhe breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved, realizing that the Sun family had passed the test.

And not only to pass the test, but in the future, with Sun Hetian, the Patriarch of the Cleaning Association, as the head of the family, the entire Sun family will only prosper.

Originally, he heard that the Lord of the Abyss is coming, but Sun Changhe still didn't believe it, but after seeing the collector, he already understood that this was absolutely true.

Holding the collector's thigh is equivalent to holding the thigh of the true god!

Immediately afterwards, Sun Changhe said respectfully:

"Thanks to the great patriarch for his kindness! The true **** is in front of him, and it is not polite. My Sun family has some things of the old gods in my possession. I don't know if they are true or not.

Said and made a "please" action.

The existence above the chariot nodded slightly, and everyone only saw a light and shadow. The next moment, the collector and Sun Changhe had disappeared.

The terrifying divine might that shrouded everything in this hall and made everyone unable to move at all, disappeared together at this time.

The Sun family and all the guests suddenly regained their freedom at this time, and all looked at Sun Hetian with amazement on their faces.

Originally, in their eyes, Lao Sun was like an old farmer who came from nowhere. He was disheveled and looked very down.

It's just that in their eyes at this time, it instantly turned into an unpredictable and unfathomable image.

The other party is really the Patriarch of the Eastern Pastoral Area of ​​the Cleaning Association! The real high authority, in the cleaning association, one person is below ten thousand people!

Many people thought that they had even made a mockery of Lao Sun, the Patriarch of the East, and they couldn't help turning pale and sweating.

Sun Zheng tried his best to squeeze out the brightest smile at this said to Lao Sun:

"Xiao Jiu, you have achieved extraordinary achievements now, the uncle is really happy for you! Jiu brother can also smile, Xiao..."

The old Sun was expressionless and looked at Sun Zheng lightly.

Sun Zheng immediately made a sudden realization, clapped his hands and said:

"Patriarch, it's the patriarch! Xiao Jiu is not something I can call, I... I'm confused... Patriarch, our whole clan is here, please... Please teach me!"

Then he waved to the younger generation of his own group, and said like an old hen driving away chicks:

"Come on, you imbeciles, don't hurry up and kowtow to your ninth uncle!"

(End of this chapter)

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