Mercury Lamp looked tenderly at Fenghua Xiaoxue in front of him, and his tone was full of rare warmth. She rarely looks like this, especially when talking to people.

Hidan, who was standing next to him, took a step back as if he was feeling a little uncomfortable. He had to admit that the mercury lamp made him feel quite bad at this moment. He usually didn't dislike Mercury Lamp's arrogant and confident attitude, but at this moment, Mercury Lamp's clearly gentle and gentle demeanor made him feel an indescribable chill.

On the other hand, Kakuzu next to him seemed quite satisfied. The tall rebel ninja with his arms folded looked at the interaction between Mercury Lantern and Fenghua Koyuki with admiration, his eyes half admiring and half proud.

"Really? Then let me see. I really haven't done anything interesting recently."

Without any denial at all, Fenghua Xiaoxue just yawned, then raised her hand slightly to signal the mercury lamp to do its own thing.

"Then, bring His Majesty the Daimyo's chariot in, and be careful with your movements."

Nodding, the mercury lamp signaled the servants who were carrying the chariot to get up, and then stepped into a psychic array on the ground. This magic array is generally used to summon psychic beasts from a distance, but in terms of its deeper nature, , it should be regarded as a means of space transmission. After possessing the Samsara Eye, Mercury Lamp has been able to use this time and space ninjutsu very skillfully.

As the light of the magic array flickered, the personnel and units standing on the magic array suddenly brightened up. They had left the originally gloomy Snow Ninja Village and came to a wonderful area.

"This is?"

Although she was very lazy now, Fenghua Xiaoxue still subconsciously propped up half of her body on the chariot, and then looked at everything around her.

There is no doubt that this is a floating island that is not too big, but what surrounds it is not sea water or ice, but the same white but essentially different clouds. In short, this is a land floating in mid-air!

"Because of His Majesty's tolerance, the Snow Ninja Village has made some new discoveries recently. Moreover, this kind of land of gods floating in the air is more suitable for His Majesty's majesty, isn't it?"

The figure of the mercury lamp was also teleported from the magic circle, and she looked around, with a sense of pride in her eyes.

There is no doubt that this is the ability of the Earth Explosion Star in the Samsara Eye, but the mercury lamp does not need to be used to seal anything, but purely relies on it to send a large enough floating island to the clouds in the sky. Then a psychic formation for communication was left between the floating island and the Snow Ninja Village, forming a 'place of gods' like this.

"Really? You are really serious... Then, just build a new palace here. I think... this way it will not hinder your affairs on the ground at all."

As if she was mocking or mocking herself, Fenghua Xiaoxue lay back on the beautiful mattress of the carriage again. It was obvious that she no longer wanted to say anything more, and there was nothing she needed to do on her own. .

As for Fenghua Xiaoxue's words, Huiyin Deng was not angry at all. On the contrary, the tenderness in her eyes was even more.

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

"I guarantee that the five major countries will soon fall into decline, and by then our Snow Country will be able to become the pillar of the world. Your name will definitely be remembered by future generations forever."

"I promise."

(PS1: I didn’t feel very well last night, so I’m updating now~~Please forgive me~~)

(PS2: Oh~ I really like obedient children like Fenghua Xiaoxue~ I must praise her as a goddess~0

The ultimate method of domination

"Well, this is a rare feeling of relaxation. Once the daimyo officially moves to the sky, there will no longer be any eyesore in this country."

Kakuzu took a rare opportunity to pick up a wine bowl from the side table, then lifted his mask and drank it all in one gulp. Because the smell of alcohol can easily reveal the position of a ninja, the prohibition of drinking is a quite common ninja commandment. As a person who implements the ninja commandments almost to his bones, Kakuzu's behavior of drinking clearly proves that he is in the right mood. At the peak of excitement.

"Pfft hahaha, a country truly controlled by us, the Evil God should also be very happy."

Hidan on one side also smiled heartlessly. Even though he was not very interested in so-called construction and making money, being able to see a country truly dominated by ninjas still made Hidan, who was born to pursue rebellion, feel Very satisfied.

Because of the passing on of family members and blood classes, ninjas have always been just lackeys of the daimyo and other noble classes. Even if there is something like a ninja village, it is just a larger kennel. Everyone knows that only by completely controlling a country can we maximize the use of resources, but due to the cultural inertia of this world, no ninja has been able to succeed until now.

But now, the country of snow has obviously reached such a situation. Mercury Lamp's cunning methods and strong strength made Fenghua Xiaoxue finally give up resistance in despair, and her sense of resistance and fighting spirit were also consumed in the luxurious environment of boiling a frog in warm water. Yes, as the orthodox daimyo of the Land of Snow, Fenghua Koyuki can indeed summon up a group of samurai who are loyal to her, and then declare the Mercury Lantern and other snow ninjas as a rebellion, even letting the five major countries know clearly. this matter.

But what is the result of doing this?

It is true that Mercury Lantern and other snow ninjas will be wanted by the five major countries, and there may even be troops coming to attack them. The most likely result is that Mercury Lamp and others are forced to abandon their stronghold in the Kingdom of Snow and move to other locations. But what does it mean to the country of snow, and even Fenghua Xiaoxue?

The simplest result is that Fenghua Xiaoxue and her country of snow will truly disappear. On the surface, Mercury Lamp is indeed a person who likes trading and negotiation, but on the inside, she is definitely a ruthless thug. If you try to stop her, maybe she won't be ruthless, because without resistance, you can't prove the value of success. But if it was a betrayal, what she was most willing to do was to completely let those things of betrayal disappear before rethinking whether she had made any mistakes.

It is not necessary to wipe out all the enemies, but the traitors must die.

Even with the most optimistic view, Mercury Lamp reluctantly gave up on the Snow Country, but can the Snow Country be stable like this? The answer is no. As a person who has been wandering in the world for more than ten years, Fenghua Xiaoxue has rich social understanding. The unique topography of the Snow Kingdom makes it impossible for it to be included in the system of the five major countries. Therefore, in line with the aristocratic regulations that everyone should share in the benefits, the most likely possibility is that the Snow Kingdom will be divided among the five major countries. It would be good if it was an agreement on the surface. What I am afraid of is that these countries are playing dirty tricks. On the surface, they promised not to interfere in the internal affairs of the Snow Country, but secretly they manipulated some rebel ninjas or bandits to seize the Snow Country. The country uses this method to suck blood endlessly from within the country of snow without taking any explicit responsibility.

As a ruler, Fenghua Xiaoxue did consider the consequences of expelling the mercury lamp, and she did carefully compare her ability to maneuver among the five major countries to gain backers. However, in the end, her answers were all quite gloomy without exception. .

Either rely on mercury lamps, or rely on those five greedy countries. Since we have to rely on one side, after comparing which of the two has contributed more to the Snow Country, the answer to this question is no longer worth thinking about.

In fact, after seeing the mercury lamp, a divine power that could suspend the entire continent in mid-air, Fenghua Xiaoxue also felt that she could completely let go of this mental burden.

It's not that she's unwilling to work hard, it's that the opponent's power has reached a point where mortals shouldn't disobey him at all. Any mortal ruler in her position would no longer have any reason to accuse her.

Fenghua Xiaoxue's acceptance also made the other nobles who followed her no longer resist. It is conceivable that after they moved into the island of gods in the sky with Fenghua Xiaoxue, the entire Snow Country The country's political power will completely fall into the hands of the ruling class of Snow Ninja Village, or to put it simply, it will fall into the hands of the Akatsuki organization that currently controls Snow Ninja Village.

A country truly dominated by ninjas, which is why both Kakuzu and Hidan feel proud and happy. Although the Rain Hidden Village was also under the control of the Akatsuki organization before, the Rain Hidden Village was just a village after all, and it could not compare with the Snow Country in terms of territorial area or class perfection. Similarly, in the Kingdom of Waves, although the "Princess Water Mirror" fabricated by mercury lamps came to rule it, the daily administration and management still fell to the old aristocratic class.

"The construction and facilities of the palace must be arranged in the most luxurious manner, and the supply of supplies must be of the best quality. Record this order, and you must abide by it as long as the Land of Snow and the Snow Ninja Village still exist."

Compared to Kakuzu and Hidan who were full of joy, Mercury Lantern was quite calm. Scorpio and Deidara's mission had been completed, and there was no need to worry about the outcome of the Five Kage Conference. Among the five major countries, even the most arrogant Yunyin would never want to provoke a few harmless ninjas, especially when the average strength of these ninjas is Chaoying.

"Hmm? Is it necessary?"

Hidan blinked in confusion. In his opinion, Fenghua Koyuki and other nobles from the Land of Snow were already prisoners who had failed in the struggle, but the place of imprisonment was not a dungeon but a real "sky prison". Such people Providing food and drink to keep it alive is already the greatest kindness, so why bother to please and respect it as before?

"Of course, what I want to tell them is that it is neither shameful nor terrible to admit defeat in front of us. Even if they die, they will only die in a warm and cozy nest. And if they resist, well, I can only 'spare them alive'."

Seeing Mercury Lantern's noncommittal response to Hidan's question, Kakuzu nodded: "Okay, I will carry out this order. Anyway, compared to this country, there is still no shortage of change for raising some pets."

"Very good, then I'll leave you with the rest. I'll leave for now."

I am still very confident about Kakuzu's ability. The long enough lifespan has made this ninja truly become a monster-like existence in human society. When Payne was still alive, the offline activities and fund preparations organized by Akatsuki were all It's all handled by Kakuzu, so there's no need to worry about management ability.

Let Fenghua Xiaoxue and other high-level nobles of the Snow Country become "Heavenly People". This has been Mercury Lamp's idea for a long time. She doesn't mind spending a lot of money every year to raise these nobles. Anyway, humans are such creatures. After all, there is a need for a 'leader' class. Instead of letting the people who are full and have nothing to do think about things, it is better to let them clearly know that they have a leader class.

But the role of force is reciprocal, and the same is true for 'dominance'. The dominance exerted on the people will lead to natural rebellion and dissatisfaction. When these resistances accumulate to a certain extent, they will cause subversive outbreaks and eventually lead to the replacement of leadership. This is exactly the process that countless feudal dynasties have gone through.

Therefore, the mercury lamp has long learned the method of "borrowing force from objects", which is like using a whip to hit a rock. The rebound of the rock from the blow will only act on the whip, but cannot harm the person holding the whip. As long as her rule is in the name of Fenghua Xiaoxue, the accumulated dissatisfaction of the people will only eventually be fed back to Fenghua Xiaoxue and other nobles.

In this way, even if there may be unpredictable drastic changes in the future that cause public resentment to boil, the most likely possibility is that Mercury Lamp will use the original "Heavenly Man" sacrificial flag to quell the public resentment, and then select a new Heavenly Man to continue to be her tool.

There is no doubt that this should be the ideal method favored by most of the masterminds behind the scenes. The only difficulty is: how to create such a situation.

"The Country of Snow is only a small country after all, and it won't be difficult to deal with it. However, at least there is a successful case, and I will have experience in dealing with the Country of Fire and even other countries in the future."

Talking to himself, he returned to Konoha Village. Hinata's time calculation was very accurate. It was almost time for the Five Kage Conference to start again. As a conference involving five large-scale ninja villages, when there was no clear result, It cannot be ended hastily.

After Sunagakure Village and Iwagakure Village have obtained their respective new information, the safety of the Akatsuki organization of the Mercury Lantern series should be worry-free. So, the last remaining question is: can the Ninja Alliance achieve it this time?

Fundamentally, this is the best opportunity to gather all the available forces of the five ninja villages at once. As long as this coalition army suffers a devastating blow, it means that the entire ninja community in the ninja world is basically finished. Such serious consequences cannot be considered carefully by the Five Shadows.

(PS1: Well...this is the final plan of Mercury Lamp, to promote a small number of nobles as so-called 'Heavenly People', and then actually control the world. Even if there is a so-called 'Warrior', her position should be It's a 'friendly NPC' that provides BOSS information. I feel like the person behind this is the most terrifying existence.)

Correct meeting format

"What? Did you get information personally sent by members of the Akatsuki organization?"

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