Anomalous Collector

Chapter 103: From behind the scenes to the front

Text Chapter 103 From behind the scenes to the front

Hearing Zhao Yifeng's words, the entire venue suddenly became quiet, and then the senior officials of the Southwest Bureau present roared with laughter.

The colleagues in the Northwest Bureau, Southeast Bureau and other fraternal departments who had been so leisurely and even had some arrogance on their faces, although there were smiles on their faces at this time, they couldn't hold back.

Although they also understand that digging the foot of the wall is offensive, but the people in the Southwest Bureau would be rude to do so.

A middle-aged man who looked gentle and graceful helped his glasses and said:

"Zhao Bureau, what does this mean? Does the night watchman still have the establishment of the Southwest Bureau? Everyone's purpose is for the safety of the masses, even if you don't want to, you should not laugh at it. Besides, if the night watchman really joins If there is an abnormal situation, then you should follow the instructions of the General Administration and obey the organization and arrangements."

This is Chang Qingdong, deputy director of the Southeast Bureau.

Zhao Yifeng shook his head slightly and said:

"Director Chang, I don't know where you heard the news about the existence of the night watchman, so I hurried over to ask for someone, but our Southeast Bureau really didn't count this matter."

Chang Qingdong frowned and said:

"Of course, I still have to listen to the night watchman's own thoughts. Isn't he not there today? I think that although this is a high-level meeting, he still has to participate in it. After all, I have to listen to my wishes."

Du Yulong, the director of the Deep City Anomaly Bureau, nodded and said:

"Yes, you can rest assured that our deep city will never treat the night watchman badly. The resources that should be given must be adequate. Even if the resources that should not be given, it is not impossible to negotiate. Besides, with his ability, it is still international. Big cities can stretch their hands and feet better."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Southwest Bureau below curled their lips and sneered at Du Yulong.

Is an international metropolis amazing?

Although it is really amazing, the fungus here is delicious!

Zhao Yifeng said:

"I know you want to talk to the night watchman in private, as long as you can find him, just talk freely, I won't stop."

Hearing this, Chang Qingdong frowned and said:

"Old Zhao, listen to what you mean, don't you have an effective long-term relationship with the night watchman? In other words, he is still an uncontrollable independent awakener? And he is an awakener who can affect a city! ?"

The guests from several other units also showed incredible expressions.

A few others showed deep worries.

Du Yulong frowned and said:

"Zhao Ju, if this is the case, it is very serious. A powerful awakened person who is completely uncontrollable. When he leans towards justice, he can say that if there is a problem with his emotions, it will cause irreversible problems. Disaster! We must concentrate our efforts to find him, restrain him in various ways, and make him controllable!"

"What disaster?" Zhao Yifeng's face sank, and said: "The night watchman has protected Kuncheng from two large-scale anomalous infections in a row! This is our own hero in Kuncheng! As for the bondage, do you want to put it on him? No electronic collar?"

Chang Qingdong yelled:

"Lao Zhao, you are a typical reckless habit! Your Southwest Bureau is simply messing around. Who is responsible if something goes wrong?"

Lang Liang, the director of the Northwest Bureau next to him, also joined the battle group:

"I think the environment of our Northwest Bureau is the most suitable for night watchmen. We are not only facing ordinary anomalies, but also various radical forces from the Middle East and Central Asia..."

Zhao Yifeng sarcastically said:

"Yes, whoever thinks can persuade the night watchman to find him out by himself, I thank you for the Southwest Bureau."

"No, Lao Zhao, what is your attitude?"

"What's my attitude? You always think about it for yourself. If I go to your Southeast Bureau to dig up the Putuo Monk, how do you react?"

"I will choke you to death for the crowd."


There was a lot of noise in the conference hall. At this time, it was a small-scale meeting with the high-level presence. Instead, everyone was completely torn apart.

Zhao Yifeng had the home court advantage, and his colleagues in several other brother units were irritated by a few words.

The man in the black combat uniform who had been squinting and smiling all the time took a sip of the tea in the teacup, then looked at the people in the Southwest Bureau and said:

"This is the second time I have come to our Southwest Bureau. Let me introduce myself again. I am Pan Lin, the captain of the Special Operations Team of the General Administration. Zhao Bureau, Standing Bureau, leaders, don't hurt your peace..."

"Regarding the issue of the night watchman, the Zhao Bureau has already reported it to the General Administration, and it has been affirmed by the General Administration team."

"The psychological portraits taken after the handling of these two major abnormal incidents show that the night watchman himself is righteous. Since the night watchman does not want to show up, there is no reason to force him to show up."

"As for the general bureau's worry that the night watchman will lose control, the General Administration is also prepared for this. It has approved the Tianjian system to enter a stressful state at any time. You can rest assured."

Hearing this, Chang Qingdong and the others couldn't help but take a breath, and stopped talking for a moment.

They naturally understood that the Heavenly Sword system was regarded as the killer of the General Bureau of the Anomaly Bureau, and even the Night Watchman could not contend.

After resolving these leaders' quarrels, Pan Lin continued smilingly and said:

"Today's meeting, my purpose is not the same as everyone. Recently, the General Administration has just convened an internal meeting. I need to convey the spirit of the meeting."

As he said, clicking the mouse in his hand, several icons and a global map appeared on the big screen in front of him.

This map is not the same as the general world map. At this time, many red dots are marked in various places.

Pan Lin said:

"This is a picture of the historical outbreak of global anomalies five years ago. You can see that since the first recorded anomalous event broke out more than ten years ago, until a year ago, there have been a total of thousands of abnormal events worldwide. Infection incident."

Everyone at the scene nodded slightly, thousands of years, more than ten years, spread to each country and each year, in fact, it can be said that there are very few.

It is hard to compare with daily murders, car accidents and other disasters.

Pan Lin then clicked the mouse, and the pattern changed again. This time, there were a lot more red dots around the world, several times more.

"This is a map of the historical outbreak of global abnormal events two years ago. The number of recorded abnormal infections has reached tens of thousands from several thousand. In just three years, the number of abnormal events has exceeded the past hundreds of years."

The pattern changed again. This time, the entire world map was densely packed with small red dots everywhere.

There are so many red spots in some places that they have turned black.

From the map, it can be clearly seen that some places are densely packed with anomalous events, and the global anomaly events are distributed in strips and clumps.

Even in the original north and south poles, many red dots appeared, indicating abnormal events.

The total is at least three to fifty thousand.

"This is the total number of global anomalies a year ago, probably more than 32,000. In two years, it has more than doubled."

With Pan Lin's voice, the atmosphere in the venue gradually became serious.

As members of the Anomaly Bureau, everyone here naturally understands what this means.

Then the pattern changed again. This time, the red dots on the entire world map were densely packed, and dozens of black areas appeared!

Among them, there is Kuncheng.

Pan Lin's complexion was solemn, and he said:

"This is the record of global abnormal events as of yesterday. The total number has exceeded 80,000, and it is still rising. What is more serious is that there have been some fusion points between the abyss and reality. This time, Mashan Kangyang in Kuncheng The hospital incident is just one case. At that time, the support force of the abnormal bureau could not enter the scene, mainly because of the abyss projection!"

Although some relevant information had been learned before, everyone in the audience looked solemn in an instant when they heard what Pan Lin said.

Unexpectedly, the matter has become so serious.

Pan Lin continued:

"Originally, the above attitude towards exception handling was to keep it confidential as much as possible, including the existence of anomalous bureaus, which is also a semi-secret state. However, the current abnormal incidents have risen to the point where the whole society is required to co-defense, and the officials of some countries have directly The existence of the anomaly has been announced, coupled with the fact that relevant information has already been circulating on the Internet, so we are not going to continue to cover the cover, and we will open it to the public next."

In the past when there were few abnormal events, in order to prevent social panic, it is necessary to keep a low profile and mystery.

Now that there are more and more large-scale abnormal incidents, it is useless to rely solely on blocking news.

On the contrary, it is easier to cause rumors and panic.

It is better to make such an institution completely open to the public, and let everyone feel that the government has been fully prepared for a long time, and can feel at ease amidst the drastic changes in the world.

Everyone present nodded slightly.

This is also the preplan that had been made since the establishment of the Exception Bureau, but no one had expected that this day would come so quickly.

I originally thought that it would not even be made public until a hundred years later.

Of course, it is not directly announcing the existence of anomalies and anomalies on the Internet, but using the National Academy of Sciences as the mouthpiece to gradually announce the existence of anomalies.

Then announce the existence of the exception handling bureau.

There is a buffering process.

Pan Lin immediately announced another news, that is, the entire abnormal bureau system is going to be expanded on a large scale.

At least double the establishment on the original basis, and then select elites through military transfers, police transfers, and social recruitment.

Finally, it is necessary to increase the management functions of the Exception Bureau and relax the power of law enforcement.

Hearing these contents, whether it was the people in the Southwest Bureau or the few people who happened to attend the meeting from other bureaus, all the eyes flashed with eagerness.

The identity has been changed from semi-public to public, and at the same time it has expanded the number of additional staff, relaxed management functions and law enforcement powers. The significance here is too Apart from anything else, the status of the abnormal bureau in the entire society Will be greatly improved!

People are selfish, even if everyone in the abnormal situation, especially the people in the front-line department, are working with their heads on their heads, they also hope to work more conveniently and quickly.

Less obstacles.

Pan Lin seemed to see through what everyone was thinking, and said with a smile:

"Of course, there is a prerequisite for this. We must continue to strengthen supervision. Everyone understands..."


In the anatomy department, seeing that Li Fan was so motivated, he recruited his subordinates on the spot, and they were all young backbones in each office. Wu Qian was so happy to bubbling.

Although the newly established departments are still in charge of abnormal investigations, they are still in the anatomy department.

In the future, Li Fan's meritorious service is equivalent to the merits of the Anatomy Department, and his director is also well-directed.

What a good boy, he's motivated.

Now said to Li Fan:

"Fan, although there is no public announcement yet, the shelf we are at has already been set up. In fact, you can directly investigate related anomalies now. In this way, before other subordinates are in place, let Ke Ke cooperate with you. "

Then he handed Li Fan a document and said:

"This is a case file brought from the command center. The reporter is my friend. This case is definitely easy to solve. You hurry up to study and study. You can take Ke Ke to investigate and investigate when you go to work tomorrow. It is a good start!"

Is this the beginning?

When Li Fan opened the cover, the first thing that caught his eye was a pretty picture.

Scratching her head and posing, she is a young woman.


(The second one is at night, ask for [monthly ticket])

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